Demon's Souls VS Dark Souls
Lore Discussion?
Best lore?
Demon's Souls VS Dark Souls
Demon's Souls.
i feel like the dark souls lore is a lot more complete but demons souls characters and story is really gorgeous
>Penetrator: "Aha, I have you now!"
>Ornstein: "No you don't" -zoom-
>Penetrator: "Whoa" -zooms too-
>Ornstein: -attacks-
>Critical damage
>Penetrator: *kneels over in pain*
*teleports behind u*
*penetrates and ejaculates* :j
king's field has best lore.
best king's field?
Lorefags are objectively the worst.
DaS > BB > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2
You're a bunch of faggots
It was a hologram.
Dark soul's lore isn't more complex, it is just given in a very complex matter and it is easy to miss shit. In demon souls you don't have a problem knowing what the fuck is going, what are you doing and why are you doing it
Fuck off
I just beat dark souls for the first time.
I was a little underwhelmed.
I've heard negatively about DaSII. Should I just skip it and go to 3 or what?
Demon Souls has one of the best locations of the franchise: The tower of latria, its big, its atmosphere is great and it has one of the best moments in the game. But besides that Demon Souls its not that great.
Dark Souls level design outclasses Demon's.
yes, you should just skip to 3
disagree completely
dark souls, specially dark souls 3, beats demon souls in the gameplay department, but not in level design (being neither better or worse)
You can skip to 3 if you like. At least try out SotFS at some point though. It's much better than the reputation it has here.