Convince me to buy a PS4...

Convince me to buy a PS4. I'm on the fucking edge of buying one right now and I just need somebody to either push me over it or hold me back.

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all you need

Better upgrade you PC m8

Wait for the PS4.5

Or better yet, wait for the PS5 :^)

If you're even considering it then you need to fuck off to neofag.

Do you want one? if so yes. If not no

You shouldn't let Sup Forums make your decisions for you

>Not waiting for the PS 4.9

Why would you buy one now when the 4.5 is going to be announced.

Don't buy one. An average PC gives you the same performance while being much more flexible. And with rumors of an upgraded version possibly coming out later this year you don't want to be caught out having just spent a lot of money on an inferior product.

>he says while Nvidia are about to release their new line of cards and begin gimping their older ones

No, don't buy one. Why would you? Most games are multiplats it has NO REAL EXCLUSIVES.

But PC on the other hand... you can almost emulate every game, play all games of the last decade, and don't forget high quality pc exclusives like Undertale. You also have the choice of your input device (keyboard, controller, you know what I mean).

Just wait for Pascal and build a 500$ PC that will blow away every console on the market

Bloodborne, uncharted, nioh, weeb games, other old first party Sony games that could come back, 3rd party developer favor, doubles as a media machine for your big screen tv

Name 5 games you want for it

Bloodborne is the best game I've played in years.

and this is coming from a former Nintendrone

Was going to, but I've already done that twice and I'm starting to regret it. There's just nothing worthwhile and I've realized I'm not the graphics whore I thought I was.

I don't have a 4k tv and probably won't for a long time.

Why are PC owners always trying to convert people?

Unless you would really like the few exclusives it has, you're much better off getting a PC

They're cultists

Basically the Jehovah's witnesses of the video game industry.

They feel insecure

Either buy used or wait until E3. I paid $280 for mine with a game and don't regret it.

Kind of hard to convince someone on a fucking video game board to buy a video game system, though. I mean, you should know every reason I could possibly list or else why are you here?

I wasn't the biggest fan of Dark Souls. Is this one any different?

I'm assuming you're a grown ass man that can make his own decisions

Not him but it was the game I got mentioned here If Souls doesn't already blow your dick off and you know it, BB won't change that. same happened to me. Fine game, but it didn't make me sit back and think "the PS4 is worth it for this experience right here".

Any of your close friends have one? If so, you can share accounts with them and share the payment of the games. We got Destiny with all the expansions for 15$ each for example .

That will be all

I love how sincere this post is but then he just throws in undertale for b8

>I don't have a 4k tv
4K support isn't the only reason to wait for it, it'll be more powerful and should therefore allow better performance all round.

This is only game you'll need, user. Trust me.
Or see yourself

The only reason to buy a PS4 is to play multiplats at a better resolution, and sometimes even at a better framerate.
I'd say stick to PC, however your tastes are different than mine, so it's entirely up to you.

>I'm on the fucking edge of buying one right now
It would help if you told us what exactly you want to buy it for?

>Buying a PS4 or Xbox One literally months before the upgrades are out
Nobody can be this stupid to intentionally cuck themselves like this

or better yet the PS6!

>Uncharted 4
>Persona 5
>Nier Automata
>Ratched and Clank
>Crash Bandicoot

>not wanting a PS4

Step it up

Only two of those are actually out right now, unless you absolutely can't wait any longer to play Bloodborne might as well just get a PS4.5 in a few months.

ok, I had seen nothing of this so far. It actually looks really fucking cool.

Great exclusive games for the system are:

more offensive than souls games, also the best lovecraftian horror game
>Ratchet and Clank
current revival of 3d action platformers, great fun
>Until Dawn
the best game following the telltale/cage movie-game formula
>EDF 4.1
great arcade action fun. severely underrated
started as a stinker, was patched into a great racing game
>Tearaway Unfolded
Great and very unique platformer, one of the hidden gems that sell like shit but are great games

Upcoming exclusives to be hyped for:

>Uncharted 4
>Nier 2
>Persona 5
>Yakza Kiwami
>Yakuza 6
>The Last Guardian (?)

So judge for yourself if it that lineup is worth a $300/€275 system.

PS4 has no games.

>he doesn't want to play gundam breaker 3

>letting Sup Forums take your decisions for you

Shit nigga what are you doing?

>still no PSone PS2 classics to purchase at the store
>The free games with PS+ are always absolute garbage
>Not good games in the foreseeable future
>Only has 1 good exclusive
>paying $400+ $50+ for a few hours of enjoyment

It's not worth it.

It's not an X-box One.

Jos olis rahaa niin ostaisin pelkästään bloodbornen takia. Vituttaa kyllä perkeleesti, mutta ei voi mittään. Morjes.

do it lad, it'll be fun

buy some games and jump right in, no fuss


All those games look horrible, lol.

Or you could wait for the ps4.5 considering you don't have a ps4 already and seem to want one

muh nigga

Because PC is the only logical option when both consoles are in this limbo of maybe-maybe not releasing upgraded versions

ill sell you mine for 280. i beat bloodborne and never used it again.

When does Nier 2 come out? Still no release date?

>3 exclusives
>PS4.5 coming out soon

Build/upgrade a PC you retard, unless you wanna get cucked hard by sony like all them other sonyggers and risk yourself become part of the shittiest fanbase on Sup Forums.

Because of the state consoles are in now.
This the worst console gen yet.

