Which is best?
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get a life
kill yourself you virgin loser
No one needs more than 8x MSAA
Why so angry, bruh?
Saw some comparison screenshot some user had of FF13 running 1080p with MSAA x16 compared to 4K downscaled. Still saw a decent amount of jaggies at x16.
CSAA is deprecated now.
Shit's basically downsampling.
SGSSAA combined with some downsampling is best.
Pretty sure SGSSAA is downsampling.
I don't use AA because I don't see the jaggies.
That's the short list of things and the most common anti aliasing methods. If you want to pull in shit like TXAA and other new methods, fair enough, but they're only used in a handful of games.
MSAA8X on GTA 5 looks fucking fantastic.
I don't wear my glasses when on the computer so it all looks the same to me anyway
SGSSAA is Sparse Grid Super Sampling, that does transparent textures, etc, which normal super sampling doesn't do well(?) I am not sure. But downsampling covers all of that since it just renders from a higher resolution and re-sizes it down to your monitors native resolution.
this guy knows what's up
>tfw DSR 4x (the only good looking DSR) eats three quarters of performance
temporal anti-aliasing is always a blurry mess
SMAA+Downsampling is the best.
Jewish Satellite Defense Force?
not in motion, it's cheap and efficient solution at zero cost
if you need more than 4x AA to have fun you are a Muh graphix baby.
Isn't MSAA phased out in newest games?
4K with no AA is the only correct answer
I can play games with Nintendo 64 graphics. But I can't stand shimmering or aliasing in my games. I avoid it at all costs even if I have to sacrifice graphical fidelity.
So please, don't put us in the same category as the people who buy $300+ consoles just for exclusives and better graphics.
Good thing "Nintendo 64 Graphics" means AA
4k is the correct answer
I think you mean AAA. We've seen a lot of starving slav teams develop way more than these well funded teams published by fucking Ubisoft or EA.
Graphics doesn't cost as much as people like to believe. Marketing does. Marketing is their number one priority.
FXAA because of its minimal performance impact and i like how it makes everything less sharp.
BSAA is the beefiest
>i like how it makes everything less sharp.
>Using asymmetrical images to show differences in quality
Retards like you need to be gassed
What game is this?
Running at 4k with AA off is best. Everything else is console tier.
Nintendo 64 graphics means blurriness, which is why user hates sharpness and can't stand aliasing.
might as well just smear something all over your monitor
if you apply fxaa to 800x600 output it will look like shit, yes, but if you have at least 1080p or higher it looks just alright.
AA is literally a euphemism for blurring
I love me some jaggies
I'm the guy he replied to. I hope you're not implying I like 'blurriness' because SSAA/Downsampling is the exact opposite, it makes the image sharper.
Post process anti aliasing on the other hand blurs the image and makes the quality worse, although eliminates aliasing to a certain degree, the best of this is SMAA.
get a lifeAA
It's what aliasing is. Blurring square pixels to form a resemblance of a perfect triangle
>Stop discussing video games on Sup Forums
I see zero difference
Thank God I'm not autistic.
Is that sweetfx smaa? Whats the best setting to use?
I prefer 4x MSAA with downsampling desu.
>Thank God I'm not autistic
Shame about the blindness, though.
>Thank God I'm not autistic.
You may be autistic, as well as blind.
In that image I am downsampling from 4K, and I am using the E3 2013 Reshade. That's it.
You could probably do with 1440P or even lower with SMAA if you would so desire.
Fucking pc owners man. Gotta somehow show that $2000 pc was so worth it.
I mean look at that huge difference
From an objective standpoint downsampling is by far the cleanest anti aliasing method you can apply.
Although it hates AO or HDR
What video games, all i see is Sup Forums wanking
>Video game options and optimization is now exclusively Sup Forums
Ah, I was hoping you had a magic SMAA option, I wanna use it for Dark Souls but I always get shitty shimmering no matter what I try.
>Video game
Are you from a parallel universe?
KF2 is very well optimized, even if it's still in EA.
If people don't realize the 'tricks' modern developers and publishers do today, there's no hope.
And I'll say no more. I have been posting images like this for years, and they just keep spewing bullshit. 'Graphics are expensive', etc.
So that makes one optimized game out of dozens
>game offers FXAA
>no SMAA
fuck that shit, MSAA2x + HIGH Preset SMAA is the best as far as performance goes
Crysis still runs like shit even if it looks good
Insurgency is also very well optimized, as is Unreal Tournament. I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that, but I don't play all that much vidya, outside of h-games, these days.
No. It doesn't I ran it well in 2013 modded at a solid 60fps with a GTX 690.
Nice bullshots, marketer-san
Why is it so fucking blurry
Well it wouldn't matter what I presented to you. So it doesn't matter.
As it does with:
Sup Forums doesn't understand optimisation.
Everyone kisses Mirror's edge's ass because they prebaked their radiosity into their textures so the consoles don't have to calculate everything. DICE used a separate tool for this.
UE4 has this shit BUILT IN.
>Consolefags can't fathom games actually looking good
Do you even SweetFX? youtube.com
>one side shows advanced textures and shadows
>the other has water and some fog
But user, i'm a toasterfag
If there's one thing Battlefront actually does well its graphics and sound.
It's all in service of a shit game but it's a damn pretty one on certain levels.
It's an AA comparison so those things don't matter, retard.
>Blow all processing power and money on MUH GRAPHICS
>Forget to make a game
Sounds AAA alright
That shit is just a fuckload of sharpening and contrast.
It does make the game look like 1970's scifi shot on film though.
In BF4 yeah, in BF3 they just went overboard on the filters, shit didn't look natural.
Those BF3 maps were beautiful with the post processing off, all those colors man.
Front, not field.
BF3 and 4 both look like shit because of awfula rt direction.
If you have a machine capable of 4K and monitor, then 4K is the way to go. You will not notice those baggies at all if you have a proper 4K monitor.
If you have vision good enough to utilize a 4k monitor, you don't game