What's the best WRPG out there?
I'm looking for something with a great story and fun gameplay.
The only memorable RPGs I've played are JRPGs so I want to see what the west has to offer.
Any suggestions Sup Forums?
What's the best WRPG out there?
I'm looking for something with a great story and fun gameplay.
The only memorable RPGs I've played are JRPGs so I want to see what the west has to offer.
Any suggestions Sup Forums?
Nothing from the last 20 years.
There is no best one they all have their pros and cons. Some people will say Planescape Torment but the combat and battle UI is garbage even though the story is fantastic. My personal favorites are Gothic 2 and BG2.
my nig
Elder Scrolls series
Baldur's Gate (if you like isometric RPG)
Diablo series
The Witcher (is Poland west or east?)
I would like to recommend some older games but the gameplay is not great (wizardry, Ultima, etc)
Witcher is the worst Aurora engine game desu
only play Witcher 2 and foward
>gameplay is not great
How is your first year of high school, kid?
Those are action RPGs though
also, the problem with RPG is that most of the time they are mixed up with other genre
there is not a "pure" RPG style videogame (unless you take into account text adventures)
This game nigalig
What's the best entry level wizardry game? Should I play that or M&M?
I'm not sure I'd say it's the best, but I really like the first Neverwinter Nights. Even though the original campaign isn't great, the expansions are good, and there are a lot great user-made modules to play. The world needs more RPGs like NWN with tools that make it relatively easy to make your own stories.
if you compare it with modern games gameplay they are complex and difficult to use
Skyrim (even if you say it's shit) has good controller, Diablo 3
take out your nostalgia googles and accept that gameplay and ergonomics are better in modern games (even if they have shitty story and non-sensical character development)
Are these games actually worth playing in the year of our lord 2016 or is it more fun to just watch Spoony's reviews
Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines.
If you want a turn-based one, play Wizardry.
That's it, the rest is uninspired D&D shit.
I love NWN
Sup Forums server when?
this is still one of the best games ever
the controls take some getting used to
I honestly have more fun with Skyrim's combat than The Witcher's.
I'm personally a big fan of first person RPGs, so Deus Ex, Morrowind, SS/SS2 and VtM:B would be my recommendations.
Honestly trying to get into BG and other CRPGs on the Infinity Engine, I feel like the inclusion of DnD mechanics drags the games down. Dicerolls are random and frustrating. Controls are not particularly responsive. Pausing feels like a bandaid fix to a mess of a battle system.
And then modern games in the genre like DA:O and Pillars of Eternity decide to carry these bad mechanics over, rather than improve them.
Fallout 4
Dragon Age Inquisition
Mass Effect 3
The Witcher 3
is it easy to play these, or do I have to do a load of bullshit to make them work
'action' and 'adventure' don't mean anything
I'm not going to give out to you for liking a bad game, because plenty of other anons here will do that for me, but I'm genuinely curios, what do you enjoy about Skyrims combat?
It's just clicking on shit - there's no mechanical skill involved like timing/dodging and there's no strategising involved - you just use your best weapons/spells and maybe a buff or heal every now and then.
This is why Divinity: Original sin is so good, it's not just nostalgia bait, they actually created something new.
Also, any rpg with tabletop rules is shit, no exception.
RTFM and then you will understand
Are these games actually good or am I being memed again?
>memorable RPGs I've played are JRPGs
JRPGs is not a RPG nigger
You can play the Dungeon Sige mod of Ultima V and Ultima VI, they are very fucking fun and content packed.
Also Gothic 1 & 2, easily best RPGs there are.
Action RPG
Adventure RPG
both are genre on their own. Mix qualities of 2 genres with RPG
Adventure RPG is mostly like Day of the Tentacle, Gabriel Knight including RPG mechanics
It's still more interactive than The Witcher, where it's basically just a QTE, and Skyrim also has mods to improve the combat.
You can try Dragon Age Origins Ultimate edition, is filled with content to the brim
>is it easy to play these, or do I have to do a load of bullshit to make them work
If you get them from GOG, they come pre-configured to work easily. Otherwise you have to set up DosBox and all that.
oh ok. action rpg just means shit though
I think really we have to just define rpg as being a game where you make decisions about stuff, whether that's the plot, tactics or character development. or come up with a name that means 'game with stats autism', because a lot of people think rpg means stats autism or muh levelling up
t. EA shill
>Mercenary charms MC in a tavern
>MC kills a commoner after the fight
>Walk outside
>The entire constabulary is on my ass
I haven't actually played any of The Witcher games, I was just assuming that it would be difficult to be worse than Skyrim combat.
Dungeon siege 1 & 2 , 2 is a downgrade from the original and brings in "power abillities" that ruined dungeon siege 3 by becoming an integral part of combat , 2 its still quite good though and 1 is a masterpiece
>JRPGs is not a RPG nigger
Whenever this argument comes up I feel the need to ask.
What constitutes an RPG, then? If not the stats or gameplay mechanics, is it open-endedness? Is it 'playing a role?' By what metric can you claim that JRPGs are not RPGs?
Because shit, a lot of games called RPGs today barely pass as RPGs. People call ME2 an RPG when it's just a third person shooter with stats. People call Deus Ex an RPG when it's a very linear experience and you play a set, unchangeable character. People call Skyrim an RPG when it's a first person action game.
Skyrim also gives you some decent ranged options, like bows, crossbows, and projectile spells.
The witcher 3 has the worst combat in any game I've ever played.
So you only played 1 game in your entire life?
Well, The Witcher pulled it off. At least the first one did. I don't know about the others.
Alpha Protocol
The combat and leveling might not be the best(not nearly as bad as everyone makes out though, just a bit generic), however it's one of the best games for staying through to the principle or RPGs, that is your actions and choices have an effect on the way the game plays out.
This is something a lot of people forget, RPGs aren't about stats and EXP, they're just devices to turn stories into games. The important part of an RPG is being able to play the role of a character and make that character and the world at large your own.
Deus Ex is an RPG, but it's like having rolled a character. You don't have too much choice in what JC does, because he's a pre defined character(much like a Paladin is always going to have to follow their god) but it gives you a lot of ways to interact with the world. Are you going to help out a gang to further your goals, or are you going to slaughter every last one of those criminal scum objectives be damned.
It's stuff like being able to save Paul that makes all the difference.
The Witcher 3 is good if you've read the books and played the previous games
If you didn't you won't enjoy it, gameplay is absolutely abysmal.
It's literally MGS of RPGs, you have to know the universe to understand everything and have fun.
Deus Ex
RPG means impersonating a character and interacting with its environment and characters that surround a story
stats are an essential part of it because it allows evolution of the character in power and experience. it's true thought that traditional pen and paper have some ruleset that are diceless and without stats
Pretty much what these guys said.
Making choices that affect the world and characters around you, tailoring a story with those choices is what makes a RPG, well a RPG.
As much as i hate to say it, ME 1 and a bit of ME 2 are RPGs
I don't think stats are essential at all desu
wizards and warriors looks fun
i havent played it though
What about redemption
You pretty much posted the best one user. It might not have the absolute best of anything, but it does everything really well.
Dude. What?
Stats are not essential, they're an archaic mechanic borrowed from tabletop rules that never really went away.
It's just that so many RPGs used stats, they've become ingrained as part of the experience to people.
True roleplay comes from character building and choices, not numbers.
These, anyone who claims to know anything about RPGs or enjoy them in any way needs to red these posts.