Did blizzard already run out of major warcraft characters to add?

Did blizzard already run out of major warcraft characters to add?

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>coming to HotS next month
>Basic Campfire!!!!1!!!!

I really hate that their making Chromie out to be a girl even with a male dragon's name.

What kind of faggot want a male gnome? Fucking kill yourself memelord.

Honestly, Blizzard should port HotS to the Wii U with crossplay so they can have a sponsorship deal where they add Mario and Inkling as champs.

Do people still play this game?

>Blizzard should port HotS to the Wii U
>Chen is banned because drinking is bad

Add Mojache

Are you kidding? No, I want a male dragon that takes the form of a female gnome as was originally, it was fun and unique. "Her" dragon form even has a beard in the game, but now they're calling him female everywhere.

>not major


>but now
Blizzard said he was a female years ago user, in fact it was at least 6 years ago in that failed wow magazine.

i do every 2 months, ive been rank 1 since after 1 week of doing my ranking half a year ago.
i dont understand how people are so bad, so i quit, and reinstall from time to time.

Chromie is a random quest NPC. Medivh is a major dude, and that poster is gay, but Chromie is not major.

>still no Mephisto
>still no Andariel


From then til now, then. It doesn't make any more sense.

>Chromie is a random quest NPC
Chromie is one of the strongest Bronze Dragonflight members in the lore, if not the strongest. She's played a significant role in almost every single expansion and even a few of the Warcraft games. Chromie is a major character.

Some guy didn't know the dragon name rules user. Is not a big deal.

I only remember her in that silly quest from Wrath where you help your future/past self fight the Infinite dragonflight, and the part where she helped you track down Kairozdormu.

What did she do in Vanilla, BC, Cata, and Pandaria?

It's been like that since vanilla, they had years to change it, and it's the only exception as far as I can remember. Like I said above, her dragon model is for a male dragon too.

Any and all plot relating to WoW is irrelevant. Only the RTS game plots matter, at least those have a sliver of pre-shit blizzard.

Gender does not really matter when you can polymorph into anything.

>her dragon model is for a male dragon too.
there is not female model for bronzie dragons.

This, though we may see one if Chromie turns into a dragon at any point.

she does in culling of strat/warlords of draenor and she uses the same model as all the other dragons.

Sorry, I meant if she transforms in Heroes. I know she has the ugly model in those areas.

she nevers transforms she just has a few abilities that create a sand dragon.

Oh sorry. Mixing up the regular and larger drakes. They all have beards.

She was a quest giver in Andorhal in vanilla, no idea if it's still there. I imagine with all the Horde and Alliance activity it was removed in cata. She is involved in a couple of other things in Cata and sends the player for the first time to the Timeless Isle.

So she doesn't do that fly by thing that they tweeted a while ago?


no that's a hint for deathwing

that's a reveling area talent not deathwing.

Don't listen to It's a level 1 talent that Chromie gets, wherein she calls upon a bronze dragon to reveal an area for X seconds.

>m-muh canon...!!!

Opinion discarded.

The fact that she was the one who gave you the quest is important. She's an ambassador of the Bronze flight when Nozdormu was out of the picture. For a long time, she was the face of the bronze dragonflight and became a fan favorite because of that.

I'm actually pretty sure adventurers meet up with her more often than any other individual dragon at this point.

Maybe not Wrathion.

Maybe for a Rogue, but Wrathion only had one expansion for his main development for everyone else.

Chromie's been here since vanilla, helped you in Dragonblight, helped with Culling of Strath dungeon, met us in the Well of Eternity, was involved in the Timeless Isle, and helped us deal with Kairoz after he took Garrosh back to the future past. She's at the very least got an edge.