How has AAA so good at generating free publicity through controversy?
I mean Sup Forums and SJW's aren't going to stop talking about this until it comes out.
Here's how it's going to go down.
>Sup Forumseddit is going to organise a boycott
>internet gaming news will report on those silly nazis boycotting another game
>countless articles on the role of black people in WW1 to try and make them look silly and ignorant
>intense attention at the release of the game as both sides looking to sales figures and review scores in order to claim victory
How has AAA so good at generating free publicity through controversy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums and SJW are just parts of the hype machine. It's very easy to manipulate both of them.
>Sup Forumseddit
Stop reading here
And none of it will help Battlefield not get crushed by CoD like it does every year.
>he actually thinks dislikes on a youtube trailer mean anything
Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossboarders need to hang themselves
They'd have to contaminate /diy/ first though, that's not very fair on them.
yeah but it's probably going to lower their marketing budget
Back to your containment board newfag.
Saged for abysmal thread
Was only a matter of time before they figured out how to fit in.
You need to go back.
im from Sup Forums and im wondering why anyone is even giving EA or that cuck swedish team dice any attention at all
i thought EA was dropping like a rock, they literally admitted they have DLC before the game is even released
literally fucking jewish cucks
mods are working overtime (for free) tonight on these threads
Really now I hate them too but let's not pretend that Sup Forums is anything but the most successful containment board ever made.
>People think /vg/r/p exist to give Sup Forums more space to talk about video games, even after years of evidence to the contrary.
I don't know EA and BF has been aids a long time now like every game has season pass and dlc. I think this some reverse shilling here.
>im from Sup Forums
Oh really, I never would have guessed.
>he thinks that /vg/ is a good board for video game discussion
Fuck off back to Sup Forums and stay there
they know actual gamers don't give a shit about their games because they've been ripped off to many times so now they're shilling for the loud marxist crowd
to bad they don't play video games, only complain about them
Go suck off Trump, we need a righty holocaust soon
shut up beta cucks, you have no right addressing a redpilled aryan such as myself
go prep the bull, k thx
lol Sup Forumsirgins trying to tell a alpha like me what to do
LOLING @ your life
>holocaust was real
i know this is Sup Forums and all, but can you guys stop memeing for one thread?
Now this is falseflagging.
But still, enjoy your ban
ban for what
im trying to discuss a video game made by swedish jew cucks that created a ww1 game and put it's main focus on the .01% of the soldiers (blacks)
i'm sorry if jewish swede cucks implement cultural marxist anti-white propaganda into everything
I'm not sure you comprehend how embarassing a response that is, to defend the state of Sup Forums by suggesting a board that is 100% video game discussion is "nearly as bad". As if a wet pile of dogshit can feel better because it knows a dry piece of dogshit exists, even though it was told its going to be a butterfly, and THIS time surely it will wake up and be a butterfly, even though every time it tries this it just remains the same.
There's no controversy at all
It's just Sup Forums being Sup Forums
I'm looking forward to seeing gameplay, alternate history WW1 is a cool concept and a AAA Battlefield game set in it mite be cool
pole owns this Chan, newweenie
this is some second generation meta-shilling
subhuman pretends that there is 'controversy' in the OP of his thread
don't you know that people who play call of duty games are too fucking stupid to have any meaningful opinions about politics for you to exploit
what the fuck are you even talking about it
Completely disregarding politics, playing as a North African in the Tunisian Campaign seems like a compelling setting
>literally admitted they have DLC before the game is even released
They have PLANS for them, not made yet retard
>communists and EU are separate people
go ahead laugh, make your jokes
>no blacks in WW1
u wot m8
thats not the argument swedecuck
>Shitty German colonies getting overrun in a few months
Come on
I'd point out its pretty fucking stupid to call someone autistic when you can't read, and can't write properly. Its a bit like saying "witch!" when something you don't understand happens.
But you won't understand this post, so its all lost on you. Hooray for Sup Forums: If I don't immediately understand or agree its autism.
>African theatre
>African combatants (mostly from colonies)
Who would have fucking thought it?
what the fuck are you even talking about
>it's an African Theater map
>there are black people
Next you'll tell me the eastern front is full of slavs who advancing by squat-leaping forward