Gayman pc build thread

This is my first time posting on Sup Forums so im not sure if these threads are allowed or not, If not just delete it and don't ban me, Only reason i post it here is because Sup Forums doesn't like build threads for some reason.

Other urls found in this thread:

no one like build threads because it's so fucking simple, it doesn't take a whole team to do it

Post a build and we will tell you why its shit.

fair enough.

that's unironically pretty fucking good for 300 dollars holy shit

looks good

your only major fuck up.
Never EVER get an AMD CPU! Just don't.

Other than that, it's alright for a beginner's gaming PC. The 950 would provide 30% faster card, but 750ti still gets job done.

At least you'll have console-tier graphics.
Don't forget the harddrive.
I'm not sure how upgradable that will be CPU-wise.

I'm kinda on a tight budget, Will the AMD chip at least be good enough for like gta v and shit?

>no poptarts
One job Sup Forums

> X4 860K
Its very commonly used on budget build, its okay as long as you don't pair it with high end GPU which bottlenecks it.

>gta v
I mean, just barely, if you want to play on low settings.

It should be decent, honestly.

Lookup benchmarks and other things with specific games.

Also bought a Cooler Master HAF X full tower and Herman Miller Ergo3 chair. Could use a decent 4k monitor. Got a 1920x1200 28'' Hannspree LCD. Probably could have paid off my car instead.

I'm surprised you got reponses considering you posted that unfunny twitter garbage.

Yes of course, but if you want to emulate it will not going well. For budget, its the most used CPU.

Is 8GB of ram really enough for shit? I play games like GTA V, Battlefront, Overwatch, other high end stuff on pretty high settings. My mobo only has one more slot left and I can fit another 8GB stick in there, and it's only $27 right now to do it. However I'm told constantly that 8GB is enough and that more ram would be a waste of money. Opinions?

My current rig.

>inb4 skylel and i5 meme

>inb4 amd is shit

Get more RAM if you want, personally I have 9 GB and I occasionally go over 8 GB.

8gb is enough.

All i want to do is game with it, Might even sell it in a few months for a better rig when i have more money.

See if you can't move your sticks around and get dual-channel, m80.
Look it up online if you're not sure.

8GB is enough. You need 16GB if you do video editing or rendering.

If on that much of a tight budget, the apt idea is a used PC.

What's a good cpu/mobo for a 980?

You'll get a lot of posts about the amd CPU but honestly that's a great build for the price

One of my friends plays pretty much the same sort of shit I do and he has 16, and another friend of mine has 24.

I don't know if my motherboard supports dual-channel, I think I remember someone mentioning that when I was buying all the parts.

Looking to upgrade from this because i'm starting to slug through games pretty poorly these days, and would like to be able to have a computer able to handle modern AAA games in something higher than 1080p, maybe even pull of VR well sometime.

wow that doesn't look bad, if i could just slap a gpu in it, Probably doesn't have enough slots and the Power supply is probably a crappy 250w.

16Gb is already pretty much overkill. Anything more is retarded, unless you want to use it as a RAM-disk.

Thanks took me like 2 days of researching to put come up with it.

Either by replacing the case or an extender ribbon.


Asking for comp advice on Sup Forums is like asking /fit/ for diet advice.
It's arguably worse than Sup Forums.

Crate and zipties

Redpill me on gaming laptops Sup Forums

Not worth it in my opinion.
Hot, underpowered, overpriced.

good air flow
easily accesible

everything is exposed
high risk of being damaged
looks like shit

>worse performance
>higher price
>can't upgrade
>pointless because gaming will suck up the battery anyway meaning you're still tied to an AC outlet

Awful, but apparently they can be played with an external GPU (and PSU).

The last one is usually pretty moot since people who buy gaming laptops just want something they can easily carry to an outlet and doesn't take up as much space, e.g. a college faggot living in a dorm or something like that.
Everything else is true and makes it a shitty purchase.

>good air flow

Cases are closed because of how the enclosure manipulates pressure and controls airflow. Open is not always better, unless it's done carefully.

>make build on PCPartpicker
>makes it cost like 1k
>now actually check out the price of the parts where i live since like all of the sites on PCPartpicker are murican
>now it costs like 300 more somehow

Overpriced and built to fail and be replaced in a few years.

