Dark Souls - The Friday off Thread

So I'm off today and I started DaS. So far I've made it past an armoured boar and a massive fucker with a mace and large shield. Popped back to bonfire in Undead Burg to level up and save so I could break for some lunch.

Some points on my own adventure:

>plunge attack cheesed a knight for black knight sword and blue orb ring

>plunge+black firebombs to beat Taurus demon (died twice)

>much more confident at breezing through basic enemies now

>scenery is glorious

I've had this on backlog for so long, enjoying it but I hope the compelling aspect of replaying areas doesn't become stale. Although right now having died a lot and worked my way through the undead burg I'm still driven to carry on.

Can't wait to find more precious gear and maybe start using titanite. Beginners and vets please contribute.

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Playing through it for the tenth-ish time now, for the last time. My birthday is tomorrow and I'm finally getting myself some DS3. Finishing up the Tomb of Giants and trying to get some sweet Gravelord action now that servers are back up.


dont worry about sukcing at this game, there is someone out there who is worse than you:


Happy birthday for tomorrow, user.

It's funny, I find myself not caring when I mess up or when I get absolutely ruined by an enemy. There's a knight on top of a tower in undead parish that wrecked me so many times I just left it be.

Fucking DSP, man. I've seen a few TIHYDP videos so I can only imagine the tears the DaS brings, what with the buggy..... fucking.... sword mechanics or something.

I actually just restarted to. I just got to blight town

Trying to decide if I want to get this.

I first played it at a friend's xbox who got it because it looked cool. He returned it soon after so I didn't get much chance to play it. I'm trying to decide if I want to get it for $5 from HB now

>There's a knight on top of a tower in undead parish that wrecked me so many times I just left it be.

Come back for him later, black knights are a bitch to kill early on unless you parry/backstab them

yeah its a good game, but make sure you have an xbox controller. makes the game a whole lot easier

I'm thinking about springing $20 for DaS. I've been on an Armored Core binge and have been wanting some challenge and unforgiving gameplay. I think it's time I finally make my pilgrimage to Dark Souls.

I'm wrapping up my first playthrough right now.

Honestly it's one of the most rewarding games I've ever played. I've never felt frustrated or unhappy with anything in it, and every location, boss and NPC is so memorable. It's a wonderful experience, I'd recommend it to anyone.

Except Bed of Chaos fuck Bed of Chaos

My only problem is that I'm not much of a fantasy RPG fan. I think it's a game that I've just got to take a swing at though, for my own self respect.

Make sure you play it blind, but with just this one (I think fair) piece of advice
>don't level Resistance

I would do very nasty things to be able to play Dark Souls again for the first time , im envious of you user kun.

Eh, it's a game where the story only engages you as much as you want it to. It's there, but it's never going to get in the way.

If you mean just like, swords and sorcery, then that's true, but you can always use a katana and wear one of the crazier armours and pretend you're Raiden I guess.

Eh alright. Any particular reason?

>pretend you're Raiden

Hahaha. I might have to do that. I just don't generally go for any of the games in this type of genre. I just really enjoy a challenge.

Resistance is pretty situational, and there's items that can compensate for a specific effect so it's better to just put your points elsewhere and use a specific ring or spell to protect you from fire or lightning or poison or whatever.

Well it's an action RPG and leveling isn't as important as in most other games. Reinforcing weapons and personal skill have at least as much impact as soul level. It's even common to eventually do a level 1 playthrough of the whole game, which is tough but nearly as unmanageable as it seems at first.

Also, it doesn't have a very traditional RPG story. The plot is as bare bones as it gets is delivered to you without "quests" of any kind. You're given a basic idea of what you're supposed to do by some NPCs and how you're supposed to navigate the world which has no map or quest arrows. The background lore is very interesting but is only discovered through item descriptions and the environment because little is directly communicated to you.

Opportunity cost. It doesn't do anywhere near enough to be useful to spend levels on and probably shouldn't exist as a stat. There's really no way for a new player to figure this though.

Cool, thanks for the heads up.

>level 1 playthrough

How about a no-kill except for bosses playthrough? hahaha

I played it when it first came out on PC and got stuck at the capra demon.

I started playing it again a couple of days ago and managed to beat it, the butterfly and that dude who drops the equip load ring, but the gaping dragon keeps pushing my shit in.

Really good game though. I'm annoyed i didn't get into it properly.

Find a weapon you like and stick with it. With proper leveling it will last you the whole game.

>Resistance is pretty situational,

resistance is not situational. it is literally useless. dont bother with it

Don't lock onto the gaping dragon. Keep a moderate distance away from it and don't go behind it (it has a nasty tail swipe attack). Move in front of it until it does that attack where it slams its body into the ground, then either attack its head for some extra damage (but then quickly run to its sides because it'll follow that up with a charging attack which can instakill you) or attack its legs. You can buff your weapon with gold pine resin for a large damage boost. Oh and sprint away when it does its puke attack. It's a simple fight, mostly requires patience

>How about a no-kill except for bosses playthrough? hahaha
1k hours logged here, so basically this how you playing this game everytime

Pretty much

When you get to the second area past the burg, make sure you leave via the right across the bridge into the woods, you find the first blacksmith there. You can then also go back and try and deal with the gargoyle circlejerk (nothing wrong with summoning, if you met solaire you can summon him if there's no player signs) or head into the forest and explore that way, but you will need to come back for the gargoyles before you can really progress.

gaping is actually bretty easy, he is slow and his attacks are extremely telegraphed, and do not track at all. he just looks intimidating.

like most bosses, keep your distance at first until you understand their moves a bit and then strike conservatively when there are openings.

the only reason souls games are considered "hard" is because they punish players for overextending themselves. Until you know the game well, NEVER "take that extra swing" unless you know for sure you're not gonna get slapped for doing it.

If you shoot the tail off the drake on the bridge you get a powerful cheesy weapon. Don't try and fight it head on though.

Has anyone ever done a 99 Resistance run? It seems like it would be SL1 but with somewhat better defenses, no poison to worry about, and regular invasions.

op, leave the thread, lol
this faggets will spoil to you everythings
leave and never go back, until you done with ng cycle
also, what platform?

I started playing it yesterday. Got a BSoD a few minutes after I beat the asylum demon

t. poorfag who tried gaming on a shitty laptop