Seems like Sup Forums is really happy about the new WW1 setting...

Seems like Sup Forums is really happy about the new WW1 setting. What specific gameplay elements will the setting bring to differentiate itself from a modern setting? In what ways will it be better than something with more modern weaponry? General thoughts about the gameplay potential of this setting.

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Fucking hate that it's WW1 because it's gonna be boring shit but Sup Forums is too busy going apeshit over Sup Forums shit.

Its set in space you fucking idiot

im fine with blacks but playing an american in ww1 is stupid most of the war is over by then


Should've went even further back to American Civil War. Desperately trying to reload your musket while getting bayonet charged, or riding around on your horse with dual lemat shotgun revolvers. Titties.

I bet you 50 bucks that they'll stick to the American campaign in vanilla MP maps and the DLC will be everything else

Make it realistic

>Sit in trench
>Guns trained on our spot 24:7, can't leave the trench
>Shit in my hat
>The gas is coming
>Can't leave the trench
>Start choking on gas
>Leave the trench
>Shredded by metal

i just want dem black jokes my man. no need to be revolutionary n shiet.

>Should've went even further back to American Civil War.
I would actually like this honestly the only downside is that reload times will be shit.

Is there going to be a trench foot mechanic?

As a black myself I would like to see it as well but Sup Forums and Sup Forums will claim it's Sjw because they might say it towards the protagonist of the Hell fighters DLC.

adds to the game, do you reload, run away, or bayonet rush.

the battlegrounds mod for half life and half life 2 was awesome in this regard (revolutionary war)

Pretty much. When I think of WW1, I think of Verdun and the Somme, not the few battles the Americans took part in. While they certainly fought bravely, the war was practically over. That said, I'd certainly like being a Arab rebel fighting the Turks or fighting on the Eastern front as either the Germans or British if they want to explore different viewpoints of the war that are rarely touched upon.

>all the shooter kiddies run at each other and fire their muskets
>That panic when they realize they have to reload

I need this

There was as much carnage packed into 1918 as any other year. Yurope being triggered about playing as the US is no different than Sup Forums sperging out over a non-white character.


I meant Russian. My sickness has made me retarded it seems

It's a tad stupid to assume "kiddies" will even give a game without modern or sci fi automatic weapons and kill streaks a 2nd glance.

Hitler in German side.

>cucking all murikan niggers and jewish frenchies

>mfw I unlock a lever action and use it on noobs stuck with muskets.

Italian alp front would be badass. Shooting artillery from your ice castle to kill hundreds of enemies in an avalanche, or skiing over mountains and ice climbing up a cliff to raid the enemy's snow trench.

It will be interesting to see if the campaign is just contemporary battlefield with a ww1 aesthetic, ignoring trench warfare for the rule of cool or "lions led by Donkeys" post war lazy teaching

>No more le epic gun camos
>No more le thermal is OP
>No more transport copter wastage

Well it being WWI there won't be any women

Don't forget the flamethrowers and the mele bloodbaths in the trenches.

For anyone interested in WW1, check out this channel. It has over 200 eps with very detailed info about the progress of WW1 on all fronts. Includes a bit of politics and the media content is pretty good.

Somehow I don't think historical facts will stop them

and the mud and disease.

It will, when has any game set in either World War had women as anything but a set piece during a cutscene?

I would kill for a map from the austria/Italy battles

>Includes a bit of politics
>implying it leaves out because "politics have no place in discussing history"

>getting swallowed up by the mud after a shell opens up the trench in a rainy day
>a liquid avalanche

You played as a woman in Call of Duty Finest Hour IIRC for part of the Russian campaign. You also played as a member of the 761st tank battalion for part of the American campaign.

Yeah, but they weren't forced.

No, I just meant that it's not pure military history. Of course that politics are an essential part of history.

Disgusting, sending women out to die like that. She could have been someone's granny, would you torch someone's granny?

Good point, hopefully white people won't get mad at blacks for being in the civil war.

>There's a mission where you sing Christmas songs with enemy soldiers and play football
>you have to kill them at the end of the mission

>yfw the soldiers and their superiors used the footballl matches to direct the artillery and gather intelligence on positions

Yeah, I actually thought the part where you were a black tanker was great and pretty educational since I had never heard of them before then. The American campaign in that game was pretty awesome overall.


stupid american pleb

Ain't war hell

>not knowing that World War 1 was fought with plasma rifles and antimatter railguns

He was quoting the post about an American Civil War shooter, Eurocuck.

learn to read, user

>British sacrifice millions for whole 4 years
>choose to focus on a pack of niggers who joined at the end

Fuck America please nuke it Russia.

perhaps you should read what that post was responding to. you stupid pleb

Fucking this.
>European conflict that hardly affects clapburgers
>Hey, let's make the campaign focus on clapburgers

>butthurt teanigger detected
>implying Henry Johnson wasn't a total badass

You guys think the Tuskigi Pilots will make an appearance?

no, because that was WWII you dolt

being a balloon buster doing a death star run through heavy AA, machine gun fire, and enemy biplanes to kill their observation zeppelin would be awesome though