Where were you when PC was made obsolete?

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can i send nudes to Bethesda's snaptchat?

consoles cant make mods

call me when you can actually make the mods and their assets on console.


t. fellow dedicated mod creators

hehehehahhahaaaa, yeah, you got us! The only reason to use PC, and now you can do it too! (For $8.99 each horse armor reskin)

What mods are out there that wouldn't break copyright and are worth having that wouldn't break a console?

Lol good luck getting those graphic and texture mods working...

How long until paid mods are confirmed?

I would bet my next paycheck that OP is a sonygger

the mods are free

bethesda's letting everything slide through apparently, even shit that blatantly says "BETTER lighting" or "BETTER xyz".

>Be excited console peasant, finally i can into mods!
>The day arrives time to download all the mods that i think look fun!
>Oh no my console crashed!

I can only see this ending badly. If not just making the game unplayable because the console cnat handle shit.

I think someone is trying to damage my calm.


They will probably be paid mods only

>add god of war man mod to xbox1
>mod gets removed

>i have no idea myself have mods work but i must convey my childish superiority complex somehow

Have console version Fallout 4 gotten mods yet?

1.Like 0.05% of games released on PC have mod support with a decent modding community.

2.Outside of fixing broken games modding is trash for autistic faggots.

3.Consoles will have shit limited mods thanks to no porn allowed and limited computing power.

With all that why would you ever be excited for mods coming to consoles? And what's the fucking point Bethesda? How about you start making good games so they don't need modding to be actually playable?

>Electro music

Fuck you faggot I'll rape your mom

really nigger?

Even if this is a troll thread, I'm curious as to how mod creators are going to be working on the limitations of the consoles. Some mods make games look much better and thus harder to run. Is there regulation when it comes to these things to make sure that these mods are compatible?

And this will be very pointless if there isn't a good mod manager to deal with things. How are they going to make current mods install when you either have to alter the files manually or use an external mod manager, which is something that mod creators have to specifically program for.

>actually advertising UFO4P and admitting the game is a buggy mess

At least now they found a way to get their bugfixes for free.

>bestheda allowed mods
Enjoy your horse pussies I guess?

>Mods are for autistic faggots

Well I guess I like dick and sonic the hedgehog now.

>3.Consoles will have shit limited mods thanks to no porn allowed

No one on console cares about dogfucking and ponymods, leave that sick shit to PCfats with no standards for modding

Go ahead, make my day

I want a fucking pet gorilla for my settlement

If you dont think a Beth game is gonna crash due to mod incompatibility then you've got another thing coming.

It'll probably be mostly negated since consoles cant use script extenders and such but there's still gonna be a ton of people who've never messed with this stuff complaining that their game doesnt work anymore.

I'm curious to see if the consoles will support script extenders and R18 mods. I imagine they'll allow for mods that improve graphics at the cost of performance, and just laugh at people installing them.

Bethesda games have never needed a good manager for installing basic mods and that's what consoles will be getting.

100% of games support modding as injectors and cheat engine exist.

That's hilarious

well yeah there's a million ways this can and will go wrong but if you're retarded then amplify that by another million

and console gamers are on average pretty retarded I guess, so there's that

Good luck getting a nude mod through the corporate filter without the rating being a blatant lie.

>console mods

The game might crash, but it's not going to wreck the whole console.

Worst case it'll just fuck the install, and you'll have to make a clean one and start over, just like PC.

i don't know how they're going to handle load order for beth games though. Without that, you might as well not even bother, because you're going to spend more time uninstalling and reinstalling mods than you are playing the game.

>80% of the time spent modding is troubleshooting and trying to make the whole thing work properly

>19% of the time spent modding is taking screenshots

>1% of the time is actually spent playing the modded game

Tell how this is not autistic?

dude right now I'm posting on Sup Forums, downloading porn, playing Mahjong, listening to a podcast and occasionally playing and overwatch game all at once on one device

Until consoles catch up to that pc won't be obsolete

Will there ever be a mod that completely overhauls the game so it's more like New Vegas?


>Here are some numbers from my asshole

What percent of your time is spent shitposting on games instead of playing them?

>consoles get mods
>can't even use the graphics mods or else their console will fry
>can't use the lewd mods because consoles are for children
>will probably have to pay for the mods too

PC loses again!

read thread unga bunga

No. It would be impossible to do that for a number of reasons.

He's speaking from experience and there are tens of thousands of people who obviously share that experience. It's just the nature of modding, especially modding Bethesda games.

>What percent of your time is spent shitposting on games instead of playing them?

Around 40% of my vidya time.

Anyway are you seriously trying to deny that most time spent modding is trying to actually get the damn thing to work properly? Have you ever tried to mod a game past sweet fx and resolution unlockers?

>Bethesda games have never needed a good manager for installing basic mods and that's what consoles will be getting.

I get that, but can you manually add and change game files on consoles? Dragging and dropping a file into a file browser is easy on Windows but I don't know if something like Windows Explorer exists on consoles.

