Why do people betray each other?

Why do people betray each other?

Zero Escape / Zero Time Dilemma thread

If you haven't played the games, just stay out of the threads for fear of spoilers, just play 999 and then VLR, it's worth it

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I've honestly watched the latest trailer like 10 times
I know it's just making the wait harder but I can't stop bullshitting myself



Whoa, this...this is it!

i want to be a talentless psycho icecream nerd with a hot, crazy, and murderous girlfriend

MIRA... mira is my.... angel~~~


who else /donewithplayingtheactionhero/ here?

does anyone have the collage with all of the people from Sup Forums posting their copies of vlr and 999


Spoilers? In ZE threads? Naw.

I have random collages from Sup Forums. Can't remember if this was for Operation Bluebird or not.

Goddamn I was so confused, that was a really great moment

Junpei lying through his teeth.

>that feel when you will never make a suit of armor expose a gun that starts shooting and make someone else ask "Why... Why did you do it?"

999 or VLR characters: which do you like better overall?

It's a tough call for me because VLR's good characters are really good (Sigma, Phi, K) but its bad characters suck shit (Clover and Alice). 999 has a more likeable group overall, so I gotta go with them

Man Uchi sure got creative as fuck in ZTD without publishers restraining him

this is an oddly specific feel, user

There's no point in living.. (sob).. once you lose the one.. (sob).. you care about.. the most...

>tfw she would kill 6 billion just to save the one person she cares about the most

Would you play a mafia-style AB game over Discord with your fellow anons?

watch the 999 trailer for nostalgia

it's so bad


I was so fucking confused. For a second I thought it was some kind of translation error.

When they said they didn't know who he was, I thought they meant it more like "I didn't know there was a Sigma clone. I've never seen him, only the real Sigma!"

But then Sigma was like "What the fuck guys?" and Quark asked him if he was feeling alright. That's when I knew.

Anyone have a copy of the ZE3 announcement collage?

>u will never wear a jacket/shirt with the word "BAD" and the anarchy symbol on it, with a few other random symbols??

Does anyone have the Zero Escape version of this image? I forgot what it was, but I remember one existed.

Here to deliver user.

>that feel when vlr and ztd didn't use sprites

feels fucking bad

Am I missing out by reading the visual novel on my phone? It's story only, with all gameplay elements removed.

Are they worth digging out my DS?

Why are you in a thread for a game series you haven't played.

Play the DS version.

>Are they worth digging out my DS?
Yes. The puzzles in the first game aren't amazing but they're still pretty fun

The gameplay elements are escape rooms. You have to solve puzzles in order to find an way out of the room. It's pretty fun, normies who don't play video games will pay $15-30 a piece to go to a "real life" escape room that is like only half as hard as the video game.

The bad part is that 999 has multiple endings, and you haven't experienced the full game until you've seen all endings - which means that you will have to replay some escape rooms. But the sequel, VLR, fixes this.

Nah. I mean I like the sprites in 999. VLR should have used sprites because the models are just eh. ZTD looks fine though.

I bought this shirt but I haven't worn it yet, I don't know how to explain it to my 45+ year old coworkers if they ask about it


I'll play VLR on my Vita but I guess I'll read the backstory on my phone. I can "play" 999 at work.

Ok, I recommend you leave the thread before you encounter spoilers, the stories to both games have major twists and turns that can be spoiled in just a few words, it's amazing to go into the games blind though

Where can I get that?


anything you want you can just google "That thing + t shirt" and it probably comes up

>I can "play" 999 at work.
Hope your boss isn't looking over your shoulder.

Ahh, I forgot exactly what it was called or I would've. Thanks man!

Cool thanks man. I'm off.

I finished so many games on my phone at work. 30 hours on KotOR 1, all the Ace Attorneys. They don't give a shit. Easy money.

I want to marry forearms-kun.


You want some?

I'm everywhere you are...

I've wondered that too
All they have to do is ally three times and they all get out easy
but I guess there would be no conflict then
well we can always count on THAT character just to ruin everything all the time

Ahhh. External screenshot.


you wanna see my external hose bb?


>cinco de mayo

does anyone have the screenshot of clover saying "I'll do... anything... you want..." ? I used to have it but i lost it

Where is the ice cream?

Isn't sour cream good enough?



Don't touch me.

i want to play ztd..

and if i fall, then i fall with you...


DAILY REMINDER THAT you'll actually be able to play as best boy Eric if Q dies.
The team leaders of C and D were in the same room in the trailer, but not Q. When a team leader dies, one of the members of that team will be the replacement (in this case, Eric)

How does it feel knowing that you might actually be able to play as Akane or Phi?

>a daily reminder that is actually a daily reminder
u did good son

Thanks, mister.

>no new info on ZTD in over 10 days
Why even live

I've given it some thought, and I don't think an AB game would work very well in a structured environment.
>Participants knowing from the start that hitting 0 kills you would make them less likely to betray
>Without factors like bombs/murders to scare people into wanting to leave, people are less likely to betray
>In a controlled environment, there is literally no reason not to ally every single round, and blacklist everyone who betrays

The only way it could work is if
>Some people are secretly given a "secret", like "You are assigned to make sure Person X does not win" or "You are really a robot who auto-votes the opposite of your opponent" which would cause tension and distrust
>There is some way to kill/harm people outside of the actual AB game