Why is this guy such a fucking douche?

Why is this guy such a fucking douche?

how is he a douche?

I know he's weird but I thought The Room was really funny

he did alright as Haiji in danganronpa

How is he a douche?
You are a Lawfag aren't you?

You're going to have to tell me, OP. You shouldn't go around calling people a douche without giving a reason. Really like the guy as a VA, but know nothing about the guy himself.

>he doesn't know yet.

oh dear.

What the fuck are you on? Matt Mercer is fucking awesome.

Alright, don't do that. Just say it

>not realizing he's baiting you

Ran into him leaving a con one time, chill ass nigga that knows his shit.

Don't know shit about him except that he is a DM in a D&D stream once a week. which is pretty fun to watch

who are some voice actors that are total assholes?

I've heard that Vic Mignogna is kind of a dick
I can't prove anything because I haven't met him but It's just something I've heard. Take it with a grain of salt

i've heard that too actually

While I don't mind Troy Baker as a VA (despite the fact he's in everything, he still does a decent job) but he acts like the games he's in would be nothing without him.

Dan Green


Damn, really? Is he actually that full of himself?

He killed his wife. He's a piece of shit.

Weird to see this post just after seeing a post in another thread call him a "total bro"

wait what?

I don't have a source, but I remember he was one of the big names in the whole VA strike movement. Basically saying that VA work was one of (if not the) most important part of any game.

It is true.

He's been known to skeev, and even sleep with, some of his underage fans at cons. He's a real cunt, and it's no coincidence that he's been banned from several conventions as a guest - even though sometimes he'll just show up anyway.

i rather hear about voice actors being assholes i hear about them all the time being nice,though i would honestly be crushed if i found out crispin freeman was a dick

i will say i remember hearing jamie marchi threw a fit after that prison school episode with the gamergate thing aired

Crispin seems like one of the nicest dudes out there. Never met him though.

I've met Matt Mercer though and I can say he's completely down to earth. Nicest guy you could meet.

i agree that maybe VA's should be paid more but not as much as the people who actually have to spend all day at work making the game

He was talking about voicework in general and not just his, right? Cause if that's the case I don't exactly blame him for wording it like that. VA work can be really really important in games and it seldom gets the respect it deserves. VA's get shat on all the time by the people that hire them

Well if I remember correctly he did start in a smash brothers flash cartoon

She died of complications from childbirth. user is fucking stupid.

On some level I agree, VAs do get treated like shit. I find it particularly weird that half the time any voice director doesn't even tell the cast what the game is about or what's happening in the scene, they just force them to regurgitate lines.