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No, there are exactly 0 games as good as Spore.

fuk :DD

I'm currently playing spore, and beside the memes and shitposts, it is a nice game.

Tried it a couple of days ago.

I don't get it


You just play the video game



man i would love a remake of this game. But maybe get rid of the childishness and make it more "dark" in terms of gore and graphics

Won't happen.
Maxis is kill


:( . maybe make our own game



spore is way better than that piece of shit

this game is just a creator tool now

pic related my captain is high as shit

>Will Wright quit video games entirely after Spore got gutted
>Maxis got canned after the shitshow that was SimCity and Sims 4

If you didn't know what it was supposed to be then it's pretty enjoyable. Even having followed the shitshow that was Spore's development it's still pretty fun for a little bit. And then you're at the space stage and just colonized your 20th planet with the exact same plants and animals as the 19 before, with the same exact city layouts, and with all the shit like an uber turret and spice storage, when your ally calls you for the 50th time asking to save him from diseased animals or the grox. That's about when I stop and put it away for another year.

>save him from the grox
But user, i am the Grox

That fucking 30 minute demo they did years before release will always haunt me.

I was so goddamn excited for the game in that state and I followed it religiously up until release. I'm still fucking mad.

The Robin Williams one?

No, earlier.


Such a great idea ruined by such poor execution

This is probably the first game I ever hyped up and followed before release. It still stings. I was really young, and would watch this video at least once a week. I showed it to all my friends. As you can imagine, I was crushed when the game was released. I've never bought into the hype of anything again.

>Genetic stage got cancelled - Well whatever it was basicly Tetris
>Cell stage = What we got except with less uguu eyes
>Aquatic stage = Cancelled
>Creature stage = Fly mode got cancelled and in general that thing never got any development
>Tribal stage = What we got - It's shit
>Civilization stage = What we got - Wanted to be more but they made it Tribal 2.0 due to lack of time
>Space stage = What we got - It's shit
>Post space stage multiplayer that lets you visit other peoples worlds with them being at any stage possible = Cancelled and that would have been the most interesting part of the game

Overall Spore had the chance to became a decent game but it never had the chance to become truly godlike.

When I was a kid, my mom got a game for our GameCube called Amazing Island. It was one of those "hey, you can have this game for free as long as you fill out a survey about your enjoyment" deals, if those exist anymore. Check it out, it was pretty fucking fun

stabbing yourself in the eyes

it was a decent game in the end, it's just it could have been so much more


it's basically mario party but with spore's creature creator built in

fucking this. best game

Does it still hurt Sup Forums?

>I was really young, and would watch this video at least once a week. I showed it to all my friends

I was seriously exactly the same.

I don't know if there was ever an explanation or anything of the sort release explaining why they cut so much content and turned it into a game for children. I remember there was some fan project or some such called Thrive which aimed to create an experience that would basically be what Spore was when it was first unveiled but I don't know if it really went anywhere.

Yes. It will never stop.

I was angrier at Spore than I was at the ending of ME3

I've been stumbling across spore in some threads and people's crushed hopes and dreams. I guess I can consider myself lucky that I never got invested into the game at all, otherwise I would be hurting too.
I don't think I even understand the whole situation, but basically what I gather is that spore could have been a legandary game and instead they fucked up beyond people's wildest imaginations.
I hope for your guy's sake that someone at some point sets this right. Who knows, maybe it could happen. But I feel for you guys either way.

I still cry about it to the point that flies divebomb my eyes wanting to drink my tears

Wow. ME3 hurt way worse for me and I spent days day dreaming about spore. I think ME3 was just the nail in the coffin that killed my hype for any game ever though

I didn't follow Spore's development. Can anyone give me a rundown of why it was so disappointing?

Will Wight wanted to make "SimEverything", dev team had religious faggots and faggots in general, "cute" team won out, everything got cut because EA

I often get hyped and want to replay it but then I remember how bad it is once you become a tribe and so on. Fuck space age was so bad

Essentially there were 2 teams. One were developers trying to make a sim and one were marketers trying to make it more profitable and casual . You obviously know which team won.

>I have played it and own it, listen to my opinion.

I'm not sure what argument you're trying to make here.

Thanks to the user recommending thrive im checking it out now

If you liked the space stage, or rather, the concept of space civilizations, Stellaris is apparently going to be that x1000.

fuck religoin

This is very accurate.


What could've been

The pain will never go away.


Spore isn't even a good game like Spore.