Why haven't you preordered your Nintendo Vans?

Why haven't you preordered your Nintendo Vans?

Because my Jordans are suiting me just fine and don't look autistic.

Because I wear Supra, a superior brand.

>flip flops with toe separator

cause you can't yet.

Whats the problem? Thats exactly what the nintneod audience would wear?

they are comfy in summer m8 and look good

So this is their new platform after all.

>still suckin nintenyearsold dick
>wearing game related clothes

kid are you 12? FFS gtfo of my board and go back to fuckin reedit

I would rock the peach shoes

official nintendo merchandise have existed since the 80's I'm not sure why they are pushing those recent ones like that. I mean, sure if they could bring back the cereals that would be nerd-news worthy but those shoes aren't especially thrilling.


We have threads reminiscing about halo and cod. We have people who think Oblivion was a good game. People who refuse to play anything on the grounds that its triple A, indie, weeb, etc. As bad as reddit is, it's not like these few socially inept losings buying gaming clothes are much worse

>kid are you 12?
>Sup Forums is literally 80 overwatch and battlefield threads
the irony is killing me

I would if all the designs weren't all shit or "lol retro bro. I'm so nerdy xDDD" except for the DK one.

Are there Peach ones for men?

Imagine, instead of the shitty, too cluttered designs, we got ones like pic related. This pink and purple Marx, with the shoe itself being all navy blue high-top. I'd bu it in an instant.

You get used to them


>giving money to monkey.

I only buy reps, child

Wouldn't wear them myself, but the Peach ones are cute.

>flip flops in general

Sandals are the one true footwear. Comfy, and easy to put on and take off.

Honestly, I like the Peach ones, and I'd get them, but they kind of cross the "things where you shouldn't bother caring about other people's judgement" line.
The rest of the designs all look mediocre to me, aside from maybe the NES controller ones.

These are a bit more subtle

isn't that how flip flops are supposed to be

that's not any better, you got some cargo shorts to go with that?

>implying there are any fashionable people posting in the video game subforum of a Taiwanese Hot Wheels aftermarket parts marketplace


>wearing video game shoes
>wearing video game merchandise period

Laughable. I'll just be here dressed like an adult, enjoy your baby shoes.



>striped socks
It's past your bedtime little Johnny.


Why are they hanging off your foot like that? Couldn't find a pair that fit?


I only wear nep apparel

>Using anything but heelys or crocs
It's like you faggots hate fun.

That's an awfully effeminate room, user. I like your cat though.

I'm with you user. They'll never make anything marx related though. He's quite obscure even for kirby fans.

It's a stuffed animal stupid

You mean taxidermied?


>He doesn't wear slides
What a faggot.

What the fuck are you talking about?

It's fucking copypasta, guys

it's a meme you dip

Those are all girl's shoes.

>DKC love never
When will Miyamoto get over it

over what?

What are they even supposed to represent?

Actually, you'd be surprised how many kirby fans like Marx

>Muh mature board for mature people like myself, intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor.

His butthurt about how well Rare did with a character he created and how praised DKC is to this day

Looks pretty gud.

ITT: post your favorite Nintendo artwork that you think would make a good shoe design. Or just design a Nintendo themed shoe in general.

fuck off kiddo. Sup Forums is for sickdark people into sickdark things.


Splatoon clothes when?

Most of the shit in splatoon is based off of real brands

Black/White Nike SB mid master-race. Inward heels for days.

That would be a good way for autists to dress fashionably

>being caught wearing Vans
>being caught wearing NINTENDO themed fucking Vans
I'll be back, gonna take a stroll with my CP Achilles and score some tight puss.


>CP Achillies
>Scoring tight puss

Never ever