Hiiii, Sup Forums! What's your favorite party game to play with friends!?

Hiiii, Sup Forums! What's your favorite party game to play with friends!?

Mario Party 3

Ultimate chicken horse

I don't think barney is around anynore.

>spanish memes in my captcha

Soggy biscuit


Doka pon kingdom.
Only one leaves intact.

Mario Party 1-4

Rocket League


Dokapon Kingdom is the best way to party and lose friends at the same time.

>I don't think barney is around anynore
He just posted in another thread that got deleted.



Halo 3


Minecraft with mods
No hate please

Mario party.

I always take the stars of the person in the 3rd position, unless I am 3rd, then I take 2nd's.

Okay, I'm just going to interject, OP is not performing the black summoning ritual. He is playing you guys as fools.

Pretty sure that character is Terraria's party girl, not a humanized horsefucker.

>people over 25 playing party games

I wouldn't know where to get friends either way.

Smash, Mario Kart, and Mario Party are all really fun

Smash and Mario Party make people bitch sometimes though

Just a copycat.

That's not Pinkie iirc that some "party girl" based on Pinkie. Still triggered barneyfag though.

Oh yeah, that's the name

Don't Starve Together and TF2.
I don't actually know anyone who plays anything but CS:GO and Overwatch, so I just chill on pubs.
>tfw lil bro still plays minecraft with friends


cuz I love to see you smile, smile, smile, yes I do

Pinkie, did Spike give you the idea to post here?

Madoka a shit.

I don't like playing games with friends but I've played Don't Starve Together a few times with a buddy of mine.

>Tfw no halo3 custom games with my boys

Jenga and garbage man was always go to for a good time.

>Dokapon Kingdom
Literally fuck that game and the people who made it.
It's the game I'd point out to be the most suspect in causing actual murders to occur.

I haven't had friends in over 3 years

If it makes you feel better we're your friends

Don't drag me into this. I'm not his friend. He's gay and he sucks dicks.

I have no friends but I fucking adore Duck Game and recommend it to everyone and anyone that wants to have a fun time.

that's why you should be friends with him obviously

Atelier totori

Thanks user. If I didn't have you guys I would have no one.

Don't be tsundere user-chan

I'm gay and I like vaginas, am I bad

>closeted hetero
just admit it unfag

Nuh uh
You're just jealous you'll never be me

there's no such thing as a "masculine vagina"

futanari is straight u donut

>there's no such thing as a "masculine vagina"
Buck Angel


How would you know that if you aren't his friend?


It might not be a pony but you should kill yourself.