ps. LOL

>Ronnie will kill himself in your lifetime


I chuckled

he's getting better

his self depreciating humor is always the worst comics he does

i wish he'd go back to gaming humor like that fallout toilet comic



7/10. If you put more effort into placing it differently I would give you more.


would you Sup Forums?


let me guess, the punchline is

A) he's fat
B) his self loathing and low self esteem
C) he's socially awkward
D) something about anime or video games

checking now......Ah yes, it was B) self loathing and low self esteem

I hate this sad, pathetic, unfunny sack of shit and wish he would stop making these terrible comics and eat himself to death

But you missed the hidden second joke! Probably because your monitor is filthy, you disgusting slob.

Let me guess you're


Not him but i didnt know you had to be part of the largest demographic in the united states to not be a moron

I'd brustle with him

>but first you must eat these eggs

Too bad you have to pay reparations to get the Jews back now

Ronnie's getting progressively less funny.


>Hating Ronnie

The answer is they sit wherever the fuck their tickets say they do. This is an airplane, not a fucking democracy.

I find that the people who dont like ronnie's self depricating humour are usually the kind of fat nerd virgin who identify perfectly with ronnie.

gee willikers genius, you might as well brag about finding words in a book.


__5____2 1
3 4

Basically Dobson tier at this point

No airplane has only ten seats

Wait, seriously? I'd heard they'd made some retarded changes to CK2, but I didn't realise they were just throwing history out the window. I mean, I don't know that for sure, but paying Jews reparations to allow them to return to a country seems kind of unlikely for the Medieval period.

>The first man has a fear of heights, but hates the aisle
What the fuck is he doing on a plane then? Just close your eyes or something nigga, nobody's gonna bend over backwards just for your sake.

The mechanic where you could get free money by continually borrowing, banishing and un-banishing was a little silly too.

Ronnie's only fault is that he doesn't stream as much as he used to. He's the only streamer I've ever watched.

True, but they could just dial up the penalties if they wanted to nerf it. Or just leave it as it is, the penalties are already pretty punishing.


It's impossible to seat the first man properly shitty puzzle

I feel like it would have made more sense if there were a time related cooldown. Like the Jews wont come back for 50 years after being banished, then it takes another 30 for them to start lending out again idk



Yeah, and also maybe some "fool me once" shit. Like you can do the combo once, but if you repeatedly do it in your kingdom, eventually they'll just stop returning.

Or just have a single ruler be unable to banish and unbanish.

you are totally right, he should try to change things up and go more serious. Maybe have his imaginary wife go through a loss of some sort

>he doesn't stream as much as he used to

Well he doesn't stream at all anymore. He stopped quite a while ago because social anxiety.

He did some Street Fighter V streams a couple weeks ago. Was nice.



I'm seeing a loss edit somewhere.

Ok, he did end his blog post about quitting with saying that maybe some day in the future he'd rediscover the joy of streaming games so hopefully he's back.

I want to fuck that

Isn't it 300 gold though?
No fucking shit captain obvious

Yes it's 300 gold, you rude person.

I wonder how common it is for girls to want to be double-teamed.

I wanna look like that. Not even joking. He looks like a jolly uncle.


Sup Forums really does have the best memes. I tell my friends to stop going on Reddit and come to Sup Forums because we actually make the memes here. Going to Reddit is like going to the supermarket whereas going to Sup Forums is like going to the factory in China that actually makes the corn flakes.


Every girl has at least 3 other guys she's keeping on hold if her boyfriend doesn't work out
pun intended

As common as it is for guys to want to have a threesome, I'd dare to say.

Jesus christ. Newspaper comic tier





>calling a skellington "fat pig"

Given the seating arrangement, I imagine it's an airbus. The one I flew on had a shade you could draw down over the window.

>Oh no the previous emperor of the HRE banished you? Terrible business that. Look forward to seeing you again debt-free in about six minutes.

The holocaust is real, it just happened in 1066.


on their seats.


Fixed it for ya.


That lightsaber is flashing some fucking gang signs

Yeah. I also want to hug him. He looks really cuddly. But he probably wouldn't do that to a stranger.



> That single missed uncolored spot between fingers
This triggers my autism

Fucking France.
Love 'em

Why did you waste time doing this?

Thank the gods that only a fool would believe any of the things posted here, but that made my stomach twist inside out.

it's cum

there's not enough room for all of them, only for Jaun Uvyu

Is this some FATAL shit?

Ronnie looks extremely comfy. I like his look. If I were gay, he'd be among the types of men I'd go after tbqhwy.

I would not, because I have a bigger beard than he does.

there is only one god, fucking hell

why do you people post shit just to rile others up, even when it's completely unnecessary?

Nobody involved has 15-inch sphincters with 1nm capacity. Its actually ERP from a /tg/ writers group that also frequents /d/. They're the Aristocrats!

I could ask you the same question. Patheon of greek gods exist about as much as a Christian "god" does, or Jesus christ.

If you're not willing to accept other peoples faiths, why should I accept yours?

Wow such a deep character very relateable just like real people


sorry gay space jesus.

That's kinda hot

>Science = Technology
>Skylanders/Amiiboshit = Video Games

Someone give me a tl;dr so I know why this butt hurt is happening.

Are you making fun of the disabled?

Just read it you gaybo

I think the point was that he was describing something vaguely complicated in detail yet he is having trouble with his science class which is also vaguely complicated.

Why am I defending this comic.

>spontaneous still being used incorrectly


a person is trying to make another person upset by pretending to be upset by that other person.

The alternative: Two people are upsetting each other.

Both are equally terrifying.

Eh, I've read enough pasta and screen caps in my life time.

Mall santa /10
