Battlefield 1 Horse

How do you repair a horse?

Other urls found in this thread:

kill it and eat the meat


The Engineer class carries a bag of carrots to repair the horses.

You feed it a medpack.

Throw a medkit at it.

Oats. Lots of oats.

kill the women and rape the horses

Friendly blowtorches repair the horse while enemy blowtorches hurt the horse


you shoot it

Use glue

>using a dubstep version of seven nation army in a trailer for a video game about the worst war in human history

Horses will probably only be used in single player and be on rails.

I dont think youll be using them on MP

I agree, kindof sickening.

You can repair tanks tho
and you can repair your friend in the knight armor with the minigun

Hasn't dubstep died off years ago?

haha relax gramps it's just a game haha

>worst war
that's all war dumb ass

But how will people use planes with no heat seekers? Will they actually have to git gud?

>flying a zeppelin over a battlefield.

Pretty daft.



>worst war in human history

i guess maybe the worst single war, sure, but the the various conquests of the mongols killed a LOT more people

Is there one sad sap who keeps posting this? This is worse than He posting and pretty much every other meme

Horse is a living thing, heals itself over time. If break its leg just find cover for 5 seconds

Horse shoes replacement mini game.

How are they going to handle how you get thrown off a horse if it gets killed?

I'm betting you'll just teleport behind it when you dismount

Sup Forums memes are cringy as fuck

>Mongols killed 60% of the planets population.
>Tsenghiz Khan raped so many women 20% of the planets population today is somehow related to him.

>A plane made of balsa wood and paper
>A stone tower

You have to be the muslim (Engineer) class, to groom and sexually tend to the horse to repair it. DICE announced this as part of their diversity is strength in video games policy.


Are you crazy?

When you're 13 you think this shit is funny as fuck

Horses are probably going to be fast and agile as fuck, but at the cost of bullets being able to take them out

With the magic of friendship.

Sandnigger detected.


Mongols would probably have dominated the world if they got out of the tribal based society and the black plague did not fuck them up.