How do we fix Battlefield 1 ?

How do we fix Battlefield 1 ?

I suggest this first

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glad you don't work in marketing because that music doesn't go with the video at all

don't post this again.

why would you post this

why would you shill your shit on Sup Forums

you're a fucking moron, user. You're an idiot

a buffoon, a literal retard

It actually fit quite well, could be better though.




Make it arcade-y like 1943 and fuck you I want that

I mean, the US did have black regiments in WWI. Harlem Hellfighters.

it could work with a better mix with the video. or a less melodramatic tone.

They could also fix it by showing us gameplay. but no fuck that. that's impossible

So, no black soldiers saw combat.

>one of the most distinguished units
>harlem hell fighters, front lines for 6 (SIX) months

I want Sup Forums to leave. Stop politicizing video games and go shitpost about Dumb Donald

I mean look at your fucking post. You contradict yourself with the image you're posting, the image you hope proves your point.

you forgot about the brit and french settlements in fucking Africa you moron!

Nobody wants to play as a monkey

I thought it went well although OP clearly isn't a skilled audio editor.

I like my orchestral compositions and trumpets for my world war games.

>[citation needed]pedia
Cool. Post that image in front of any black veteran and see how long you can go without pissing your trustfund baby diaper.

So your argument is "I hate niggers".

Essentially yes

>shilling your shit

Just went it to leave a dislike.

You know what? Fine, keep the black character but don't:
>Put him in the cover
>Make him the main character
>Make him "European"
>Make statues out of him
>Make him a Gary Stu
>Make him the general of the German/French,British army eventually or the fucking King/Fuhrer
Just don't do this shit, i'm not even racist but this is too damn stupid.

Who cares? The real issue is the premium games. Who the fuck pays 60 bucks more for playing cards, poster, patch, and a shitting action figure? Was there ever a good premium release of a game that had cool shit in it?

Nothing wrong with hating things user, even other races.

too bad white boy. now get back to the cuck shed before tyrone gets home.

What exactly are you trying to prove?
There shouldn't be black people in the game?
They were in the war and seemingly occasionally saw combat so what's the problem.


I think op just wanted to point out something and not actually shilling his non-existent channel with 1 video.

What if I don't hate anybody because of race but I hate them because they are asses?

He can't be the general because another settlement needs your help, general.

>implying I'm not prepping the bull as I type

+1 preorder

Shilling is shilling user.

Sorry not forgiving OP for this blatant mistake.

Every single soldier who fought in WW1 is dead, user. Last one died a few years ago.

Are you retarded?

from cucks, codcucks, gearscucks, a lot of people (cucks)

Better build a time machine faggot

Nothing wrong with hating things user, even other races.

>Stop politicizing video games
I agree. This is why we put a nigger on the front cover even though 98% of WW1 casualties were white and all inventions during ww1 were made by White men.

Exactly. Delete your account

Do you know the meaning of cuck?

>Muh irrelevant cherry picked troope
>Dumb Donald
What's wrong tumblr whale? Triggered?

Yes. If you have a problem with that you can go back to facebook and complain about it there, nigger-lover.


too late nigger. sending small creatures seconds back in time. after a few more trials, I'll be unstoppable

They shouldnt be in the cover, thats the point dummy.

and the german settlements in africa

Catherine's had underpants, that was pretty neat.

But what if I don't hate white people that hate me. Even you.
Did Japan put Williams in Nioh for a political reason?

How do I delete my Sup Forums account? Seeing people trigger eachother is getting gay and I'm not into it anymore.

This entire debacle is just getting stupid now

Why not?

That...actually improved it.

Nothing wrong with hating things user.

With a post like that. You seem to have no concept of irony.

Jokes on you, the butterfly effect will make me a king and stop your bitch ass.

Nobody cares about baboons, I want WW1.

Doesn't fit desu.

Let me show you how it's done (obviously mute the trailer volume):


Cuck- Person i don't like or that is doing something I don't like.
Cuckold- the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.

Because it's pandering to your identity politics?

play another game. would your white ancestors appreciate you wasting your time fighting over such nonsense on a mongolian fishing forum?

