>Conker got raped by microsoft >Spyro has been getting raped and it's slightly in a good spot thanks to Skylanders >some crash hype going on because of some easter egg >last Mario game was a "make your own Mario" because people didn't want more Mario >new Sonic game this year that will probably be shit because it's Sonic >Star Fox had a sup-par sequel >F-Zero is dead
rehashing gameplay is ok because you can take it to a different direction and build a whole new world around new characters
but damn, some things should just be left behind already
Say, if Mighty No 9 would've come out the way it was supposed to, i would've loved that game to take the banner and keep going with that gameplay, and maybe get sequels that tell a story and bring new things to the table
but no, mr. conman had to ruin everything
i'm hoping for Yooka Laylee to succeed so i can have B&K back without actually having to make another B&K game with the same characters
Justin Wood
Wow what, i thought this was cancelled
Jayden Wright
we're getting a System Shock 3 and a SS1 remake
They're by the old staff who worked on SS1 & SS2 back at OG Irrational and Looking Glass, under the name Otherside Games
get hype, my fellow user
Alexander Gutierrez
correction: Above goes for SS3, SS1 remake will mostly be by Night Dive Studios (these guys who got many old games on GOG including OG SS1 and SS2)
Josiah Brooks
But see, i hate when devs bring back dead franchises and their head marketing line is "X GAME IS BACK BABY!" you can tell it's going to be a turd that will try to make bank just with the game title
don't get me wrong either i've played and liked System shock 1, never touched 2, but those games are old and should stay behind
Isaiah Davis
>your favourite series is some obscure games that only a bunch of europeans remember >somehow the gaming industry still find a way to ruin it
>but those games are old and should stay behind spotted the dumbass
Andrew Wright
Shame some fans never do shut up about it even though the series had about ten titles for each fucking main line and sub line and spin-off line, even to its very beginning.
I mean, sheesh, some times, it's better off to let the eagle spread its wings and let it fly to a land unknown instead of keep pushing it while in your hot air balloon only for it to spiral to its own death and you having to witness it.
Only God know what'll happen to Crash if they do intend make something out of him. And I really fucking doubt the kids nowadays will even care about him.
Shit would be like new PPG. And I wouldn't wish that to ANY form of media, be it a video game or a cartoon.
Lucas Myers
>he is wrong because i say so i would like you to prove me wrong and then call me a retard than just calling me a retard because you can't prove me wrong
Noah Carter
Dominic Reyes
>2 cliffhangers >closure
I agree that most of the talent has left but come on now
Asher Russell
Ratchet and Clank isn't even that old to have a reboot, yet it did to explain the origins of most things. It stayed mostly true to itself while still being made by the same people who created the franchise since the very beginning. Of course that'll work out alright.
As for iffy situations like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro? It really mostly depends on whoever is still on the development team behind it who were also there back then for the franchises.
And I ain't even gonna mention fucking Conker.
That poor bastard just wanted to die in a big bang and all he did was suffer a excruciating measly death, not being himself.
Thomas Hill
Call of duty would be worshipped If they ended at 4
Jack Rodriguez
>isn't even that old enough to have a reboot user the game came out almost 15 years ago
i'm amazed the franchise is still alive though and glad
Jacob Hughes
i don't know how to feel toward remakes because i don't understand how long they take to make
they don't seem to be cashgrabs to me unless it's too recent
Jaxson Johnson
>Implying they'd ever address those cliffhangers with actual sequels
You're going to have a reboot, whether you like it or not. This is the generation where sequels are never considered.
Anthony Martinez
just 2 which are older than 80% of Sup Forums userbase
Eli Taylor
>closure and peace
You know the reason everyone was so pissed about Mega Man's death was because the way it went out was about the exact opposite of closure and peace, right?
Not saying it needs to be dragged back up but Mega Man going out was more equivalent to being taken out back and beaten with a shovel than it was going out with grace or dignity.
Ethan King
That wonderful son of a gun of a franchise still was released on the PS2 though, compared to say Crash or Spyro or Parappa, who started out their lifes in the gray boombox.
And thanks, now I'm the one who feels old.
Blake Robinson
3 cliffhangers, actually.
Samuel Evans
Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops is when the series started to get too goofy for me, it started looking like a fucking Michael Bay film
Yes, but i don't mind that then, it has a low number of games and they can't exactly use the line "guess who is back!" as a selling point
they have to innovate and they have to make it good in order to not be completely left in the dust again, it might aswell be treated as a new IP
Levi Parker
It's ok for video game series to end :)
Nicholas Mitchell
oh yeah, MML2 MMZXA MMX8 right?
Nolan Flores
Well the classic Megaman series is a cliffhanger anyway, since we never know what happens to the world before MX
So, 4
Logan Wright
oh yeah, just remembered as well that in MMSF3 Geo has some Mu Metal inside him which Solo wants to retrieve, killing him in the process
so 5 maybe?
Landon Rodriguez
How can a game with so little focus on story have so many plotholes i wonder
Jackson Reed
Can't we basically say every Mega Man series ended without closure with the exception of MMZ?