What are our thoughts on this game?

what are our thoughts on this game?

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Fuck off.

The best shovelware I've ever played.

I played through it like a week ago.

The greatest licensed game ever created.

the embodiment of fun

Now that I see that screenshot, I realize how quickly the graphics has staled.


Good game, but getting the 100% cutscene is not worth it.

That is a good game

Never played it

why couldn't they get mr krabs to voice himself

i like the other one more, the one with the flying dutchman.

actually, come to think of it, i dont know if i ever played this one. how do they compare? are they basically more of the same thing? because i'd be down to play more of the flying dutchman game, just with a different narrative.

I think if the colors were a bit brighter, and the game had some anti-aliasing it would still hold up.

The animations on the characters probably wouldn't though.

because Mr Krabs is a fictional character

It's a fucking gem.

Well that's stuff dolphin could fix

someone describe this game's gameplay for me.

It's a collectathon 3D platformer.

PS2 banjo and kazooie with better level design and hit-and-run tier hidden gags

doesn't this game not run on dolphin? i remember a few months ago trying to play a spongebob iso and it ran at 0fps and would take hours to get past the initial copyright screen. was that another spongebob game i'm thinking of then?

An epic hidden gem.

With rpg elements, a compelling story and brief rts elements.

Many companies actually steal elements from this game. Skyrim, the witcher, and even stracraft II.

If you're planning on picking this one up be ready for a ride and intense mmo PVP battles.

Honestly it was kind of ugly even when it came out. The designs are on point, but they chose a really bland shader/colour palette for a game that's supposed to look like a cartoon, and the lighting work sucks. More vivid colours and less drab shading would've made it look a hell of a lot nicer and hold up better..

Graphics aside, it's still a surprisingly good collectathon released at a time when that subgenre was sorta losing popularity, especially considering it's licensed shovelware. I can't really think of a better game based on a cartoon.

Wish there was a new spongebob game like it.

It was pretty fucking good except for the fact that they didn't get the voice actors for Mr. Krabs and Mermaid Man.
And whoever they got did awful impressions.

Also the cutscenes were really awkwardly animated.

I'm actually gunna grab an ISO real quick and find out

sounds good


So easy to spot redditors.

Never played BFBB but I loved the movie game.

It was amazing. I actually liked the movie game a bit more though.

I think it runs on either Dolphin or PCSX2.
It's Revenge of the Flying Dutchman that's fucked when it comes to emulators.

>tfw found this game in my storage cube/ extra seat

Is it worth another play? I remember liking it as a kid

The Movie is essentially the same stuff, I'd say it improves in the general gameplay aspect, but the movie is much more linear and doesn't have Sandy.

Eh, it seems 100% playable but the shadows are replaced by red squares. Looks like the only way to fix it is to use an AR code to disable the game's shadows

I love it. I've always wanted to make my own take on a SB vidya game if I ever learn how to code, but I don't have the licensing to make one.

>It's Revenge of the Flying Dutchman that's fucked when it comes to emulators.
Doesn't that game randomly freeze on the original consoles?

It's okay.

looks better than pcsx2 desu

OP is a red haired redditor from canada :""""(

>tfw can barely get 40fps playing ps2 games on my toaster

anyone know how i can make them playable? i don't care if i have to go to 30fps, but playing them as they're rendering 60 frames and playing them in slowmotion is unplayable. is there any way i can set PCSX2 to play games at a stable 30 rather than a slow 40-60

a pretty good 3D platformer

don't try to emulate it
it emulates like dogshit on Dolphin as well

pretty much this tbqh

Literally flawless except for the fact it's way too damn easy.


Check out my 5 tho.

Did robo patrick creep anyone else out, I was scared shitless when I was like 10 and it still creeps me out now.

nah but PCSX2 in general runs like shit for me

I don't know if I'd say better level design. They were basically all donuts.

What kinda rig are you running? I had it running perfectly smooth, save for the known graphical bugs. Barely any drops.

