Here's your controller.
Here's your controller
Other urls found in this thread:
Model trains are literally autistic manchild stuff.
Do they have a new version out?
Funny because I always thought pissing your pants over what others did in their spare time was a sign of autism.
Sick non-argument.
Scuse me
Thanks. Yours too.
Stop replying.
Time for some soulcaliber.
That looks pretty good for racing games on ps2
Kill yourself autismo
Lets play smash instead
It's actually a highly praised controller. Everyone who bags on it for the ricer livery and goofy appearance has never given it a try.
here you go mate
Sorry, this is my only other controller, here you go.
Sorry I don't have any more controllers bro
>here's your controller bro
How about an alternative thread this time, why don't we post offbrand controllers that were fucking awesome?
That's fucking hilarious
>pass the controller
>it keeps coming back
This was the actual controller they decided to go with for the Phillips CDi.
Yes, really.
QWEASD placement isn't completely terrible here. Nor is the ZXC if you were playing a JDM indie game or something.
He doesn't need an "argument" to BTFO your autistic ass
Actually, there were several. All of them were shit though
Just came by to say i had one of those. Was great for Mischief Makers.
This is probably amazing though.
Richard Burns Rally
Colin McRae
Gran Turismo
bad controller.
Yeah, they're all terrible though. Like, really, really fucking terrible.
This one is from my weeb little brother. It's the only left I have
i'd take that over the xbone shit
I'm sorry but this is the only one I have left. Don't break it.
>tfw I own this
The R1 is fucked
Would be goat for racing if the X and O were rubberized
Actually I remember there was a guy on here that said it wasn't even as good as a normal ps3 controller. He posted a time stamp with the controller.
My uncle had this
Thanks for the controller bro, I think I got a rash or something on my hand. Don't want to spread it to you, haha!
Why is your controller running away from me?
It is literally a PS3 top
Fucking hell sony.
I had one of these and it was great until it broke :(
the best
delete this
>Here you go, bro
thanks doc
I don't have friends to give one too~
I want to lick that peanutbutter
this is my only other controller bro
You, ah... do realize that's just a calculator shaped like a controller, right?
What happened here?
sorry bro its the only one left
That would be why it's hilarious, yes
Yeah, can you do my algebra 2 homework while I frag these noobs?
Wow way to be rude user, my parents got me that controller for christmas. They spent their hard earned money on a gift for me.
Fuck yeah it is
I brought mine, thank you mate
Someone put peanut butter on their hand, poked holes in it, then noticed it looked super gross like a disease so posted it on the internet
Aww shiet those were the best
>Friend or relative drops controller
>Ruined forever
thank you user
>his snes isn't near a carpet
how can you controller if you cant even comfy
papa bless
Here's yours, bro.
holy fuck
>same stale response every fucking thread
The horse is dead, m8. You can stop beating it now.
Literally every single thread. How new are you guys?
Holy shit these were terrible.
Here's yours faggot
here man just hold my game pad a sec
I...kinda want to try this
Man I didn't know there were small versions of those. I'd like to get one.
>those two minutes of sillyness when you and your friends attempted to play TimeSplitters 2 with this
yo that thumb what the fuck
Thanks, Doc.
>average wiiu owner
You get to be the plane.
>400 pound manchild
What the fuck is wrong with his nails?
>you're literally a squid now
LGR Oddware time.
The Demon Destroyer Gunn (yes two n)
And no it's not a light gun.
I've been fucking determined to buy this for a year or two now. But at the very last second I go "ehhh". I swear the next time I fucking see it I'm buying it. And I think the one I want is Dancing Supernova 2?
here's your arcade stick bro
no, just an average Sup Forums user
It was hard as fuck and scratched your hands up, hated that fuckin thing
>it's just shaped like a gun
holy fuck
>Hold on just a minute, bro, I think I got an extra controller around here somewhere
>*digs in cupboard*
>Ah, here it is, bro!
>Here you go!
I brought mine, thanks
he is too fat, his body is assimilating his nails