>walk into gamestop
>see game i want
>see this in front of it
wat do
>walk into gamestop
>see game i want
>see this in front of it
wat do
gee gurl gaymer why does your mom let you have TWO 3ds
>Search for the game I came looking for
>go to the cashier
>pay for my purchase
>rape her
>get in my car and drive back home
Why the question, would you do anything different?
Spray her with mace and tell her not to call anybody.
Call a duck in Gamestop.
You don't get out much, do you OP?
Say "Excuse me could I get the game behind you."
This is why we have games on download.
trick question, there aren't any good games behind her.
She's a qt OP.
Ask her what game she's playing.
That second ds might be her bfs be careful.
pretend i'm browsing another section
pleb ass duck looking at fucking strategy guides
what a fucking casual
e...ex...excuse me....
>looks up at you
ca-can i just get this behind...
>crouching down locking eyes, aligning with her face
>face to face i can smell the grease in her hair from not showering this morning and i feel the heat emanating from her body.
>she looks at my lips, back at my eyes, then back to my lips.
>grab game and stand up from crouching knees popping and shit walk over to register pay for my game denying all promotions no receipt as i walk out look back down at girl.
>she is staring back at her DS already forgetting me.
>go home dont even play game, make ramen, masturbate, then play a different game.
Ejaculate onto her
do you faggots ever do anything new?
>wanting a game
Seems unlikely.
Ignore the storage creature and then proceed to buy uncharted 4
>turn around and go home
>try again next month
fondle the dangling thigh!
>he still has not hacked his 3ds
>he actually wants the 3DS version of the Gay Lantern
Leave before I get accused of rape.
*unsheathes dick*
*teleports behind her*
you're in my way
*grab game behind her*
pshh...nothing personell...kid...
*leave sticky white stuff in her hair*
Sage and report this shitty thread.
>pick the game I'm looking for
>make casual conversation with the girl as i'm doing so
>if she seems interesting, take her number
>pay for my game, go out
>invite her out to a dinner date
>afterwards, take her home to play video games
>end up having a great night full of vidya and sex
>realize it was the happiest moment of my life
>after about a year of similar dates, propose
>get married
>have three kids
>die at the age of 84, surrounded by family who loved me
Um, what is a woman doing inside of a video game store? This is a man's hobby, little girl. Go back home and suck Chad's dick.
>>die at the age of 84, surrounded by family who loved me
>past tense
Did you kill all your family and then yourself?
I'd take those beautiful feet out of those shoes and lick them clean.
>not licking her armpits
>excuse me but you're in the way of a game I wanna pic. May I?
>*tips fedoro* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme laDY
I would strongly assert that she, as a female who enjoys video games, should return to her abode.
>remember that I came downtown for my regular caracolillo french roast
>remember that I am a piratefag
>autism and shit tier fetish at its finest
Never change you bunch of autismos, never change
you just used the same reply from the OTHER duck in gamestop pic to see if you could get replies didnt you ? you massive faggot
Reminds me of a post where a guy took a pigeon into gamestop to get a free game
Tell that bitch to move, I gotta save my pony princess waifu in 'Super Fun Loli Party 8'