She's a Chinawoman you fop
>Get full frozen in 2 seconds
>1 hit by right click attack
make the freeze affect slower and make the right click use more ammo
Wrong race.
I want to rub my face against Mei's soft tummy!
I dunno what she says but during one of her emotes she sounds super inuit.
Something like pulala.
I want to have sex with her and ejaculate inside her vagina
meanwhile, every other offense class can kill you in less than 1 second without having to wait for you to freeze up
Also, why the fuck does everyone who plays this bitch just throw up their ice wall at complete random? I've been fucked over and died or missed a kill by my own team mates ice walls many times, but I don't think I've ever been inconvenienced by an enemy ice wall, and i've definitely never been HELPED by an ally ice wall. It's like the ability only exists to fuck over your own team.
Well she don't look fuckin' chinese. She looks like some haffu eskimo. Chinese don't have brown hair for one.
>3 fat fucks on my team
>all they do is block passages from the starting room
>keep intrupting my Reinhardt charge by making walls in front of me when I active
Remove China woman
what the fuck man
>Also, why the fuck does everyone who plays this bitch just throw up their ice wall at complete random
>buffing everyone as Lucio
>take a hit, loose most of my health
>duck into a tunnel to grab a health kit
>friendly Mei shoots an icewall behind me
>get raped by the enemies now coming through the other end of the tunnel
>activate ultimate in the perfect spot to take out the entire enemy team
>ally puts up an ice wall in front of me
Hēi Hēi lai la!
Is this the only move in the entire game that can actively fuck over your own team mates? Like, most classes the worst they can possibly do is just stay in spawn AFK, but mei is the ONLY character that can actually be worse than AFK with bad ice walls
You're playing with bad Mei's.
Play with a group and planned Walls can fuck over groups quickly. It's a good way to cut enemy players off from each other, such as putting the wall right behind reinhardt so you and your teammates can rape his ass in.
Most players just use it to cut off entrances and spam it. A good amount of times I use it are when we try to cap back a point at the last moment, throw down a wall on capture point while my teammates run back in and iceblock to keep the overtime time going.
haha look at the funy MAGA hat haha xDD wow so epic haha epic for the win
>That feel when no Eskimo girlfriend
Rump rustled berncuck
A character that has environment control will always fuck up allies more than enemies. I've been killed by more allied Icewalls than anything my enemies have thrown at me.
idk what you are talking about bro i just saw this image and i thought it was so epic i should share it with r/The_Donald haha hope you guys dont mind xDD
Rump rustled berncuck
>Wanting someone who has to constantly watch their diet because of their ridiculously over evolved fat genes.
I thought r/thedonald had better memes than that. Just what is it you thrive on?
Rump rustled berncuck
Why aren't you playing Lucio? Explain yourself Sup Forums
am i the only one that gets piss when the mei player stares at you for a second to kill you. it judt feels like intentional trolling
They're probably just slowly lining up the headshot
>D.VA below winston
top kek
Everyone is trying to ruse people into playing lucio so they can get passive run speed increases but nobody wants to do it because everyone knows hes shit.
D.Va is shit and does nothing useful for her team that someone else doesn't do better.
Have you tried gitting gud?
yo wo dat bitch
Lucio is not shit
his aoe heal is great, his ult negates all other ults, and he can defend him self real well
When did you realize he's going to save everyone?
name one thing Winston is better than Dva at
>healthy eating all the time
>exercise together
>feel good all the time
Doesn't sound bad, and if she gets chubby, it wouldn't be the end of the world.
>implying you can save America
No matter who you choose you're still fucked, might as well choose a 3rd party and make it quick and painless.
If anything, THIS fucker has to be nerfed.
>berncucks trying to divert votes away from god emperor Trump
>not living in the polar north with your eskimo waifu while you both get fat off of baby seal and whale meat
>self-destructive trade ideas
I don't know how this idiot can be convinced that putting up tariffs would help us when HE OUTSOURCES IN HIS BUSINESSES.
Putting up tariffs hurts industries that import from other nations and does not proportionally help industries that are hurt by international trade (deadweight losses). This isn't even taking into account the possibility of retaliatory tariffs, which could also be levied against us and hurt us even further. The reason we outsource is because the people we outsource to can do it cheaper. Preventing that will just increase costs of goods and labor costs.
Oh yeah, and the only people in the US really suffering from it are unskilled laborers. Skilled laborers on average have been earning 10% more than expected.
But at this point we're fucked no matter who wins.
>implying I'm an americunt
Vote for trump I don't give a shit, you're still a doomed country that will become United States of Detroit in the next 20–40 years.
>being this nooby
I'd rather live in Detroit than Syria 2.0.
Melee damage, AoE support shield, AoE damage at close range.
>making good deals for america
Where are you from then?
New Pakistan?
Some third world shithole south of the equator?
>implying you can stop immigration for long
>Implying immigrants can climb a 10 foot wall
>good deals
I literally just explained why it's bad.
In addition, Trump wants to reduce taxes, reduce the public debt, and increase revenues, which, together, is impossible.