Laptops overheat due to compact design. Games make them overheat even faster. The only people who buy laptops for games are idiots with money to burn.

If you need a laptop, get a normal one and use it for whatever typing on the go bullshit you're doing. It's not a desktop replacement and never will be.

Majority of games are more GPU depending than CPU. That AMD processor at least has good enough clock-speeds and 4 cores to run anything decently, but when it comes to other things happening under the hood, Intel's processors are far superior.

If you'd do an Intel i3 build instead, you could just get an i5 or even i7 CPU and a stronger GPU later on.

r8 pls

my current pc is something like
>gtx 560 ti
>8 gb ddr3 ram
>i5 2400

I've been wanting something for college but not sure what to get, considering either a mini-itx gaming computer and a tablet or a gaming laptop.

Going for a larger mini-itx though so I can still have a beefy computer.

>not being American

Way overpriced.


>those specs
Why even bother upgrading? I got almost the same exact specs, only i5 2500, and I have no issues running ANYTHING at 1920x1200.

In fact, I'd rather recommend you looking up an intel i7 2600k and slapping it into your current build. Maybe alongside with that GPU. No reason to do a brand new build.

but that sounds like shit for the most part

Do yourself a favor and save up for an i3.

>all yuropoors ever talk about is being American
Just stop.


Soon it will be time to upgrade the motherboard, CPU, and RAM.

it kinda goes both ways, see someone make a small joke about murica and they'll reply with a long ass post that's mostly shouting about cucks and muslims that somehow relates to europe.

I made a i3 build but it was about $50 more than this build, Intel stuff is expensive and the mobos for intel are more than amd as well.

If i do intel im over budget by $50

>spics and niggers
>fat people everywhere
>literally just 2 parties in the congress
>half a dozen secret agencies spying on you 24/7
>shitty healthcare
>shitty school system
>shit internet connections
>Kinder choco-eggs are banned

>soon it will be time

no it won't no it fucking won't lmao.

Get rid of that monitor and jump to 2560x1440 or higher, you'll thank me later.

It sure does. Yuropoors and Amerifats argue with each other, and then some Brazilian or something jumps in to huehuehue and the thread is deleted.

Almost forgot, there has to be mandatory cut vs. uncut debate, too.

Are you baiting or just retarded

Oh it gets worse, The two parties are actually just the same party that pretends to disagree with itself.

It's a budget PC...

What where you expecting?

>QOL is still top of the line for any demographic with sense

Why does speccy displays the gtx 980 ti with only 2gb?
Was that a topic in here already?

Well you'll be able to play pre-2011 games pretty well and League of Legends maybe

Still better than a PS4.

How do you tell your flag apart from the other Nordic crosses when it's done in a subdued color scheme?

Maybe something better than a 750ti, two sticks of ram so it's actually running in dual channel mode, and some storage drive.

I have a 250gb drive and i guess i could spurge a big and get 2 sticks of 4gb rip jaws.

will dual channel help the performance much?

The budget 2016 build on youtube can play gta v on high.

the others have brighter crosses within darker base.

And in cases where it really matters, people tend to use a patches that state the country in plain English, or just use full-color flags. Most of the time, though, just the uniform and gear is good enough indicator.

Can I get the parts to make a not-SAKO out of an AK I can buy in the states?

I love your handguards.


Absolute bullshit.

In the video it literally drops to 40 FPS in Skyrim (a 2011 game) when there are more than 2 enemies on screen at once.

Well, it used used parts too. I have the same case, its like the cheapest I can find


>can play gta v on high.
Yeah if you like slideshows. Probably wouldn't handle even low graphics over 30 fps

my build uses a better processor though.

That being said, you could just look up an used Galil, or even an old Valmet RK-62/76. The earlier's an Israeli clone of the latter, and looks very much like Sako RK95 anyways.

Alternatively, just slap a Galil-style skeleton stock on a 7.62x39 AK of your choice, slap dark polymer handguards and grip on it, and get some afterwarket dust-cover with a mounted ring-sight + gasblock mounted front sights.