Thousands of threads worshiping Widowmaker, Tracer, Mei, D. Va and Pharah

>thousands of threads worshiping Widowmaker, Tracer, Mei, D. Va and Pharah
>not once did anyone bring to my attention Mercy's angelic hips and ass

she's too good for Sup Forums

vanilla blonde heal slut but I still dab

Nice face but hips too wide. Wonky proportions. Dva is perfect.

>hips too wide

She's my favorite, but it's too late for her.
Everyone's minds have already long solidified.

Mercy a best with Pharah at a very close second

>ever being too wide
How does it feel being such a colossal faggot, user?

>hips too wide

that's because she's no fun to play at all.

>hips too wide

>hips too wide

>hips too wide

>This thread will be nothing but replies to this post

>hips too wide
I hope your wife dies in childbirth

>hips too wide


>Guaranteed replies:the post

She's too CIS het to talk about and playing her makes me feel white guilt.

now that's a guaranteed post in every thread from now on
Thanks, fags

That's because Mercy is worst girl, compared to the other options available.

It's because she doesn't have a skintight suit showing off dat ass

have a (you)

she's old enough to be your mom

>changed her perfect va to an average one

After I heard Tracer's and Widow's voice, I don't know it just fucking sucked so bad i can't fap to them anymore especially tracer
Mei is meme fatty
DVa is also meme but she has quality shit
Pharah is awesome
Poo in the Loo is nasty as fuck
Mercy is a goddess
Zarya is for closet fags

She's the only girl I like in the game. Top tier hair and armor design.

she isnt an offence character isnt that obvious why all the faggots waifu those chars?
you would need to actually play a healer with mercy
and any of the shitters who play this game cant even consider not picking an offence character or a sniper



what does it mean when your FIRE bar is full?

Maybe yours. Young enough for a good lay.

She is the best.

Ireland, please

>too wide

Mercy a cute

I'd rather keep playing as my boy Lucio though.

>hips too wide

end yourself. childbearing hips are the best you massive faggot

Easier to play Lucio and wall run everywhere

Hello Patrick.

>match is always over before I get an ultimate as mcree
>always die in 1 or 2 hits from the enemy widowmaker
>slow as fuck

I just want to be a cowboy

what is this ireland meme?

Its a meter that tells you when you're running train.
If you're doing well it fills and you are "on fire" enemy team can see this as well. Its just a meter that tells you when you're doing well.
Kinda pointless imo, aside from maybe seeing who is doing all the work on the enemy team.

Ireland pls

Fucking this. I prefer to play as but I always switch to Mercy if my team is too retarded to roll a healer....which is almost every match.

She only has 14 years on me. Maybe if she was a major slut in middle school.

I'll MAKE her a mom.


>play medic for years in TF
>Overwatch medic is a qt

Feels good man

>not having the heal song going constantly and trying to keep near teammates

Because her hips are completely covered, its not rocket science. That said she's my favorite character, I think she's cutest. Definitly like her much more than tracer, Mercy should have been the game's mascot imo.

Her hips really are too wide. she's only 5'7. irl you would look like a stubby dwarf

Fuck off you memers

>Team has mercy, you win
>Team doesn't have, mercy you lose
Is there a more op character?

>it's not an "overwatch girls sit on your face" episode

Hey, its ok man.

That's the point, Lucio is just plain easier than playing Mercy. All you have to do is not get killed and have a team that doesn't wander off too much.

I looked it up out of curiosity and she's only 34. The fuck you smoking user, that's prime christmas cake material.

>all the ass girls
>no girl whose key feature is her tits

This is a disappointing game.

>only 5'7
That's not short for a girl.

>only 5'7


Mercy has some pretty big honkers.

i'm not even sure what the dash is good for beyond rushing back to the battle when you die

keep going, i've got plenty of (you)s

Where do you find white hobbits user

SJWs scream at developers who give characters big tits.

Oddly enough, they don't seem to care about big ass.

>Oddly enough, they don't seem to care about big ass.

where were you when people were screaming about one of tracer's poses last month?

let me tell you why i don't play mercy
every time
i play her not only do people NOT fucking protect me BUT when i die they go why you keep dieing mercy.

i have stood next to 3 people and they didn't even ATTEMPT to save me.


Kek, that totally slipped my mind. I have no idea how.

To be fair though, Tracer has a flat ass, not a big ass.

We weren't kidding, get the fuck out.

because they all have fat asses due to being whales

>Love playing blonde subby heal sluts
>enjoy tf2 with my m8s but hate playing as some german fuck
>Overwatch announced
>blonde heal slut

My life is complete.

literally angelic

It's aimed at an American audience.

Getting team to point almost instantly by hitting E when round starts, rushing down and killing weaker characters yourself, rushing towards enemies near cliffs to alt fire them to their deaths, times when healing isn't necessary like when only one or two enemies are nearby, helping flankers close sooner, getting the fuck out when you're alone, etc.

>no mercy porn that isn't 3d garbage

>Not going Combat Medic
Her pistol actually does decent damage. Not great, but decent. If a teammate should be able to hold their own against another player I usually whip out my pistol and help out so we can move along faster.

Nah, she is just a few years older than me.

Headshots with it aren't anything to sneeze at assuming you're accurate.

maybe you should try staying behind your heal target instead of beside them senpai

SFM porn can be good but it's fucking hard, only thing that comes to mind is that one thing with Dva and like, maybe one thing involving Samus from metroid.

That said you say there's some mercy porn and I gotta see it now.

It's a Sup Forums meme.
Basically, an Irish guy went into a porn thread and said something along the lines of "That's too much ass."
And then he got memed upon by a thousand faggots laughing at him and it went down as the "Ireland hates ass" meme.
And Ass+hips go together, so yeah.

Yeah but there's nobody whose key defining feature is her luscious bosom.
see: I dont think Tyrone will be buying this.

but she's also german.

>10 years older than me
onee-san pls


Every. Time. She. Ults.

>Christmas Cake
>Asse being on par with mei
>Barely any lewd
Why the fuck is there so much Tracer and Dva lewd?
They are fucking skeletals

>posting petite anime girl

You hypocrite

>tfw D. Va is qt as fuck but boring to play as
Couldn't they give her a secondary fire or something?

>Overwatch SFM porn
>all the girls have dicks thicker than Hulk Hogans biceps

have the people that make these seen a real human body?

>Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums
mate, brush up on your meme history game

because of the webms of them.

"Skeletal" is what the world likes

It's normie tier

Thick/fat/muscle/wide/loli is autist Sup Forums tier

No complaints though

>meme history
>not meme-ory


>wah wah wah


even hotter

>Sup Forums
Oh right. I always forget Sup Forums has flags and attribute it to a Sup Forums thing.

what i don't get is why they always make it futa x futa

they do realize that something with a dick fucking something with a dick is gay, right?

Dicks arent really gay. Would you rather fuck a man with a pussy or a girl with a dick? We find the female form attractive, not necessarily the dicks or pussies