First we steal your women, now we're in your games

First we steal your women, now we're in your games.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is Sup Forums angry about Harlem hell fighter DLC?

A black person steal?!

>It's an "pathetically insecure Sup Forumstard is afraid of black people and gets triggered at the sight of one, prompting him to scream at everyone else" episode
I swear this is a fucking rerun, is this show on syndication or something?

Cuz it's a dlc that you pay to play as a black man


>steal your women
Got some sad life story to share, OP?

Are there any women in male's prisons?

>only in an alternate reality are niggs useful

Careful OP, SJW mods are deleting these threads.

>is "the retarded frog poster who is unironically a cuckold responding to obvious bait" episode


>is the episode
Seems like Sup Forumstards are illiterate. Not too surprised at this development.




MFW mods don't know what "game related" means and just want to censor.

This exact shit is why I stopped using the assualt class.

>8 months in Europe
>only ever fought weakened armies on the verge of collapse
>get their own dlc because obese burgers can't stop sucking bbc
I hope they leave the Americans out as a faction entirely they were non existent in ww1

>tfw no ISIS vidya

The DLC is about the Harlem Hellfighters

I'm think I'm enjoying the yuropeon ass pain from this news even more than the temper tantrums from Sup Forums.

DICE is from Sweden

>Eurotrash unironically believes his """""continent""""" would still be standing, without the help of the US

Lmao, and you're probably an assmad Britburqa too.

Do you faggots realize what's just happened?
>EA petends to care about black people for sales
>Chooses to iclude the Harlem Hellfighters as fucking dlc, not as a main campain element probably do to white teenagers making up the market's majority

Get it?
>EA literally segragates the Harlem Hellfighters from the normal game, giving players the option to play a ww1 game while not playing as black soldiers
>Kinda like how in real life the HH were segrated and sent off to fight with the French at first
>EA fucks over the Harlem Hellfighters 100 years after their time but, in a way that makes them seem innocent

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, it will probably work to

>enjoying the temper tantrums from Sup Forums.
So what they always do when they skulk out of their own cesspool?

>TFW America cucks Europe again.
God I love being an American

>EA petends to care about black people for sales

Not really,they are pandering to the white cuck audience,they are not that stupid to pander to blacks alone.

Bruh don't bother Brits literally elected a muzzie for the mayor of their capital city today. This is not a joke.


surely you guys are smart enough to know by now?

the people who try to incite white vs black conflict are not white. they're not black either!

the obvious alternative remains

what's with the fucking cape/coat?

Literally got tempbanned for posting this a minute ago.

I can't help but feel that this is a huge mistake and it will ultimately cause the franchise's downfall. I'm not talking about the black guy by the way, i'm talking about the setting itself.

It really does feel like EA fucked up royally.

Australians, just like they were found out for originally causing Amerifats vs Yuropoors

Cuz somehow you're relevant in the grand scheme of things. Seriously, if you attempt to correlate yourself with the success of your country without being apart of the grand scheme of things your a pathetic loser. Smarten up

>all these buttmad white cucks
oh boy what a glorious day. thanks for opening your wives/gfs assholes to me.