Why the fuck does such a badass devil hunter like pizza?

Why the fuck does such a badass devil hunter like pizza?

Why the fuck WOULDN'T he?

Same reason why people think Cloud is a emo, go play the game.

pizza is good for the soul

Because he's advocating good health since pizza is officially a vagi in the U.S.

To give fat losers a sense of satisfactory moral responsibility to justify their consumption of such a disgusting food product

Foolishness user, foolishness.


*tips fedora*
I too am an enlightened individual that consumes only the finest activated almonds.

Italian style/Italian pizza >>>>>>>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your favorite game >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> American pizza

t. American


Is that a Fem!Vergil with Dante?

Have you ever had pizza OP? It's fucking good.

No, it's Duke Nukem. You tell me, retard,

No need to be an asshole, nigger.

Foreigner detected.

>eating pizza
No thanks, lard ass. I prefer to live past the age of 40. I only eat ancient grains, nuts and drink river water.

Don't you dare fucking lie to my face and tell me shit like Papa John's is anything close to good pizza

>Papa Johns.


Definitely a foreigner only retards besides foreigners think anyone eats that trash.

Kill yourself

That's the only retort you got?

Okay whatever then faggot.

Feel the pain in your anus.

Dante loves SUBS

but does he like cheese pizza? pepperoni causes cancer

>this edgy piece of shit
Neo-Sup Forums, everyone.

>demon powers make him immortal
>eternally fit due to superhuman strength
Why wouldn't he? Pizza is delicious, and it's not like you can get fat when your day job involves leaping 15 linear feet upward and swinging around a chunk of metal as large as your body so fast you obliterate the rain all around you without getting wet

the fuck is Dante doing out in front of the SDM.

Not having known the pleasure of Italian or Italian style pizza is true suffering

You are a Pizza Plebian and not my nigga

Have a good day and try to improve yourself in the future.


There's a surprising amount of Touhou x Devil May Cry fanart.

>Touhou x Devil May Cry
Now I'm just thinking about what a game that would be.

Holy shit the reflex testing

Dante wouldn't stand a chance against an infinite amount of magical lolis, especially considering a good half dozen of them have game breaking powers, with 3 of them being completely immortal.

Dante is also basically immortal, but I'm not talking about fanwank, I'm talking about gameplay.

Picture Touhou in 3D, an ocean of massive bullets, Dante slow-pistol-walking between them firing ahead. Only the real objective is finding a way to close the gap (meaning as you DO close the gap not getting hit is progressively harder, the space between the shots narrowing) and then once you're in melee range finally unleashing the longest-sustained juggle you can manage, because once the enemy is dropped you get pushed back to the outside of the range and have to navigate up again.

Damn that would be incredible.

Dante's demon metabolism allows him to eat anything and still look like an Adonis.


Who's the older one, Dante or Vergil?

Because pizza is godtier food.

Real pizza from Italian joints, not the shit they sell at dominos or papa johns.

In the classic series, Vergil.
In DmC, Donte.

alright faggot enjoy having kids and not having sex with your spouse among other wonderful middle age surprises

Don't forget to activate your almonds.

A proper nier game

dominoes and papa johns is still good because pizza in general is just that good.

>Not Royal Guard

>mfw i forgot the code to activate the almonds


If they make DMC5 i want to stand user to stay out

>It's unrelated to Devil May Cry
>It's something no one asked for

Because he is cheesy in all the right ways

Ok, no, that sounds incredible
It would be the perfect blend of both genres' skill ceiling, requiring more skill than tetris grand masters
You're making my mouth water user, be proud of that

How can you sit here and eat pizza?!

Wait, what-?

Not sure how you came to that conclusion I just told you that papa johns was trash faggot.

>"I knew it. You too! You're just like 'em, James!"

Johnny Yong Bosch posted this on his Facebook before quickly deleting it.
When inquired about the context of the picture, he said he "wasn't allowed to say".
This led many to believe that it's DMC5 related.

The top picture, that is. The bottom is just some hype produced by the picture.

You've been eating my pizza this entire time, haven't you?

Well, if that's true, this year's E3 is gonna be big.
But i wonder: would a potential DMC5 game be better announced at E3 or at TGS?

>italian pizza
>shitty hard untasty crust with barely any sauce and maybe some decent toppings
man you sure told the clapistanians
Italian pizza is shit.

TGS, so as to not be overshadowed by E3's other announcements
Even if this year's E3 looks to be fucking barren

He recently made a video about the picture and deconfirming DMC5 since it made a lot of speculation.
Not happening guys

What did he say it was for, then?

What did he say?

Dante is a cheesy guy who likes cheesy food.

Chain stuff is shit, but plenty are non-chain American pizza joints are good.

Cuz he's italian, duh.


yeah where's the ranch sauce I mean come on!

>Deconfirming DMC5

>implying he isn't just lying through his teeth so the hype is in full force upon announcement

Johnny Y. Bosch confirmed to take pictures with Reuben lately so yeah he is coming back.

What was this for then, SFV cutscenes?

>Demon Hunter
>Liking something that is high in Carbs and Protein [with the right toppings]

Gee I wonder fucking why.
