>Almost twice the 980's performance on The Witcher 3
Holy shit, son.
Almost twice the 980's performance on The Witcher 3
Where's your 4k now?
Does it really matter anymore since most games are just console ports now?
AMD stock prices are plummeting.
When the consoles perform worse than a budget pc card, the port is to the consoles
Only for VR. But Nvidia already had the best VR performance. Now it's got double the VR performance of AMD.
I'll get the ti version as i always did
Leaked benchmarks
tl;dr slightly faster than a 980Ti with better power usage
neat, but i'll be skipping this gen. hopefully 11x0 or whatever's next will be good too.
It matters more actually. Shitty ports require massive amounts of power and Nvidia/AMD getting more power only means devs are gonna care even less about performance.
VR is a literal meme until it gets its own Killer App.
>Only a modest performance boost over the 980 Ti
So much for Pascal being revolutionary
>being surprised the 1080 is only a small increase over the 980
I'm pretty sure at this point both CPU and GPUs are hitting the technological wall, and the best we'll see are overpriced minute upgrades. That or they're just greedy merchants who are enjoying the monopolized, stagnant market because AMD isn't competing.
Only for VR and 4K.
I think that is pretty good for a high-end card.
GTX 1060 will be 75w PCI only then?
so whats the price range for this?
i'm still using my 7970, will it finally be worth upgrading?
Probably in the $480-500 range.
And yes.
same as gpu prices have been for ages
250-ish for x60
350-ish for x70
500+ish for x80
add maybe 10-30 dollars for brands like asus, gigabyte, and msi for custom pcbs and coolers.
>i'm still using my 7970, will it finally be worth upgrading?
It was worth upgrading to 390x/980 from that card to begin with, so it will obviously be worth upgrading to Polaris/Pascal.
Try 749 at least
They really called it 1080, the absolute madmen.
I wanna see their PR department working around the upcoming confusing and misconception from the mass market.
That would be the Ti version.
>groundbreaking new design
>for a reference board that nobody ever buys
599 meme again
>the mass market
The people buying graphics cards know what the fuck is going on anyway.
Why would anyone EVER buy a reference card?
>250-ish for x60
Only if it's a real x60 card, like they were up to the 760, and not a fake x60 card, like the 960.
If the latter, it will be cheaper.
Wake me up when we get to 1580
Found the poorfag.
The 1070 is better than a titan x for 1/3 the price of a titan x.
I'm hoping its worth it, I've got a 7970 as well and while it's been doing the job I'm keen for an upgrade.
I was expecting like 1000 dollars after they showed the performance increases.
599 is fucking nothing. Consider me kiked, but I'm buying day 1.
It'll be less good when actual power consumption numbers are tested. Nvidia always understates how much power their cards use. They do use a little less than AMD, but the gap is never as big as stated numbers. AMD is upfront about their power-hungry cards, Nvidia lists it lower, and the end result is less than 10% difference.
I'll wait for the ti nigga
LOL people didn't believe me when I said the 1070 would perform near or better than the 980ti and be prices close to 350.
Turns out it was 379 but close enough.
>400 dollars for better than anything currently out
Nice la
Where were you when Nvidia won?
They probably test them under optimal conditions, like in a vacuum or some shit.
>1080 only requires a single 8-pin connector
>reference card
don't buy yet, just wait for the 1180 to be released
That just devalued my 980 to like 200 dollars.
As long as they don't cuck everyone out of the last .5gb again.
Don't buy the 1180, the 1280 will come out soon after
>Flagship uses GDDR5
>Still no HBM even after a year of it being available
Fuck that, I'm waiting for the 1380.
>faster than a TitanX
>For 9tflops
Jesus christ I expected to get fucked royally by the 1080. Wonder how much the Ti will go for. Moreover it's like they just kneecapped the entire line before the 1XXX
>why do they call it the gtx 1080
>because when you see it you'll do a 1080 and walk away
I don't think you understand how ports work
The 1380 ti is only a few months after that.
>buying the 1000 series when the 2000's cards are only a decade away
AMD is fucking FINISHED
Hopefully I can push for 60 with NLA enb on Skyrimjob
Hope Maxwell House is prepared for those performance downgrades in the coming months. You'll be joining the Kepler Crew soon enough, get those tear ducts ready.
If you count the pixels and do the maths it's only 20% faster than a Titan X.
You can buy overclocked 980ti models right now that are just as fast. It's pathetic.
Don't you mean 7GB?
>updating your drivers after today if you're on older hardware
Do you people never learn?
Im a poorfag and buying the gtx1070 7.5gb meme card. Cant wait.
Why ask? You know they never do.
it only needs one 8 pin holy fuck
>relative gaming performance
what a lovely chart
>people buying into the hype machine
when will they learn
Buying the 1080 for 1200p. I don't give a fuck
No, thats another card.
But 1080 is a factor of 360
which means you're walking in the same direction
>120% 980ti stock performance with 60% of the 980ti's power consumption is bad
>Implying the 1080 can't be overclocked as well
Actually if you can prove you bought a 970 you'll get an extra .5GB for a total of 8.5GB when buying the 1070 to compensate.
How much could I sell a 970 for?
Even 7GB would be way overkill for the card's lifetime.
Probably the best deal at the moment. A few months down the road you could SLI for just a little over the price of one 1080 too.
>not waiting 25+ years for 3DFX to rise from the dead and come out with the Voodoo 6
Still using my Voodoo 2 and see no reason to upgrade, no one needs more than 8MB of Vram right now anyways
>PCcucks ACTUALLY spend $600 on the newest Nvidia Memeforce so they can play glorified benchmark games and Undertale
you cant make this shit up
Hope you retards sold your 970s by now, because eBay will be filled with them soon enough.
Oh, you wanted to keep it and use it for this holiday's games? Too bad, it will perform like shit with those.
>was just about to buy parts for a new desktop build since my current one is almost 6 years old now
god damn it now I have to wait again
that's what they said about the 970
You're right though, all we're getting is PC ports which won't come anywhere near using the full potential
Have we finally reached the final GPU generation?
lern to moonwalk you n00b
Maybe 150.
I plan to list my 980 for 250 and I'll let it go for 200.
1070 is $380
Try $500 tops
3.5 dollars
Well, time to upgrade from 770 to 1070.
fucking finally, the prices of 900x series should plummet now, right?
>was thinking of upgrading my old-ass 7870 to a GTX 970 today
Phew, dodged a bullet there.
The 1070 sounds super-cheap for the specs.
if new tech coming out is delaying you you'll be waiting forever not that there's anything worth playing that requires that much power anyway
>yfw AMD cucks fell for the 1000w psu meme
How about 980 TI?
The 980 Ti doesn't overclock that well unless you spend buttloads to watercool it. 970/980 can easily hit 1.5GHz on air. The news about Pascal doing 2GHz is p. neat.
With the recent trend of console ports using uncompressed textures and requiring in some cases like 6gb on the highest settings? No, it's not overkill.
No idea, but sell it fast. Every day you wait it will lose value, especially the closer we get to fall and DX12/Vulkan games start showing just how shitty Maxwell truly is for anything but DX11.
Faster than a Titan X for 1/3 of the price
Think about that
980ti is about the same as Titan X, 1080 is 20% faster.
Rumors have the 480x at similar specs for $300. Wait for that announcement (Computex in 3 weeks)
A 980 Ti is almost as fast as two 970s in SLI.
anyone know when these release?
980ti was already just as fast for half the price. Titan X is a dumb comparison.