What does Sup Forums think about the new Battlefield?
What does Sup Forums think about the new Battlefield?
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I wanna shoot people in literal wooden airplanes.
Sup Forums tears are delicious
Did you know that black people where the first Europeans and white people only evolved into existence int he past 20 years
I want to be shot in literal wooden airplanes.
As long as it is accurate to history, I would like it.
The thing is that it won't be the case.
I want to gas people.
Sup Forums is a natsoc board.
We wuz WW1 now?
Fucking hell, I hope they dont try to weave black "oppression" and black pride into the story.
It'll look purty but suck cocks harder than Call of Duty does, like every Battlefield.
Same thing Sup Forums thinks of every game that isnt weeb trash...
It's shit, dowgrade, sjw-pandering, normie bait...
But myself, i'm modestly hype.
Sup Forums is just a autistic pretentious shithole desu. And I love it.
100€ i bet on them going "we wuz oppresed" in the campaign and he gets a white wimmin.
Fricking swedes, even their studios are cucked.
Blacks are too over-represented in the media. They keep pushing that 'black' angle that didn't really exist. Just stop. It's annoying and makes the games shit.
That is factually incorrect. Europe is only a myth told by the elders to spook naughty children.
What went wrong?
Sweden is even being subtle anymore
I feel this game is a bait. if game didn't sell well enough or hit their target ROI window the media will probably blame gamurgate or gamers for being racist or sexist like what SJW are building up with the new Mirror's Edge and BattleBorn, I mean seriously how much does a clickbait site earn this days?
is the truth maine
dese niggas be thinking they won the war and some shit
we all know who the real soldiers is, them buffalo soldiers mmhm
descendents of the great negus and later oppressed peoples of afrika
the lies gettin washed away one story at a time
ww1 was 99% europeans fighting each other. why would the main character be a negroid?
Holy shit is this game about the Tuskegee Airmen?
It's going to be shit.
They will force their Jewish anti-war agenda on everybody. Fact is, for most enlisted men, WW1 was fun as fuck. The reason liberals are so hellbent on portraying it as a literal killing field is because it was a war fought purely for nationalism - every man, fighting for the honor and glory for each respective Empire. That's why they hate it so much.
>He keeps posting this on Sup Forums over and over
How about hiding threads that trigger you instead you numale cuckold?
Glad Negroes are getting representation proportional to the amount of effort they put in to help the Allied war effort
>In WWI and WWII, rocket propelled explosives were still in their infancy, and tanks were basically impervious to lobbed grenades and other explosives. There was only one point of weakness- the cannon barrel that lead directly to the people inside. Realizing this, the practice began of sneaking up to the tank and lobbing a grenade directly down the barrel. To counter this, tank operators began raising their cannon angles to the full aperture to avoid these attacks. It was too high for the white man to jump. It was president Abraham Lincoln who noticed that black soldiers alone were capable of this incredible feat: dunking the grenade into the hoop of the cannon, so he immediately emancipated them and sent them to the Western front. This practice later developed into the sport we call basketball.
>game is teased
>one of the characters is anything other than a straight white male
>nobody on Sup Forums talks about the actual game for weeks
Remember when we used to complain about the overload of gruff testosterone beefcakes in vidya?
>Fucking hell, I hope they dont try to weave black "oppression" and black pride into the story
I hope they do, I wanna see you faggots cry some more on an imaginary cartoon board.
The reveal trailer didn't show the black guy in it. Will he even be relevant?
It's not 100%, right?
>Fact is, for most enlisted men, WW1 was fun as fuck.
Sup Forums-tier education, everybody
>Being this much of a raging cuck
i'm gonna pre-order it just to piss off Sup Forums
You didn't watch the trailer then, you fucking ADHD
oh NOW everyone knows about the Harlem hell fighters? Fuck outta here
Source on this I don't believe it.
Tank cannons don't go very high.
Were you trying to be ironic?
Probably the fakest story I've ever read.
He's not entirely wrong atleast for the western front, most soldiers spent their time chilling in the trenches seeing no heat at all
At least now the planes have a reason for only flying 80mph.
Does it matter? Any game with niggers in it is an automatic 2/10.
The possibility someone could think that's anything other than a joke is really sad.
>wasting money on a shit game to be a cuck
Your loss
>oh no, a vidya gaem will be the downfall of whitey peps
Ugh. The thought of the overly juingostic, bombastic war porn of Battlefield in such a tragic setting as the First World War makes my stomach turn.
I'm not against the idea of a WW1 game, one that accurately showed the horror, misery and utter tragic waste of life that the conflict was, that's fine. Valiant Hearts was excellent for example, but one of the dudebro marketed action focused BattleCODS?