>only 10 feet
>damage at close range
dva > winston
Hong Kong, but I'm not defending it, I just live here because it's where I make money.
the problem is they hide in corners and before you see them, you're pretty much dead.
>implying the height matters when people could probably find a way under
>turn corner
>bastion set up 3 miles away shoots you for 0.5 seconds
>dead before the online update tic rate lets you know you're being shot
>You will never get an eskimo kiss from Mei
Why even live?
I don't give a shit about politics, but fuck me I hope trump gets in just so I can watch the shitstorm that follows. I just hope he actually follows through on all the batshit things he promised, a wall between Mexico and the USA sounds hilarious.
We don't need to. We can make tunnels like narcos do.
The reason the US is so heavily in debt is the benefits program and medicare and medicaid has run absolutely rampant.
We've spent as much on these two in a year than we have on the military in a decade. Finding a more reasonable and less stupidly expensive way to do this stuff would save us literal trillions.
That's three things. He asked for one.
You fool.
>he runs around corners without looking first
This is why people think Bastion is OP
What Chinese dialect does she speak ?
It sounds weird to me.
>non white
You do know that if the US is fucked, the entire world economy is fucked as well? Or do you live in a 3rd world country?
>so I can watch the shitstorm that follows
This is not how you should choose your nation's leader.
>try to play DotA2 again after playing HotS for a while
>game is so slow and sluggish
You want me to stop and use the taunt before every corner so I can 3rd person look to check for a bastion?
>unlock the super cute smiley highlight intro for mei
>played her all day to get potg
>every time i think i got it it goes to some of the usual suspects pressing q to win
GOD TIER: Pretty much always a good choice for any comp
GOOD TIER: Well-rounded but countered by a few things
MID TIER: Good situational/counter picks
LOW TIER: Niche, not great but usable, and strong in the right hands
D. Va
SHIT TIER: Almost never pick this, there is a character who objectively does their job better and they are easily countered
>implicating the wall won't stretch underground
It also doesn't help that we're arming third worlders like the UK and Germany for free, and God Emperor Trump will put an end to that.
I'm not America, if I were I wouldn't vote.
fucking anivia mains
Fucking retard.
I can't stand HotS because everything feels weightless and pointless except bosses and/or the map gimmicks, which make the game extremely predictable and bland.
And the balance is shitttttttt. Healers outdamage fighters, fuck that noise.
seeing as bastion has no cue for anything except his ult, youll never know there actually is a bastion until 3 people are gunned down in a chokepoint.
>>implicating the wall won't stretch underground
Oh man, I fucking hope it does, I hope he makes it 500 metres in the air with a moat of sulphuric acid. I want something insane.
Or you could just peek around the corner before you commit
how the fuck is that non white and whats wrong with athiests
>Healers outdamage fighters, fuck that noise.
Do they now ?
>This is not how you should choose your nation's leader.
There's no other way to enjoy this election without taking the "watch the world burn" approach.
how's the Xbone version?
>bastion is hard to fight against
>seeing as bastion has no cue for anything except his ult
That's because his ult is the most threatening thing about him
Yes, but his plans to get us there are unsustainable.
Isolationism is a very, very bad idea for reasons I already explained. It led to the Great Depression.
Technically no, however they heal 8/10ths of the damage a fighter will do, so unless the fighter also has lifesteal or healing of their own in a 1v1 most fighters will lose against a healer just because the healer will sit there and spam his 8 second cooldown heal for 40% of his hp while the fighter goes OoM trying to actually kill him.
I'd say DVA is better than winston/ same level, mainly because Winston has less health and less range
>posting venti
you have to be 18+ to use Sup Forums
The Great Depression was not caused by isolationism. Who the fuck told you that?
>turret mode has no cooldown
>deploy is fast
>kills almost instantly and you can aim as freely and quickly as you want
>turret has no sort of ramp-up, just fires instantly
>no reload, just don't keep firing for it to overheat
>he has a second skill that lets him heal as well, while already being decently tanky
>"lol it's balanced cuz he sits still xD"
>even though he can still get up and then deploy immediately again
Even if you try to ocunter him with somebody like roadhog, he can use his heal, deploy again, then kill you before you do.
Or you know, vote a candidate that actually has governing experience or one that isn't a lying bitch.
But that's what it's going to be because people got complacent and let the radicals choose the candidates.
dosent count gay cuckboy
Please leave, Inuitinua.
i cant fucking hit anything with lucio, how do i git gud with his gun
He doesn't need to be nerfed
He needs a fucking remake
The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was the beginning of the Depression. What really turned it into a depression, though, was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1933. It caused other nations to levy tariffs against us and demolished what we had left.
The reason this concerns me so much is that we're still just coming out of a recession and another housing crisis could be imminent (the housing markets were never regulated following the crisis). I don't think tariffs would be a good idea at all.
>healers outdamaging fighters
Surely there is counter play to this.
Can't you just smoke and gank the healer?
Can't you buy items to counter his healing?