Legend of Legaia

One of my favorite RPG's that almost nobody has ever heard of. Anybody else have fond memories of this forgotten game?

This was one of my favorites. My memory is hazy at best from this point though.

I loved the little touches, like them actually showing your weapons, and your gauntlets growing throughout the game, eventually taking up your whole arm. Some of the mid/late game bosses were hard af too. Mistwalker, that queen bee at the beginning of the game, etc. So many good memories

Great game, it was fun.

I love the combat system too! The only major flaw I have is honestly the outrageous amount of time it took to level up.

Yea, that was a problem. It did kind of seem like it was meant for you to level up through the boss fights. Maybe not though, it's been a while since i've gone back to it. How was the sequel? I never got a chance to play that one


Legend of Legaia was 1 of the 3 great Legend games for Playstation

Not good. It had literally no relation to Legaia 1 except for some of the music, not even Seru or mist or even the same universe I believe. It just wasn't as well made and didn't have enough of the fantasy element to make it interesting.

MML is one of them i'm guessing? What's the other one?

I mean literal Legend games

Legend of Mana
Legend of Legaia
Legend of Dragoon

Literally my first rpg so it will always be remembered fondly. Played it again a few years back and it still holds up. The battle system and boss fights were great, and just the world and locations in general were cool.

>trying to actually discover all the combos
Yeah, I gave up on that shit and just looked it up.

Magic was fun but, like combos, just took forever to level up. I think I only leveled up the holy ones (three healing + annihilation spell) and the one earth spike summon, and didn't even bother with the rest. Heck, I hardly used them.

Legend of Legaia is one of the games where I remember liking it, but I can't tell you anything about the game. Jade Cocoon would be another.


far too much grinding, and battle boiled down to using the same arts over and over, or recharging to use them or block a big attack

Was the first game I took a long break from because of that mountain 1v1 boss gauntlet. Came back and beat it, eventually getting to the last boss.After fighting for about 20 minutes, had one of those "This is taking forever, maybe I should stop trying and let him kill me, and actually grind a bit for once" moments. Beat it after some more time without having to restart and grind. Good times

>mfw finding out that the English localization removed all the sound clips of actual Japanese and just kept in the ones that sounded like jumbled nonsense

I will always hate video game localization. Its completely nonsensical.

It's been a long time, but I will never forget meeting Gaza for the first time, and fighting him. And Noa saying goodbye to "Grampa"

Easily my favorite RPG on the playstation. I remembered I rented it, I had no direct access to the box so I could only see its size and think "It must be a three disc game or something" so imagine my surprise by the ride that just got better and better.

I do wonder though, without using the point card, is there ANY way to beat Koru without overlevling to level 40? Since that is pretty much how I did it on my first run and it was still the exact damage needed to kill him, right to my last turn


The boss at the ice cave, the one you have 4 turns to kill before instant game over