Host when?
Risk of rain
not today
i'll dump a few images to keep things alive
not working here
Will try again later
It seems that I am an idiot and can't port forward correctly.
Anyone wanna try plan B?
I can host but you have to install Evolve to do it
Anyone wanna try?
ill try
you guys might wanna try evolve, it works
This still is open
anyone have evolve and also have artifacts?
This game give me such feels, the end phrase and the music (like Chanson d' Automne)
You are not the Hero
You are not the good guy
You are just surviving
And just how far will you go to do that?
>tfw Providence was the good guy all along
damn, now that i think about it, you aren't really saving anyone or doing anything for the greater good, And there doesn't seem to be any actual humans you are killing to survive
>Bulwark of the Weak
Dunno if you read the Codex for the Parents and the Children
Still open
So there you were, just minding your own business, flying in this big cozy cargo ship.
When out of nowhere a motherfucker appears, causes wide chaos and destruction, resulting in your ship crash and you barely surviving.
>good guy
He brought it upon himself. You reap what you sow.
He started this fight and eventually got his arse handed to him
>You are not the Hero
But you are. You are the sole survivor of a terrorist attack.
>you are not the good guy
You weren't the one who started it. The evil has many faces, many masks. And the most dangerous disguise it can take is "good". The providence is the bad guy playing "good" guy, being defender and shit.
Have a bump, for old times sake.
Still open
stilll open