Fuck off back to r/pcmasterrace

This guy speaks truth. They say PC gaming is dead but the truly dead platforms are the consoles. This is coming from a guy who owns most consoles. They're too busy prepping upgrading that they've forgot about creating First-Party games.

Probably the worst gen that has ever graced gaming. Nothing but broken promises and remastered shit.

>Build/upgrade a PC

For what? This shit is dead as never, almost all games coming for it are some indie shit.
>also wanting to become PCuck.

Why are PC niggers so fucking cancerous? You're don't like consoles yet you're obsessed with them. The only games you consider good are Souls games, the PS4 is starting to get a fantastic library of games yet the only one you ever consider is fucking Souls.

'2016', so yeah, there's no specific release date yet.

Sucks that White Day hasn't been confirmed for a western release. I'd play the fuck out of it.

Why would you hold back? They are cheap now.

>Denying the truth this hard

>98% weebshit
Top kek user

It's your own god damn money. Do whatever the fuck you want with it.

Guess I'll just keep my PS4 on the basis that Persona 5 and Nier 2 are supposed to release this year.

OP here. I did 4 years ago, upgraded once and now I regret it. There's literally nothing worthwhile on PC you can't get on consoles. And before you tell me it's cheaper, that's complete bullshit

>at least $700 for a decent rig
>have to upgrade every 2 years with another $300 GPU to play any new releases on a setting higher than medium

>Build $800 PC 3 years ago
>Still max out all my shit @60fps
If you have to spend 300 every 2 years on a GPU you've done something seriously wrong.
In any case games will still run smoother and look better on PC than on console.

You may as well just say it outright that you've never owned a PC

PC defense force are out in full swing today

There will almost inevitably be a price drop on the standard model when 4.5 drops. Don't get jewed man.

You are on Sup Forums, you know that, right? A large amount of people on here use PCs to game.

A large number of people on Sup Forums use PCs to shitpost and port beg

>Buy PS4 for $400
>Games run at sub 30 fps
>2 years later
>'hey guize sony check it out PS4.5'
>Buy PS4.5 for 400-500 to run games above 30 fps

never change

Don't fucking buy a PC then. Thread over. Don't play my games, don't join my communities, stay in your consoles.

Everyone is happy.

Fuck off Jehovah's Witness

Yeah you don't have to tell me to stay away from stuff like the Undertale community.

>go to dualshockers
>filter ps4
>see what you like

Suck my dick nigger

K good

Jehovah's Witness'

>Why are PC owners always trying to convert people?
That's very simple user, insecurity.
Imagine you wanting a tablet, not knowing much about it, you buy a toshiba one.
You'll be very happy with it, until you find out that everybody in school has an ipad. Then for no reason, you'll start hating your toshiba tablet. But what if everybody in school had a toshiba tablet instead? Then you would be at ease because you made the right choice!

I'm a PS4 owner so trust me when I say don't get one now. In terms of exclusives there ain't much Nathan Drake Collection/Uncharted 4, Killzone: Shadowfall, Infamous: Second Son/First Light, Knack. That's literally it. Bloodborne if you're into Souls shit I guess and there's probably weebshit for it too. I'm a dudebro and play multiplats on it so I have a lot to play but that's not relevant on this PC board. The Neo is releasing, that's the big thing. And it's gonna run games better. So get that instead. Fuck Sony for fucking me over, at least you have a choice though since you didn't already get one.

>ignore all actual arguments to make meme response

Very nice, impressive.

>always see this list
>misses out Ace combat 7
Every time

Mad Jehovah's witness detected

hahahaha xD noice memes dudebro xDDDD

No joke, are you retarded?
I bought a PS4 to play games that are not on PC. Why is that so hard to understand? Do you still want me to buy a gaming PC to not play what I wanna play?

>I'm a dudebro

Opinion discarded

PSVR will probably have the best VR games for at least couple of years since the launch. It will also continue to have great exclusives. And there is a chance you'll be able to connect it to pc for masturbation purposes.
The next FROM game is gonna be on PSVR among others.
Dreams is a system seller.

Anyone got that hori ps4 controller that moves the left stick and the dpad to look like q Xbox controller? Is it good?

Wait for E3, if they don't announce a PS4.5 (which is supposed to be 60fps) then just buy one now.

it has MMOs and MOBAs, PC is literally useless, because PS4 has even tropico

MGRR (which was already babbys first hack and slash) clone but with a neckbeard pandering MC

why is this supposed to be relevant when BB and NiOh exist

>Ask why is this relevant when it has gameplay similar to this other thing?
>Implies BB and Nioh are relevant despite being essentially Souls games in different settings.

Sony is about to release a replacement soon. So buy a PS4 if you want to throw money away.

What do you mean relevant, relevant to what?


No one gives a shit. It's about perfectly valid answers to the question OP had

I can't shake off the idea that sonyggers are doing these threads just to piss off people.

They keep using misinformation and not yet fullfilled promises to shill their platform.

That's just depressing. Using remasters (paid $40+) for games that you can find for less than $10 on a PS3 as an argument for the PS4 is just moronic.

BB and Disgaea 5 are the only good games of the console out now.That's all.

R&C is a reboot, Uncharted and Until Dawn are interactive movies.The Sony fanbase is the new casual audience and the neo-Dude(not so)bros

Misery loves company.

EDF is fun though.

Because they're completely cucked and they can't stand it, they believe that if more people get cucked like them, cuckoldry will became the standard and their own cuckoldry won't be so hard to live with.

>OP asks if a PS4 is worth it