Is there any significant difference between the pc and console?
Or are people getting it on pc just for the "muh masterrace"
As if the PSN is not the best argument to never ever play a multiplayer game on the playstation, I am not even baiting here.
If you have to seriously ask that about a 1st person shooter then you obviously never cared about good gameplay to begin with
>superior mouse and keyboard
Can we stop with this jest already
>Playing a first person shooter without aim down sights on a console
no, because it's true
PC gamers are used to the gameplay. I've played on PS4 and Xbone and in most of the matches the concept of team composition and defending objectives is lost on them. It is a bit better on the xbone because you're more likely to have people with mics but I'm not sure how popular it'll be on it.
just play on console with a mouse, then you can be accused of hacking
As someone who had a 360 and now has a PS4 and Xbone I can honestly say I've had way less issues with PSN
We really need more games that puts PC and console players on the same server.
consoleshitters think they can match m+kb with analogs are fucking hilarious.
Both are crap, because they add problems as the middlemen they are without offering anything in return for the specific game.
> be FFXIV player
> PS3 and 4 players play on the same server
> they sometimes can't come online
> ps is updating with 5 kb /s
> psn is on maintenance
> psn is down for no reason
This happens all the fucking time, you really don't want to raid with playstation users or play with them in general.
>playing an FPS with a controller
Why would you do this to yourself
PC has better controls.
PC has hands down better controls, there is no debating this. You can prefer different things though.
PC version costs 40 instead of 60 and you don't pay extra for online. Game will kinda lose its novelty pretty fast though. Hit ~30 already and every team composition is the same - its filled to the brim with meta whoring.
Meta whoring is expected in a multiplayer game.
I agree on this actually. If every character is not the exactly same copy of each other, some combinations and strategies will be better than others naturally.
actually pretty much what I expected too, ultimates really bog down the games with some really retarded map design and their chokepoints.
What I really would have loved too would be bigger maps and a 12v12 mode. By far the biggest middle finger for me is lobby based and not server browser based - was clear from the beginning though. Call me old fashioned but that really cuts down on all those moba-kids play to win only-type of things who sit in spawn and rant about every one else but them.
In tf nothing really mattered for me or pretty much everyone else I played with because of the flimsy "just drop into some game and play a bit" feeling
>ultimates really bog down the games
So does any game with a super that doesn't 100% reset on spawn.
I have literally never seen anyone use the agility of the weeb characters or the edgemaster's teleport to duck around defenses.
Even brown samus only rarely gets the idea to fly right over without trying to shoot and get picked off right away.
There is objectively nothing a controller can do a KB&M can't do better for an FPS, aiming and moving the camera on a controller is completely gimped
Keyboards don't have analog input, and require an extra input in order to move slowly.
static defenses are overpowered in pubshit games (people cant go around them/dont want to)
they lose their sense of purpose nearly completely in competitive play (flanking/coordinated pushes/just sniping or bombing out a bastion for instance)
I would not know how to balance this desu
Idort here
Movement controls
stick > Keyboard
Aiming control
Mouse >>>>>>>>>>> Not playing a game >> stick
This, grudgingly.
If keyboards had an analog stick where the wasd is it would be the most efficient controller.
I thought it's possible to connect km+b to consoles. Or no one even bothers?
Only if mouse will be "default" with more buttons than standard 2 (+wheel). Otherwise not enough buttons for some games and genres. All those ninja gaidens you know? Most of those never comes to pc anyway but still. And playing fighting on keyboard is really awkward, even if perfectly doable and efficient in some games you just get tired really quick, hand position matters.
>People are seriously debating about keyboard/mouse vs. controller in an FPS
>On Sup Forums
Really goes to show how much this board's community has fallen in the last 5 years.
This speaks more to the skill of the players in question rather than the actual hardware they are using
To me and you playing an FPS with a controller sounds just as retarded as it has always been.
But this place is now full of kids that grow up in an age when FPS games were already an established genre on consoles.
It really doesn't. You literally can't do 180 turns in an instant on a controller like you can with a mouse
Take the stick you own from console, or hell, the pad you own for it, and plug it into your pc.
>PC gamers have long mocked the use of handheld controllers as an input method for shooters and other genres that require fast, precise actions. Apparently, that attitude isn't unwarranted, based on a blog post by the founder of Voodoo PC and current CTO of HP's gaming division, Rahul Sood.
>According to Sood's sources, "many many months ago," Microsoft set out on a Xbox Live project that would let PC and console users interact on some form of united multiplayer platform – a grand idea on paper. In practice however, it's said that PC gamers "destroyed" console players every time.