Why do SJW do this? WW1 is European history. It's not negro history. To go out of their way to rewrite WW1 so that it was a struggle of the negro with a few white people in the background is a bizarre political message to send.
Preordered a copy for you.
Trenchlife, even sedentary, was absolutely miserable. Read a book once and a while.
Funny, the actual number is like 99.999% or something.
WW1 wasnt any more horrific than WW2 or any modern wars mate
Didn't know WW1 had STRAIGHT BUSTAS in it
Great job, m8.
>Niggers in WW1
Its literally okay when it's a white dude tho
Ok, ill concede that fun is an overstatement but the point still stands
>being in the trenches was chill and fun
They teach you what really happened in the trenches when you get to high school
That's not 100%, right?
Before 2016 proved people could handle black main lead thanks to films as force awakens.
Dice decide to have Woody Harrelson as the leading role because of his cult classic White Men Can't Jump.
more like cottonfield
pile of shit with a nigger watch i bet they put fucking women in it too so the sjw can be happy also they are showing xbone in the trailer so its even more of a blunder
because there were black soldiers? why the fuck would you even bother arguing against this, christ
Have you ever fought in a war, neckbeard?
They were totally just waiting for the last veteran of WW1 to die before making this, weren't they?
this. I don't like all that music "wow ww1 is sooo cool". Lacks of pragmatism. Even 1942 wasn't like that when you think of the trailer.
wow okay geez just like ugh how do you even
liberal cuck
It's was fun.
Many young men were willing and glad to fight and die gloriously for the honor of their empire.
Because this is blatant SJW propaganda maybe?
This turns my stomach. Just flat out the most offensive game I've ever seen.
I can name family members that died in this conflict, wept at the pictures and accounts of the dead and maimed that experienced this hell, was taught all the horrors of it from primary school, through my whole life, it's only ever been a symbol of the folly of war, the worst, most black and shameful era of British and European history. I've been to the actual battlefields and mass graves across Europe, held the minutes silence without fail every rememberence day my entire life, for as long as I could understand the meaning of it.
There was no glory in this war. No thrilling action or daring do, no heroes and villains, this was mass murder, a scar on the history of our species, and every single person involved in it was a victim.
This trailer, the entire concept of this game, makes me feel physically sick, and just so fucking angry.
How fucking dare anyone make a game like this about the First World War.
I don't know what's worse, the sick fucking emotionless, greedy cunts that would seriously exploit this horror of an industrialised massacre, or the ignorant, soulless bastards that will give them money and enjoy it.
Anyone involved in this, or seriously think of buying this, should be ashamed of themselves.
The black guy obviously isn't the main character. He doesn't appear a single time in the trailer, while the British guy from the teaser is shown several times. In fact, I don't think any Americans at all are even shown in that trailer.
>mfw buttblasted Sup Forumscucks
Let's face it the more you hate it the more relevant its gonna be
This is the best post I've read in years
>the truth is propaganda
Every other multiplayer character model is going to be a nigger or a women. Mark my words.
Watch the other soldiers harass them and his unit for being negroes and at the end they blow the racism away with their extraordinary black heroism and sacrifice and all the whites that harassed them realized its not okay to harass someone over skin color.
>its just a color guys
Thats only because they were wildy misinformed about where they were going and what they were going to be doing
That's a legit historical figure though (albeit a cartoon caricature). This is just Sweden cucking themselves again.
I'm glad I'm American then
There were enough colored people to mildly justify it.
But only mildly. I mean they have footing to do it based on US Colored troops, French/British colonial soldiers, the war in Africa etc, but we all know that's at its root bullshit for an agenda.
Is this the one black german who was alive back then? What historical reason is there for a black dude to be using a mauser? Fucking Swedes.
>Fact is, for most enlisted men, WW1 was fun as fuck.
yeah looks like fun
>fun as fuck
>what is shellshock
>opening the door and saying ladies first
That's not even that bad honestly. Why is it in the list?
When I saw he was black I knew there would be threads for days
It's stupid but I don't care that much. Battlefield was already dead to me.
okay we are making a game about Anglo-Zulu wars
you play the heroic white man leading the zulu against evil nigger Brits
god save the queen
>it's a caricature!
Why is it any worse than a WW2 game?
WW1 was more horrific because for the first few years the tactics hadn't caught up with the equipment.
kinda wish i could upboat that ^^
why does Sup Forums always reach harder than ms. incredible whenever the entire cast of a game/movie/show is not 100% white?
it's like they want to be upset.
I'm pretty sure the over 300000 black soldiers existed as well.