>a number of reasons
List some.

>only textures allowed
>no way to script or handle scripts let alone complex script extensions



I have to be in the minority then, I spend an hour modding beth games tops and I have like 50 in each.

Right now I've been playing fallout 3 with a warhammer 40K total conversion cocktail and that only took me maybe 30 minutes to set up vs the 40+ hours I've put in.

All mods worth having that aren't just quality of life mods have performance impacts, and good luck with that on a fucking console

It's going to be heavily regulated.

>I get that, but can you manually add and change game files on consoles?
Nope. If they allow that people will just use that as a backdoor for piracy and sony/Microsoft would never allow that.

Anyway consoles are closed platforms by nature, what the fuck are they even trying to do here? Why would you fucking get the console version if you want to mod your games? Who is the target audience for this?

Play the games bro. They're fundamentally different and mods can't change that much.

You're in a supreme minority of modders.

>on pc only

so we'll only have the highest quality sex mods then?

>Where were you when PC was made obsolete?
Here. Using my PC.

>mods can't change that much

>Mods can't change much

there never was a reason to own a pc. why would i want to own a console port machine?

But will the consoles have loli prostitution mods?

Dude there's entire games in DIFFERENT FUCKING GENRES THAN THE ORIGINAL GAME that are mods

They can't change fundamentals. NV a drastically different game than 4.

Can't wait to play on that sweet 15fps after installing five mods

Stalker Call of Pripyat on SGM or Misery is a completely different game from vanilla Stalker CoP

The problem with PCs is that they're obsolete and not obsolete at the same time.

I could build a high-spec PC right now, and it would outclass every console currently on the market.

Give it 5-10 years, and the consoles will catch up. Then I will have to upgrade my PC.

If you're talking about the quality of writing and choices than you're right, but gameplay mechanics wise you could probably make it close to NV with enough tweaks.

>PC players refuse paid mods
>bethesda can't stand to lose those shekels
>start out giving console players free mods
>charge them in later games now that they see how great mods can be
>then try charging PC again
Just wait.

Are there any (technical) details about how they're pulling this off?

I can't imagine mods that add better textures, meshes and effects, because the consoles won't aloow that much more detail.

More involved stuff like script extenders won't happen either.

So what is it going to be? I can only imagine it to be some sort of worse Steam Workshop that only features mods that either were handpicked by the devs, or went through a strict approval system.

Enjoy having none of the following:

-nude/sex mods
-anything that could be deemed 'offensive' from a victim group
-mods that rely on a script extender
-mods with copyrighted material
-armor/ect. extracted from previous Bethesda games.

Easy piracy and emulation I guess? Don't feel like paying $60 for a game that just got released and that you have borderline interest in? Well, good news, you can download it for free.

At least it's the reason I own one as a consolefag.

>Install 4K retexture mod
>PS4 starts melting

The core mechanics are still STALKER though.

They can change fundamentals, it's just that nobody is going to do it because anyone who plays this game is completely devoid of taste and probably just want waifu mods anyway.

the cutting room floor kind of mods, unofficial patches (if they don't need a script extender), basic item mods

You forgot pay to copypasta.
Where are going to implement paid mods?

>Where were you when PC was made obsolete?

yes I cant wait to see how consoles handle all the texture, mesh and lighting mods which are also the most popular ones

Actually no, Misery removes and abandons a lot of core game mechanics, the game stops being about the artifacts, blowouts and radiation shit and converts to an entirely different gameplay mechanic that revolves around accuracy, perception and survival

sure artifacts and the like are still there but the game performs and plays nothing like the original

>consoles allow mods
>competent modders manage to improve performance by tweaking files and optimization
>game now not only looks better but also runs at more stable framerate

their only rule is no porn

You're full of shit. 10 FPS tops

it won't happen without script extensions which they obviously don't have and don't support

They aren't different games unless you consider different quests and characters a different game. It's the same game. This isn't Half-life 2 modding.

I'm clearly talking about Bethesda games.

Not even remotely close.

The core mechanics are still STALKER though.

>install texture mod and enb
>console explodes and blows up your home's fusebox

>paying for mods


>no porn
>no graphics

What's the point?

What about porn and loli mods?

>you still shoot a gun
Yeah, okay. You got him there.

cool, so nothing to do with ACTUALLY PLAYING GAMES


>the core mechanics are the same
>no they're not and heres why
>the core mechanics are the same

jesus christ you're thicker than a bowl of oatmeal

you dont need a mod for that, just the dlc workshop and not siding with the synths

>no copyrighted material
>one of the top mods on the website is a radio mod


The game will crash when you go over a stated amount of memory.

They can't.

>I'm a fucking troll


I would'nt mind paying for the mods on ps4, we aren't poor and greedy like steamfags who complained about paid mods. If buying mods brings over the mod scene over from PC I wouldn't mind paying up.

t. retard illiterate
