I am the eternal dragon. Why have you summoned me?

I am the eternal dragon. Why have you summoned me?
Make your wish and I shall grant it as long it is video game related.

I want video games to die.

I want Persona 5 to be cancelled

Why didn't they just wish for infinite senzu beans and abuse zenkai?
Why didn't they just wish major villains would get transported to black holes
Why didn't Piccolo just merge with like 50 Nameks and become 1000x more powerful than Buu?

I wish for a new Eternal Darkness that's good

Akira Toriyama isn't a good writer

I wish that Sup Forums wasn't retarded and stopped console warring.

Change Zelda U's release date back to 20-fucking-16.

i wish i made 10 million dollars a year playing video games

I want to enjoy video games again.

Rewrite ME3 so shit actually makes sense and isn't so dark and gloomy.

The world's most comfortable pair of underwear!

I want to live in Balamb Garden.

I wish I can live a new life in Gensokyo

>Because they'd rather bring people back to life
>They usually use Shenron after a villian is kill because he's fucked shit up
>Can he even unmerge tho?

idk you have some valid points.

Probably a pride thing. Vegeta would never allow wishing a villian to be kill.

I wish there was a GTA game which had the map of the entire world, but a bit more condensed so it doesn't take me 8 hours to fly to america to kill you fucking cunts.

I wish for Team Silent to get back together and make a new silent hill, one that will be better than 1-3 put together and scary enough to cause nightmares in the experienced, with endless replay value and so well made the horror genre comes back to life and it is great!


Came to post that
>Why didn't Piccolo just merge with like 50 Nameks and become 1000x more powerful than Buu?
Those 50 Namekians must be Warrior type, and they need train a bit and then merging themselves, until the last one merges with Piccolo

>Why didn't they just wish major villains would get transported to black holes

Pretty sure shenglong cant do shit to beings more powerfull than him

I wish Jill Valentine was real and would sit on my face

Turn me into a super cute girl who's also pretty good at video games and give me a really nice but slightly taller girlfriend who's also good at video games

I want video games to be a hundred-billion dollar industry like movies, so normies can scamper to all of the big releases by Marvel and Romance Movie Maker A and Walking Sim. Dev B. while the PC "B-grade" is abandoned, allowing us to enjoy gaming on PC again.

Most of the text meant for

>Why didn't Piccolo just merge with like 50 Nameks and become 1000x more powerful than Buu?
Because there was only one fairly decent Namek and rest was small flies. He wouldn't get a decent boost from flies even if they accept to merge with him. Also his personality would be fucked really hard and he would become a twisted fucking psychopath.

I wish each subsequent replay felt as good as the first

Either fix Konami or sell their IPs to someone who gives a shit.

And make Morrigan Aensland real and madly in love with me, but mostly Konami.

Morenatsu 2 please.

I wish video games could fill the void in my existence like the good ol days.

Could you melt the ice on my front door?

>not summoning the Super eternal dragon


I wish for Bannerlord right now.

Please kill every single video game developer in the world.

Thank you in advance :^)

My buddy and I once spent literally 3 hours nonstop coming up with these. There was never a pause between statements.
Also that last one is flat out the plot of a major character in Multiverse, the best fan spin off.


Unreal Tournament 2004 on Unreal Engine 4

I wish for a good modern Silent Hill game.

>Why didn't Piccolo just merge with like 50 Nameks and become 1000x more powerful than Buu?
this is actually canon kinda
in another universe piccolo fused with literally every namek
and beat the shit out of frieza

>his personality would be fucked really hard and he would become a twisted fucking psychopath.

That would be fucking awesome.

i wish you were half as decent as this dragon

Freedom Wars 2 with a bigger budget and localization team.

Thank you kindly!

I want Xenoverse 2

Help me find some good mobile games for android or something that feels good to play, could be a port.

Super Mario RPG 2 made by the Square team that work on Bravely Default.

Could you wish to be stronger than Zeno with his wish?

Give Josh Sawyer infinite budget for the next FO:Gaiden or /Remake of 1/2

he only has enough power of the two universes combined
zeno is all the universes and more

please please please give me viewtiful joe 3

bring back stalker 2


Because Goku isn't a fucking metagamer

i wish i could into basic finger coordination for lr2

it's a small thing.

Why didn't Guru just use his dragon to wish back his practically extinct people after that drought that killed all but him and Nameless Namek instead of repopulating entirely himself?

This so much.

>Having 50 consciouses in one body

he got all the namek hoes to himself

Make it so only people with talent and good idea ideas somehow always find themselves in charge of AAA game studios!

A Dragon Ball webcomic is not canon.

it actually happened
it's canon

I want either bannerlord or the warsword mod to come out before the heat death of the universe.

But there are no namek hoes.

>Why didn't they just wish for infinite senzu beans and abuse zenkai?
I honestly thought there used to be infinite senzu beans in Dragon Ball but Toriyama for got that, and also abusing Zenkai to get stronger is a pussy bitch move that only bitches like Vegeta do
>Why didn't they just wish major villains would get transported to black holes
I'm also pretty sure Shenlong can't do shit to beings stronger than him. Which was said in the Saiyan Saga when Vegeta and Nappa were on their way to Earth.
>Why didn't Piccolo just merge with like 50 Nameks and become 1000x more powerful than Buu?
They'd have to be at least half as decent as the Nameless Namekian and Warrior types at that.