>The slaughter was so bad, Sood says that Microsoft even pitted "mediocre" PC gamers against "the best" console gamers in testing, and the results were unchanged: the keyboard and mouse prevailed. It's not clear what titles were played, but Unreal and Gears of War are mentioned.
>Displeased with its findings, Microsoft supposedly cancelled the project to spare its Xbox team and players the embarrassment. I think most of us can agree a keyboard and mouse is more precise, but what do you prefer and why? Feel free to preach the virtues of your input device in the comments.
I recognize that screenshot.
It's from that video where sonic is in preschool and then suddenly this muscular child appears and makes Sonic his bitch but he is really mean and stuff.
Do you have a link?
Console is significantly easier to aim with solely because of aim assist, if it was native controller input then of coarse PC would trump it.
If you want to be good without needing aim skills, get it on console.
Its so much fun.
With the aim assist it is way more comfy on console because you don't need to have leet mouse skills to be good.
>it's better on console because you don't need to be good
Every time
It's a good thing that everyone move at the same speed in Overwatch then.
I'm playing both console and PC, the PC version has speed character be too good because you can't turn around and aim fast enough at the pace they're moving at. The game moves at a slower pace and due to no scope zooming in, it's harder to get shots in.
That's one difference there.
But it is though?
I am never in all my days going to be incredible at using a mouse, especially for a game I am not going to go competitive playing.
So why bother getting good when I can have just as much fun, if not more, taking the shortcut?
Post your face when POTG with a support role.
>play poo in loo
>place all turrets on ceiling on koth because nobody looks up
>dance in the laser rave around opponents while holding m1 because what is aiming
>get a triple kill because none of them can track as quickly on hitscan weapons
>last one was even a dumbass roadhog who couldn't even shotgun right then tried to run away to heal too late
>Console is significantly easier to aim with solely because of aim assist
Far from it, not only do you always aim like shit with a controller, it's slow as hell on top of it.
The auto aim was actually pissing me off as Hanzo, I'm trying to side step into the shot, and the auto aim kept grabbing me causing me to miss my shot as i kept stepping to where the shot would have hit on it's own.
Then how come I do way better on console then I did on PC? I was fairly garbage on PC getting picked of by snipers for days but not so on console.
Don't get me wrong there is a level of mouse skill that can surpass even controller aim assist, I do not and will not ever have such skill.
user in that webm has slow as fuck sensitivity for some strange reason.
There's a reason for people not wanting autoaim garbage on PC, it throws off your aim and often makes it a struggle to get headshots.
But I'm honestly rather disappointed with this game, would only play it if it was free to play.
>Then how come I do way better on console then I did on PC
Because both you and your enemies are utter garbage. The game itself is also far slower on consoles, but I guess you haven't realized this shit yet.
No because I'm not going to derail the thread for you, go to Reddit if you want to be spoonfed like a lazy bitch.
>People seriously discussing gb/m vs controllers
>On a FPS
This board has really hit a new low.
>I was fairly garbage on PC getting picked of by snipers for days but not so on console.
Because snipers can't hit you with shitty controls dumbass.
Nah I'm enjoying the actual game even despite the issues with the console version, would be picking up if I had more friends interested in getting it for PC.
>The game sucks but I'd still play it if it was free
Good, less shitters in the community. Game should be 60 with or without extras. That way people like you can't come and ruin it.
Aiming ability has barely any impact on it.
I played both and it is all down to the people's strategy that really affects the speed.
I'd rather play a game with everyone ability gimped it if meant I can have fun.
I guess so. But I resent all FPS snipers on every platform so I am okay with that.
This. This is also why Overwatch is so hyped up here: when you are used to slurping shit even mediocre games feel like the most amazing pieces of art ever.
>Every single console fps has to have factory made ambots that help you aim because of the horrible performance of the controller
>Is there any significant difference
Yes there is. Do you wanna be a babby or do you want to git gud?
It's painful to watch PS4/Xbone footage of Overwatch. Playing it with a controller is a complete mess, there's no ADS to do the aiming for you this time, and combat is much more hectic than your average CoD or Battlefield shit.
There is no "muh masterrace" excuse, play it with a mouse and keyboard or don't get it at all.
I'd rather be a babby if it mean I had more fun with less effort
Babby desu. I play games to have fun and relax, not work hard.
>Aiming ability has barely any impact in a FPS
>Fuck the people that Aim for kills
Here's your fucking (You) you piece of shit.
>So mad he has to use an MS Paint comic to make a point just because he can't pay the patrician fee
Stay pleb.
Shit game is still a shit game, regardless what platform.
It's literally balanced differently on consoles.
Blizz literally has to rebalance because controllers are so bad.