And they gave you WW1 in the form of the Harlem Hell fighters.

If you want WW1, then you'll have to deal with the reality of the fact that the Harlem Hellfighters were a very important and praised aspect of US involvement. If you can't handle that, then perhaps you could go somewhere that would cater to your autistic rage such as stormfront or /r/theredpill.

Not going to get into details on how it is obviously tied to an agenda.

But the best approach would be to showcase in the cover the beligerants of the war instead of focusing in a minor part of it.

Pic related is a better approach. But of course you will go againts it because of *reasons*.

Get out

>not putting a Richard Harrow statue in the collector's edition

How did they fuck this up so badly?

>It's a Sup Forums pretends to be triggered by nonwhite video game characters episode
I saw how many Overwatch threads there are, you cucks. No need to keep up the facade

>Did Japan put Williams in Nioh for a political reason?
That's one game. Games these days shoehorn niggers and other subhumans. Historical facts mean nothing to communists.

Because compared to the 99% of WWI soldiers, this spook is inconsequential and would not be the image/symbol of a soldier.


Who gives a fuck about poor Richard? I want the nigga that fought off 30 German soldiers.

That haven't been pretending for years.

>dev makes game
>boo it should be different

fucking crybaby stormfags

keep telling yourself that, the war was 100% artillary and spotter planes. Riflemen only existed to point out to the machine gunners where the dumb cunts charging them where.

Well then you shouldn't get mad at this game since it doesn't do that.

>it's ok as long as it panders to my identity politics

Modern Warfare.

No single player.

High quality netcode.


But the cover is specifically for Harlem Hellfighter DLC so it is representative of the type of soldier it's focusing on.

It's OK either way. Stop getting fucking triggered over digital races like a fucking Tumblrite

I'll go against it because that game operates like shit.

Remove the nigger.

Isn't he the main character or something?

I don't give a shit about identity politics.

"most" :^)

>But the cover is specifically for Harlem Hellfighter DLC
Wrong. It's the cover of the game, look at the trailer.


Thanks for putting words in my mouth. Feel free to complain to the developers about how the cover should feature either a piece of artillery or a man dying of dysentery.

Ok. It still represents a character in the game.

Niggers never fought in WW1. History shows it right guys?

I'm just kind of disgusted that a meme regiment from America gets front billing and a goddamn statuette, even though we only came into the war at the end after millions of people had already died.

It's insulting.
>but black people fought in the war!
Yes and the vast majority of them weren't Americans, ignoring this to focus on aJohnny come lately meme unit is an insult to their contribution.

>but their not a meme unit they were highly decorated!
There were lots of highly decorated units in WWI, the only thing that makes the Hell fighters memorable over the rest is that they were black, which is a detail that is entirely irrelevant to anyone whose life hasn't been devoted to helping black self-esteem.

>but we need to pander to the American market
Of which African Americans make up a minority. If you're going to pander to Americans include a statue of Sgt. York, it would still be disgusting americentric aggrandizement but at least it's catering to the actual interests of the American market and not niche SJW faggots that won't even play the game.

There shouldn't be a black person on the front cover of a game about WW1 because homosexual swede developers think it's rebellious and in your face, no.

What now fag?

No black soldiers at all.

World War 1 was literally 100 years ago

there are no veterans anymore

No black soldiers here, nothing to see.

those aren't black, they are just tan and mostly dust from the battlefield

Only retarded people like (you) think that's the argument

>Jokes on you, the butterfly effect will make me a king


You realize they were only used as combat engineers right?

Niggers never saw frontline combat. They all cooked and did shuck and jive dances.

>combat engineers

mostly digging latrines.

"The Harlem Hellfighters were a very important part of US involvement"

Implying that infantry mattered in the slightest is exactly what you did, though. WW1 games just can't be interesting outside of grand strategy, flight simulators, or a hardcore 1914 sim when the fronts were still kinda moving without it just being a generic shooting game with a ww1 skin.

They saw the most combat time out of any American unit. If they wanted to feature a US unit at least it's one that actually accomplished shit.

You're just fishing for reasons to shit on the cover that aren't WE WUZ levels of obvious.

Still retarded, both (you) and people who think that.