Pretty damn good. Though some stuff I remember being annoying, like the Kelp Fields and Rock Bottom. Otherwise very fun game

top tier

970 i7 4770k
it ran at 60 but there were so many audio and graphical glitches

>Here's your golden back scratcher!
>I don't speak Italian.

I love that the game genuinely felt like an episode of the show with great humor. Also did anyone like the movie game?

I did, loved the movie game.
South Park SoT is also a game that feels like that

Played through it again just a few months ago. Still holds up as a pretty great platformer.

South Park SoT was amazing, maybe a little too short, and I wish it had multiple endings, but it was amazing otherwise.

Its an amazing game, literally should just be called Fun The game

I hope the new one will be as good

really hope their joking about the genre change and the fact that obsidian isn't making this one doesn't mean they're actually shifting genres

Aren't they like roleplaying spacemen in the new one?

The movie game was fantastic. Had a really great OST just like BFBB.

I'm pretty sure these two were the only good spongebob games.

I remember playing some Playstation Spongebob with a friend at his house.
I never had cable or satellite, so I'd watch Spongebob at his house.
I just remember we took turns and the last boss was a dog that was all 3D looking.

>genre change

It makes me miss THQ

THQ was the best mid-tier developer ever.


not genre, but they hinted at a new battle system (which for me, was one of the best parts of the game, it played just like a paper mario)


>That was barely even an RPG Kyle, the combat sucked. We're going to do it bigger, and we will settle for nothing less than a 9.5 on gamespot

kinda kills the hype for me if it's going to be some kind of real time bullshit.

thq were hacks. they were publishers for these games, but the ones they developed (see wrestling games) were shitty rehashes from 2007 until they went out of business. 2012-2014 were LITERALLY the same games copy and pasted over. same models, same animations, same graphics, same sounds.

I hope they don't change it
maybe they mean improving it.

Old THQ is what I mean, obviously they went under cause they made garbage.

It's easier to spot retards who take everything at face value

Weren't Yukes the ones who developed the wrestling games?

Ive tried for a while to get it to work right on dolphin. Im not the best at tweaking emulators though.

One of my friends got it working on pcsx i think
I loved this game. 100 percented it back in the day

Aki I thought made wrestling games for THQ, at least the older ones.

He wasn't feeling it.

they made the old n64 ones
they have a hand in it, but THQ definitely developed them. not sure about the workload devide, but there were development diaries and shit of the THQ guys doing mocap and developing the game, and when 2k took over the brought basically all of the THQ WWE team over to their team to continue development

For anyone interested, here is some extensive documentation for unused assets for the game.


I found this page a few months back an I'm surprised how much has been dug up.

dude, flying Dutchman was such a bad game compared to this
Dutchman pretty much screamed licensed game

The narrator sounded like a molestor

he had my favorite soundtrack from the game, youtube.com/watch?v=nrUt7BoJFcw
if memory serves, he was spooky
>squidward and spongebob frozen
>robot patrick smiling MENACINGLY unlike the other robots

It is one of the best examples of a licensed game ever made, right up there with Spiderman 2.

The smile was so damn creepy!

Is there any good way to play this other than digging my old gamecube out?

>kelp forest
>rock bottom
Those were my favorite levels. The atmosphere combined with the difficulty and the sleeping robots really put me on edge. It was a nice change of pace from goo lagoon and jellyfish fields

Rock bottom was scary.

I loved the slides it had though

>using them as sandy
>jumping off and flying when you reached your destination
Thats some good level design, right there. From a simple slide at the end of the king jellyfish to a timed course on the mountain level to transportation across the stage with asymmetry between spongebob and sandy

Those fucking sleepy time fuckers. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH THESE ASSHOLES.

THESE NIGGAS!!! Tipping toeing up to them was nerve wracking . I couldve just cheesed them with bubbles and shit, but nah son, get that sneak attack from behind.

>put me on edge
Thats what im talking about