That's asking a bit too much of him

>"Dragon Ball Multiverse (DBM) is a free online comic, made by a whole team of fans. It's our personal sequel to DBZ."
Whatever you say kid.

guru had his way with them.
all of them.

Kill all jews, gays, and gypsies.

He''d probably just give birth to these freaks.

They fade away after a while you retard.

Give me all the powers of every videogame character ever that a)don't inflict me with a self-terminating causes(Like Breath of Dragon's draconic powers, use them too much and you become a pawn of the big bad. or Deus Ex HR nanomachines with need drugs so there's no rejection. I think Prototype also), b) aren't incredibly discomforting(Baraka's hands, they seem like they would be discomforting for non tarakan physiology) and c) don't cancel each other out (like inherent antimagic field and can't cast spells, or a power that sets SP to 0 for a retarded boost to STR)

Arithmetic boosts I'd say. Perhaps it stops paying off after a certain point.
Maybe they need someone's consent before they move them
But it did happen, in DBZ Multiverse

You wished near the Monkey Paw. The Monkey Paw heard your wish.
Your wish is granted, but i) all those Jews who got killed will destabilize the world economy so much that humanity will devolve into a primitive, post-apocalyptic dystopia in just a few years, ii) all children are born homosexual for the next [number of dead gay people] months and iii) the whole world except for you mourns eternally for the loss of the Romani race; you cannot change or prevent this (this also applies to the dead Jews).

I want all filthy Japanese waifushit to become homotastic husbandoshit. Purseowner with an all male crew would be fabulous.Thanks, dragon.

I wish Sup Forums had good mods.

Remake Asura's Wrath with gameplay by Platinum! Can you grant this wish, dragon?

You wished near the Monkey Paw. The Monkey Paw heard your wish.
Your wish is granted, but you die the next day.

I don't think thats how the Monkey Paw works. I think the punishment has to be at least somewhat related.

That's not how a monkey's paw works you fucking faggot.
A monkey's paw just messes around with the wording of a wish.
Like in this case Sup Forums would get better shaders and HD texture packs or something.

have fun destroying the world

I wish for video games to make me happy again.

Existence is overrated anyway.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 pls mr. Dragon sir.

I'd steer clear from wishes that change your mind.
The mind being unchangeable is what makes your personality unique. If you have it changed magically it's not unlike being killed and replaced by someone with most of your same memories, but with a slightly or significantly different attitude toward things.
That's just my philosophy though, so if it doesn't matter to you that's fine and i'm a little jealous.

Make video games fun again. They're the only thing that keeps me from putting a gun in my mouth.

If they stop you from killing yourself when they aren't fun, what's the problem?

All games 1995 and on disappear from the world and the memories of everyone, everywhere.

That's beyond his power.

The loss of the central banks would cause a brief crisis, but the recovery would be better.

to melt the ice off my front door

I wish everything would just stay the same because I'm a happy guy :)

i wish that taokaka was real so i could i could stuff her face with junkfood and then take naps and cuddle.

Namek balls have a similar restriction as Earth balls
Earth can't revive multiple times
Namek can't revive a group

GOTY Xenoverse 2

Mind is malleable. Whether it's through experiences, torture or magical devices it makes no difference.

Neither is personality unique, it's just the mask we chose to wear for the occasion. It could come off easily once we get into a new situation, or be so stiff that it leaves marks in your skin.

What is behind the mask, the summation of your thoughts, experiences, witticism, wins and failures. What perseveres through time, even after all around you and you yourself change. Your face, with all the scars, imperfections, moles, acne, semen puddles, wrinkles. Could that be called, your soul?


>I'm also pretty sure Shenlong can't do shit to beings stronger than him. Which was said in the Saiyan Saga when Vegeta and Nappa were on their way to Earth.

Couldnt they just wish for their pods to malfunction or something? I mean you're not doing shit to them directly right?

I wish all video games were made of chocolate even the digital ones.

Not with that attitude.

Freeza has ships all over the galaxy. Someone would have picked them up.

>I honestly thought there used to be infinite senzu beans in Dragon Ball but Toriyama for got that, and also abusing Zenkai to get stronger is a pussy bitch move that only bitches like Vegeta do

There was a large vase full of Senzu when they were introduced as a food source before a healing agent
Its explained 1 bean sates your appetite for a week
Yajirobe eats full fistfull, only bloats instead of full Yakon
Yajirobe probably eats one a day throughout the series, with no info on how fast the plant grows, also Goku abused Zenkai through his voyage to Namek
>I'm also pretty sure Shenlong can't do shit to beings stronger than him. Which was said in the Saiyan Saga when Vegeta and Nappa were on their way to Earth.

Transporting someone isn't beyond his power, but is IS going against the Saiyan mentality. The teleported can also refuse, Goku refused to be teleported to Earth while training on Yardrat

>They'd have to be at least half as decent as the Nameless Namekian and Warrior types at that.

Piccolo merged with Nail, who was stronger than him, but he also merged with Kami who was much weaker
Merging entire race WOULD grant immense power, but at the cost of making his species nearly extinct. With efforts to repopulate causing aging

I want the most realistic VR waifu loving and fucking game