Are you retarded or baiting
t. Someone who doesn't EVEN own a gaming PC
>Its bad that your performance depends on your skill
Ok guys. Buy it on console.
>I don't like a game and therefore it's shit
dat shitter attitude tho
I paid for TF2 and it was awesome before it went f2p. Your kind ruined it so that's that.
Thanks. I will.
There is more to the game then just aim skill.
And even then there is actual controller aim skill.
Its just that the spread between the worst and best players is significantly smaller.
As someone who has played it on both PC and XBone:
>PC Im getting between 100-144fps whereas I think XBone is 60 but feels worse (halo 5 feels way smoother so maybe it isnt 60?)
>graphics look bad compared to PC
>controls feel way better and more precise on PC
But yeah its the same game just way worse to play on console.
Im an XBone fanboy before you call me a PCuck, im just not going to deny that games like this are just better on PC.
>tfw going to Sup Forums for first time in like a year and writing as detailed post where no one fucking cares
Its the concept that free shit attracts the worst of shitters.
Look show TF2 declined as it went F2P, it should have never done so.
Pay to play keeps out shitters, but I do think this game should be cheaper. Maybe $10 - $20
>it is another "2 bastions on both side" episode
>it's another torbjorn on attackers episode
>it's another two reapers episode
>it's another pussy teammates who don't get on the point episode
But don't you said you'd still play it if it was free?
That's like getting mad because you didn't got your bag of shit lol.
Dat ass
>implying they're being serious
>implying you aren't pretending to take the bait
Could've fooled me.
Been playing it on PC and enjoying it. (using a controller though, because my stupid fingers cant into keyboard + mouse)
But I'm also the only one of my friends who has a gaming PC, so I know I'm going to have to get it for my PS4 so we can all play together.
You can get the regular edition for 40 on PC.
>complaining about teammates not getting on the point
>while not getting on the point yourself
>it's another three widowmakers on attack team episode
It's a good thing we're not playing a racing game, or Dark Souls then.
Fucking retard.
i noticed the resolution on xbone straight away. it looks like it's being upscaled from 720p at best. doesn't look too great. at least it runs well.
and obviously mouse aiming is demonstrably superior.
other than that, it seems basically the same.
>be speedy roller-blade man
>use ult and ready buff on heal, ready to clutch out the last point at the last minute
>run onto the point, capping it, enemy team comes
>other 3 people i buffed are sitting right outside the point
>buff runs out and we die because im the only one on point
I am on the point, they're hiding like pussies 20 feet away from the point.
>playing dva every damn game
>pop the mech on a well defended point killing 3 heroes and a turret
>my 2 widows sit back and observe from a distance
end my life
>Is there any significant difference between the pc and console?
Tracer is a piece of shit to control with a controller.
I love playing Dva because I enjoy actually PLAYING the fucking game. Not like these pussy ass Widowmakerfags who sit and camp.
I wrecked one last night on Ilios, and it felt so good I'm pretty sure I had a spontaneous orgasm from killing her.
the monkey is right
are fucking autistic ... a fps that requires aiming skills too shoot a target "There is more to the game then just aim skill." you dont just look at the ground and shoot and somehow get a head shot .... fuckin plebs
>it's a Bastion gets play of the game episode
>it's a Junkrat gets play of the game episode
>you don't get assists from shielding bastion as reinhardt while he wrecks shit unimpeded
get a load of this fucking retard
shift-walking is in PC games since cs 1.5,faggot.
> 1.5
Seriously previous versions didn't have walk?
Been playing it for a few hours on both the PS4 and PC and haven't noticed a single differences bar the PC players can type easier.
Certain games allow simultaneous mouse and controller input, its pretty janky though. When it actually works it feels great to use the controller's analog with the mouse movement. I really wish more devs would support this.
Why would anyone come up with this?
owning all 3, psn > xbl > pc connec
>tfw got play of the game with pharah because I used E to push three people into a pit on the KOTH map with a hole in the middle of the capture point.
I'm really bad at remembering names of things.
>that faggot spic kept doing that to me every time I got close
Thank you.
Nothing more I'd like to do on a Friday evening than watching Sonic and Bartleby.
So what? Do you think being able to move slightly slower in an fps like overwatch is going to benefit actually being able to aim?
Well consoles wont have rampent hacking like the PC version essentially ruining most aspects of fun you could have with the game.
So there is that I guess?
>hacking is rampant
>anticheats don't exist
this argument wasn't good in 2011 either
>rampant hacking
>online blizzard game
Yeah just like SC2 and WoW amirite?
oh wait
Before you say anything there may be /some/ hacking but it will be rare.
Look at csgo, battlefield, the division, gta5, and pretty much every single fps/tps on PC.
Hackers pretty much everywhere.