Does he do the best reviews (of what he has done)? Do you agree with him?
Feel free to post other reviews you feel are good.
Does he do the best reviews (of what he has done)? Do you agree with him?
Feel free to post other reviews you feel are good.
Nope, he's a pseudo intelligent cuck.
Let me post a few good ones.
Yeah, there are none.
He kinda comes across like a preteen that is excited for every boob he can see. Only that he doesn't want boobs but instead wants shitty games.
he is a CDPR shill
they paid the fuck out for him to make a retrospective and suck the witcher 3 cock
I disagree with him on a fair number of things, but I appreciate the effort he goes through to explain his perspective. Also I love that he is self aware enough to realize that he's not funny so he dropped the jokes his earlier videos had.
His stuff's alright but I heard he's a scumbag irl. He had a big tiff with his former partner in the channel or something.
>Witcher 3 and Pillars of Eternity are so gud gaiz!!!
>The Old Hunters is just alright
Hes a fucking retard
Source? The only thing I've heard is that he doesn't shower, but that should just make Sup Forums like him more honestly
yes he is
Everyone was shiting on him in the comments
He's been pretty stale lately. I liked it when he would ocassionally throw in a joke or two. Now he just rambles on for thirty minutes in a completely flat tone about games you don't care about.
He does good editorials and is generally well researched. I like his stuff.
I couldn't disagree more with his taste though.
>Raises discourse above Sup Forums levels
>"pseudo intelligent"
It's funny because he was jerking off Artorias of the Abyss in the same video, when AotA has basically the exact same amount of content
It's pretty superficial but anyone with a goatee looks like such a dork I can't fake them seriously.
Either shave or grow a proper beard.
>Fromfag babby
>Hey guiz! What do you think of X youtuber who is certainly, definitely, for sure, not me?
Well I'll tell you. I think you're a fucking faggot and I'm going to waste 10 minutes of my time to dislike as many videos of yours as I can within that time.
>pseudo intelligent
lol k
He's a typical nugamer with opinions straight out of Reddit. I don't even know how you can tolerate playing (if they let you) Metal Gear Solid games anyway.
Hes a fag who cant allow himself to be happy
Did Matthewmatosis die or something? Why the fuck hasn't he put out a video in four months?
Dont rush him, he does good work
Bunnyhop, Joseph Anderson, and Matthewmatosis are basically the only three reviewers I watch.
Matthewmatosis is the best, but he has fallen to new levels of autism trying to make his videos perfect so he takes months to crank them out, even though I'm sure most people would prefer two or three thirty minute videos a month over one six hour video every six months.
Bunnyhop isn't as good, but he puts shit out every week, so he's good for getting good opinions on stuff that may be more "flavor of the month" that matthewmatosis will never make a video on. Not big on the face cam shit, but whatever.
Joseph Anderson or jph_anderson is a pretty good inbetween guy. I think his videos are better than bunnyhops but not quite as good as matthewmatosis's. That being said, he puts out like four a month, so he kicks matt's ass when it comes to throughput. he shills his books/patreon at the end of every video, but its literally only the last like fifteen seconds of the video so you can easily just quit the video at that point if that triggers you.
Didn't he act like an autistic sperg when he reviewed MGS1?
The guy is a complete retard.
I would say Smudboy is the best for stories/narratives.
It's not my life, but it's a little retarded to completely drop off on content after you make this shit your job and start relying on Patreon donations.
I watch his videos but I'd never consider donating to his Patreon with the output he has now, it'd be a waste of money
he is retarded
i think the idea that taking as much time as possible to make a video as perfect as possible is true to an extent, but matt's gone off the deep end with it. how can he possibly hope to make enough off of patreon if he's going to be releasing like three or four videos a year? the patreon model has been show to work best for people who put out a little bit of content very regularly, not a lot of content dropped at spaced out intervals. i was hoping we'd at least get two thirty minute videos a month after he quit his job, not this bullshit.
Feel free to add content to your stupid self-promotion. What do YOU think about this shitty video that I refuse to watch on principle? Why did YOU feel the need to post it on Sup Forums? Do YOU like it enough to be able to talk about it without using short, empty sentences like "It was the best review I've seen" or "I like it a lot"?
Sup Forums isn't just a place where you dump shit and then wait for people to reply, you can have original thoughts of your own, too.
> refuse to watch on principle?