What horror game emulates junji ito the best?
is evil within ok?
What horror game emulates junji ito the best?
>Evil Within
It's like Resident Evil 4, with all of it's good and bad aspects. People tend to either love it or hate it.
Haven't tried the DLC though it seems very different to how the main game plays like.
How the fuck would a game emulate Ito?
It would have been Silent Hills
Unfortunately that's gone so nothing really. Even the older Lovecraft-based games aren't really all that creepy enough
There aren't any video games that emulate Ito.
Try Silent Hill 1 through 4, Eternal Darkness and Dark Corners of the Earth for some generally great horror games.
Silent hills had an Ito ending if you think about it. All that build up for fucking nothing, i.e. It got cancelled
Anyone have any horror manga recommendations? Read I am a hero and I want more, but cant really seem to find anything that isn't retarded.
ill check em out, thanks
any other good ones that rely more on atmosphere and disgusting/gruesome images instead of jumpscares?
was never really interested in horror games/movies because i always had heart attacks, but after reading ito and seeing a horror approach that doesnt rely on shock i wanted to playsomething similar
Any Nintendo game.
The premises are great but in the end, well...
I know bro, I know
Silent Hills :^)[]/spoiler
>Undisputed king of horror in Japan
Guerillmo fell for this meme too hard.
>is evil within ok?
no, it's shit version of re4
but he is user. he is.
Any episodic game if you drop it midway.
I don't think Ito counts as horror
what a bad sorry opinion
Fuck me, user, you're 100% right
Ito obviously, despite alot of his shit having shit endings they are still good for reading at night alone in a dark room. Kago shintaro has some good things here and there. Hayami Jun has some good things, so does Maruo Suehiro. If you're looking for good horror, you really have no choice but to find the good horror artists and look through their shit, else all you'll end up with is non-scary stuff like High School of the Dead, which has a Horror tag, but doesn't leave you Horrified.
Apocalypse no Toride is really good, if you were just asking for more horror/zombie shit
You mean a game that has build up that doesn't pay off and ends abruptly without making any sense of the story?
I think Kojima pulled that one off pretty well with MGS V.
as what should it fucking count then you retard?
That doesn't look spooky at all. Actually, it looks retarded, the thing I wanted to avoid.
>Apocalypse no Toride is really good, if you were just asking for more horror/zombie shit
Been actually reading it, the visuals are cool but the story seems pretty dumb. Japanese zombies who create huge towers of zombies because they're directed by a single "King Zombie" is exactly what I hate about Nippon-Horror. It's just silly and not scary at all. I will check out your recommendations tho, thanks.
Dragon Head was interesting. But it's more about the psychological issues of a survivalist scenario than it is about supernatural horror.
>tfw the old website where all his manga werw, was gone
is there another site?
I'm literally, figuratively, hypothetically reading none of these posts.
I'm just keeping the thread open in hopes that there'll be an Ito dump.
not manga but yamishibai scratches the itch pretty well for me
His endings leave me butthurt too.
only half
Higurashi is a common answer.
I thought the series had great moments, but never reaches quite as high after the mystery of the first story arc.
what's wrong, shitlicker.
>That doesn't look spooky at all. Actually, it looks retarded, the thing I wanted to avoid.
I'm the guy that recommended AnT, and you should really read that other manga. I know that shit looks silly as fuck, I thought so too, but it's an anthology, so it's comprised of tons of short one-shots. I wouldn't say they will all leave you horrified but they are all pretty unsettling. A movie was made (and like all manga adaptation movies made in Japan it was pretty shit) to give a sense of it's popularity.
As for AnT, I don't think I'm spoiling anything when I say that that shit does a full on Gantz near the end, so if you're expecting all of the plot points to be revealed and the entire story to make sense by the end, I'd drop it now if I were you. That said, it's a fun ride and it does have it's moments. Really I only recommended it in case you were looking for something along the lines of I am a Hero or HotD.
Who /not Ito/ here?
That mange is various one shots. Some are silly, some are shitinducing, and others are nonsensical unless you're well-versed in jap culture.
>Junji ito
>Nobody start dumping
Ok i guess i will fix that
Higurashi isn't horror, at least not the type of horror that should be in this thread. It's more like Corpse Party than anything you would recommend to someone who likes Ito
It's basically a better RE4
coming from someone who thinks that TEW is just okay
A lot of the people I'd reckon.
I haven't read this manga so i will read it with you Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>/not Ito/
Sup Forums is known for Ito threads for a reason, neo-Sup Forums
Just straight up zombies?
Not as abstract as usual. Weird.
Ito is top tier at designs but sucks korean dick at stories. Everything has a shit ending and everything is some 2deep methaphor for some social commentary bullshit.
This, although season 3 is complete shit.
Ito is the Del Taco of manga. Okay, but really not that amazing, and also extremely overate. I as a huge, God-damn HUGE fan of Silent Hill, am glad Silent Hills never got made.
I hear his wife writes the endings.
>he's too fast !
What games have the cutest zombies and other undead?
I felt like it got really boring the second you had upgraded weapons and shit. Like the last several hours of the game weren't very fun and I had to do them in 30 minute pieces.
>recommending higurashi to anyone for any reason
Really? You played PT and was glad it didn't turn into a full game because you heard a manga artist you didn't like was doing the monster designs for it? And you're a fan of Silent Hill?
Are you jealous?
yea, incredible how the mind of retarded people work isnt?
This fucking guy
Yeah those gundam covers are sick
crop the badmouth romero part
could use that in doom threads
Hanako and the Terror of Allegory
literally retarded
No you humongous retard. I am glad Silent Hills never came to be because a) PT looked pretty but did not look like a Silent Hill game in any way, and b) no one of the original team would be working on it, and this, by mother-fucking-default, makes it a bad Silent Hill game. Also, non-Gooks can't into Silent Hill, especially fat spics.
You can't just paint a painting in the style of Dali and call it a Dali painting.
>zombie buff that doesn't throw his dead zombie GF out the window
>even as a zombie she stuck by her guns
dis gon be gud
>That huge empty space next to everything
>No Chicken George in sight
Why even buy physical copies if you're not going to buy all the Chicken George volumes?
But I can read all those online
Can you say anything that isn't a fucking meme hive mind asspull?
>that first panel
This is it, the first Ito comedy.
this fucking guy
It still hurts
>okay maybe spooning was pushing it
Can you?
So he fucked her, right?
Completely agreed. Holy shit was I underwhelmed when I watched S3. Also way too much showing and some of the monster designs seemed recycled from just a few episodes prior.
I know it's pretty naive of me, but here goes: around 2-3 years ago there was a website that posted translated Junji Ito scans. After a while they began adding other horror authors. Now I have two questions: does anyone either remember the name of the site or the authors? I'm pretty sure it had "fox" in the url.
>tfw no qt zombie gf
>play a game
>instead of forming opinions on the game based on it's gameplay, decide that, even though it looks good, it's trash because the Old Gods didn't make it
You sure you're a Silent Hill fan and not a FF fan?
>hot zombie jap qt
wew lad
mangafox probably. That's the only one I'm familiar with but it's been a while.