Literally impossible.
Literally impossible
yes, all the people who finished the game cheated
JUST dodge roll
You're right, just uninstall the game.
Not needed for progress.
The fight is hard, i only ever bother with it if unless i have a +10 striking weapon otherwise they just keep spawning to fast for you to kill.
Literally git gud.
To the faggots who consider summoning and certain weapons as crutches? Yes
summon me bro
Get _ _ _
It wasn't impossible the 5 previous times I did it without phantoms. There are literally youtube videos of people literally performing miracles if this were the case.
It's tedious. The trick is moving and dodging and staying alive should be prioritized above dealing damage. Try to do like you would if you were really getting jumped, and circle your opponent until they are single file in front of you, not that they wont attack through eachother, but it will limit the simultaneous beatdown.
Run run run run run poke.
They do not spawn based on a timer, see below.
You never have to face more than 3 at once, and the 3rd will only come in once youve damaged one of the 2 enough to the point where you can probably finish it off before the 3rd comes into play. The only way you can fight more than 3 is by splitting damage between multiple gargoyles.
Any shield with high stability makes this fight a joke if you aren't good at rolling against 2 enemies at once.
That fight was pissing me off so hard
>Guys we are the Beta team for Dark Souls
>We allready put 3 sentinals in one room whats next
>3 gargoyles
How many times did they re-use The Pursuer in that game? like, 7?
>re use a guy that specifically is supposed to come after you.
ok, you can't really be that stupid.
It was one of the few fights I had an easy time with in dark souls 2 lol, just pyroball, dodge dodge, slash once in a while, keep circling the roof.
Honestly I had a harder time with the DS1 gargoyles (and maneater if that counts)
That's great, come after me, but when I kill you, don't keep coming back.
>Can't chop off tails in DS2
What do you think the bosses think when the player characters keep coming back to kill them?
One of the shittier boss fights, somewhere around shit or dont even bother tiers, yes. Just be patient and wait for an opening, the bigger and heavier the weapon, the longer the wait. Good luck.
I killed the ng+ version after the normal one with less than +5 gear cause i wanted the ring
You just need to play defensive and stop trying to dps them down, just 1 or 2 hits at the time
i was overleveled by the time i went and did this one so it wasnt so bad
Literally impossible.
git gud
Which is what I tell the Pursuer as well each time he comes at me, bro.
I thought it was fucking hilarious how, in the first 30 minutes after release, there were bloodstains ALL FUCKING OVER THE PLACE there. Wish I took screenshots.
The gargoyles were fine
When I realized the shit was just not fun and an exercise of doing specific patterns was that boss that stun lock rapes you in a corner if you dont roll onto the stairs instantly
forgot what it was called, I quit in the sewers cause those eyeballs were freaking me the fuck out
yeah ok, but why them also made him boss then
yeah and what about that fucking pit in the same location with multiples dogs and invader, about three sentinels and i can go on and on
easier than the DS1 boss
capra demon. They turn into normal trash in lost izalith. They are right behind the Taurus demons. Also normal trash in LI.
You braved the butchers brov, don't quit now.
It's always the fucking lightning boss isn't it
Hahahahahahaha dude
Just use the big-ass bat (I forgot the name and english isn't my first language)
That's the thing. I'm a dex build using a +5 Rapier
This fight does suck, and it's badly designed. It's significantly easier (along with the rest of the game) to just use a good striking weapon like the humble mace. But this fight encourages aggression, if you take out 1.5-2 of the gargoyles before the rest are done landing it's smooth sailing.
You put effort into making this bait picture. I like it.
fuck you I've been meaning to do this for weeks now
user why are you wasting your life playing this shit?
>capra demon
fuck that fucking guy
>somehow get up stairs and into alcove
>chased by dogs
>turn to swing at them, sword keeps hitting wall to right
>get raped while trying to change to halberd
>mfw i am so bad at souls games that i had to beat the bell gargoyles by summoning Solaire AND Lautrec, and lettimg them do literally all the work
>mfw i still managed to die the first 2 (two) times with this strategy
i dunno, bro... w-what if i never git gud?
Another shitty meme thread that doesnt need to exist
Try strike or lightning
Even with minimal str, a decently upgraded large club with kill them.
Try only damaging one at a time, they spawn based on total health lost.
Your better off damaging one at a time than having two of them run around with half health
>streamer I watch occasionally plays DS1 for the first time
>gets to O&S
>summons Solaire
>beats it first try, completely carried by Solaire
>"lol that shit was easy what were you guys talking about"
Keep trying. I was just as bad. Now I am slightly less bad.
fucking pewdiepie sux
>You never have to face more than 3 at once
Literally wrong