ONE class in TF2 has more voice lines than EVERY hero in Overwatch

>ONE class in TF2 has more voice lines than EVERY hero in Overwatch

who else here /disappointed/? the heroes say the same shit over and over and over. it's like league of legends.

>it's high noon it's high noon justice rains from above justice rains from above

give me a break blizzard. do you really expect me to believe you don't have the money to write more lines?

is this the best you could come up with, valvedrone? kys

it's a pretty significant part of the game. voice lines and hero interactions are lacking.


lel no. how about you fall on your sword

is that the best retort you could come up with, blizzcuck? enjoy babies first fps


yeah but there's like 9 TF2 classes to Overwatch's 21 heroes

TF2 came out nearly 10 years ago.

valve is shit but blizzard is abysmal. only gearbox, ubisoft and EA are worse and that might change eventually if they keep it up.

it still had a pretty significant amount of lines on launch

you are right but they still could have written more

>locking voice lines behind a paywall

what the fuck, blizzard

Im being 100% real when I say I dont care about character personality in a competitive FPS. MAYBE in like a singleplayer campaign, but barely even then. They could remove voice lines (except for ults) for all I care.

salvaging this shit thread,
post em

The characters do bantz with each other at the start, but yeah there isn't much dialogue

is this bait?

If they record some lines of Tracer, Mei and Zarya belching and farting I'll forgive them tbqh

but without character personality you end up with boring games like dirty bomb and call of duty

the widow/reaper lines gave me a kek

>complains about same audio cues every time
>audio cues are used to know when x is happening so you can try to avoid it

With 21 different hero's running around, I think it's safe to say adding a fuck ton of different lines for x ultimate would just complicate things

Everything about it seems lazily made desu

good gameplay is what makes a game fun and not boring you fucking idiot

Ah, i see now.


How's it feel to pay $40 for a game with less content than F2P games?

>would just complicate things
And as we know blizzdrones are simple minded people.

gameplay before everything else. the rest is just the icing on top

That's what I look for the most in my multiplayer FPS games: voiced dialog.



Considering that every five seconds I hear

>justice will reign from above

Op's shit is refreshing.

Good thing the gameplay is slow, shallow shit too blizzcuck

This shit is getting worse than dota vs lol and console wars, holy shit fuck off

How we make not shit tier bros?

>heard it every five seconds and can't quote it right

Many of those voice lines were added over the SIX years post-release, you can stop now.

Not surprised. Blizzard is so cheap they have Metzen voice half the characters in WoW.

>game has been out for almost a decade has more voice lines than an unreleased game


I'm a valvedrone thank you very much.

tf2 still had more voice lines in one character on release

>x happens
>x audio cue happens
You know 100% what is going on at that point in time
>x happens
>one of audio cue x y z a d c d e f g plays
>making knowing what instant kill ult is being used more convoluted

I don't give a shit about multiple lines of dialog. I want to play the game as efficiently as possible

Just play her right, you fucking shitter.
Best bunkerdestroyer in the game




How about YOU dont play her and leave her to actual competent players.

I guess I'm a bit of a faggot.

you think that because you're mentally slow and intellectually shallow, hth

>its a valvedrones vs. blizzcucks thread

Play with good players you dumbfuck, she can't do shit against organized play.
>Using the boost to get behind enemy lines
>Stand behind widowmaker's ass
>Shoot point blank
>Damage is so ass that widowmaker just runs away
>Walk speed penalty while shooting

She can't even do that simple shit right

>it's high noon it's high noon justice rains from above justice rains from above

Ultimates need to have the same voiceline so that people can learn the line and know when an ultimate is coming.

I still get mixed up between Genji and Hanzo's gookspeak

>Friendly Roadhog Hooks a nukeing mech
>wipes the team and was potg

sick burn brah, but at least I'm not defending a half baked hero shooter

i mean its not like they couldnt add multiple lines for an ult

the characters besides genji and hanzo all have very distinct voices

only possibly a literal autist or a deaf person wouldnt be able to tell them apart by voice

>tfw TF2 is my GOAT but am really enjoying OW
fucking shitposters are the worst

You are doing something wrong, mate.
Just headshot on pointblank. If you can't kill a Widow, you're fucking something up.
Also her E buys time for your own Widow and Pharah to take out turrets and bastions, and if that fails, just NERF THIS on their bunker.
I honestly don't see why anyone with even a slight comprehension of the game would call her bad.

>Make a pub enemy team follow to the health pack.
>Activate kamikaze meka
> Run away with a free 5 death killstreak

I mean, no, she's NOT bad, but she could do better in my opinion

>that never happened
>the other team just casually walked away from the giant ! on their screen

>tfw i like both games and suggesting that overwatch could be better than it is now gets me called a valvedrone

blizzard has so much money, they could have paid money for more voice lines, it's as simple as that

im not calling the game shit, im just saying its not living up to its potential

dva's a tank that absorbs pressure, blocks projectiles and is really annoying to kill with her ult. your job as dva isn't to kill people but to force opponents away to go heal up; obviously in pugs you can murder people and actually kill people with the exploding mech which won't work against any half decent player but you shouldn't expect to

But it happened, it was against low level players so it was easy to pull that off.
Against skilled players the NERF THIS never works and just scatters them instead.