Hey don't mind me just being completely useless after my ult

Hey don't mind me just being completely useless after my ult.

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And before it.

dont mind me just trying to achieve something with this joke of a hero, red sun over paradise

i want to fuck this girl

I don't understand how people can aim so well with his shuriken in mid range, I can only do long range mostly

lol ;^)

I really want to sniff that korean

Genji is best hero

>being completely useless after ult

She has uses

>this joke of a hero
Genji is probably the closest thing to OP in the game, but it all hinges on the skill of the player

Also fuck Mei holy shit


>japanese mecha parody
>is korean

ullllllritey then

>mei gets close and freezes me to death
I need a dedicated killswitch for this scenario

Don't mind me, just having the highest skill ceiling and still being worse than every other support even when I reach that ceiling.

Seriously, is he a gag character?


>Yuujin no kei wo kue!
Learn to moonrunes, son. Holy shit.

He's certainly the character Blizzard has no idea how to balance. He started out beyond broken, then nerfed to useless, and now he's high tier doing more damage than most of the DPS classes.

Symmetra is the one with the highest skill ceiling though.

>mecha parody
>she makes constant esports jokes
>she openly says emoticons

wow such a Japanese parody.

i feel like mercy does Zenyattas job but better
>can heal faster
>can boost damage and still be safe
>Resurrects allies to keep them on the objective

>there is literal aim bot installed in the game

He's incredibly fun to play, though. I'm taking down Winstons and sentry Bastions all alone, and throwing down heals when I can and need to. He just has so many things to pay attention to, it feels nice.

>I fail to understand when jokes are applied to foreign words in video games

>tfw top tier healslut mercy
>tfw team all spreads out
>tfw no one chooses tank
>if they do they are dogshit

i just want a good team to keep alive

There are two people with aimbot style abilities.
McCree, who is a walking target who is incredibly slow, announces his ult, and glows.
Soldier 76, who still has to reload, is quite obvious/stands out, and does the same damage he would do if he landed the shots.
Both are quite balanced to be honest.

>pick roadhog
>never used him
>see a bastion transforming
>its too short
>killcam shows my hook waggling in his face like a shitty 3D movie
I think I need a lot of practice being a tank.

there are mecha esports?
>implying emojis arent japanese

Stop bullying D.Va

>sit outside of spawn as minigun bastion
>get 5 kills in a row because no one knows how to move out of the way
>play of the game

>tfw I want to main genji but I have the aim of an armless handicapped person and most of my good games as genji were thanks to luck and/or a shit opposing team

I've probably gotten more kills with the reflection than I have with everything else Genji can do combined

You don't have to aim as hanzo huh?

you literally don't have to aim in the whole game

She actually does more damage out of her mech if you aren't a complete retard.

>a little pistol does more damage than a fucking mech
why is this a thing?

You get your mech back pretty quickly if you use her ult.

She has a million plastic surgery done to her like all Koreans.

It's more accurate, easier to score headshots with.

I'd put the D in her Va if you know what I'm saying.

who cares
nobody is natty anymore

not really, please elaborate

feelin this

>be d.va
>mercy is healing mei
>i literally can not do anything because healer will hug mei and i will die the second i get in my optimal combat range

this is a fundamental flaw


>implying she doesnt get stronger



>when you hold left click just right.jpg

Literally, does anybody like this cunt at all? She's fucking disgusting and her stupid "I'M AN EPIK GAMURR" schtick is unbearable. I literally play this game with the character voices muted just so I don't have to hear her scream "NYERF THISS" every two minutes.

see for your self

>second place

This is why you never fucking listen to Sup Forums, holy shit I can't believe how shit these guys' taste is.

If you think this you are seriously braindead and need to stop playing overwatch

Why is Winston such fucking garbage?

All I wanna do is give Hot Monkey dick but the game makes him so fucking slow and it takes forever to recharge his pounce.

all of my pals have the highest winrate with him
His name is WINston after

i mean she has a cute butt though soo....

somebody needs to do the captcha box (i am not a robot) with bastion or zenyetta sitting below it looking mad on a computer.

Almost all of the other girls have good butts without the stupid shit gamer gurl stuff, though. Objectively, she's a 1/10.

He does no fucking damage

>Playing the random hero game mode
>Other team got 2 Lucco's
>Nobody on the other team ever dies after that
Fuck Lucco, he's way too powerful even without any skill

mei a best.

Yeah, she needs to be lower.

Bastion on his own is a shit, but how the fuck are you supposed to stop him if the team's babysitting him?
>Reinhardt shield stops sniping and reflecting
>Can't flank him in some positions
>Symmetra's orb does piss damage to him

Serious post. I downloaded the open demo for my PS4 yesterday. Jumped in to a random game and picked her because she looked sexy as hell. Didn't die once and got player of the game and 15+ player kill streak.

So I want to know, is she really considered a bad character, she is the only one I have played as to great success so far. When the robot explodes I hang further to recharge my ability, the gun she has is quite accurate.

Nice try shitter

if you play her like a tank she sucks.
If you play supper aggressive and flank, she pretty dang okay.

Ok, makes sense since that is how I play with her. She can get around really fast with that boost ability.

-D.va ult forces everyone to move, good for hard to reach Bastions
-D.va E alongside your teammates to break the shield
-Pharah ult will tear Rein's shield easily, if not, will leave it weak for the rest of your teammates to clean up
-Just shoot Rein's shield, he can't hold it forever. Once it breaks itll take a considerable amount of time to recharge it fully.
-Zenyatta/Lucio ult push
-Use the powers of geometry to lob Junkrat grenades over Rein's shield. This will force Rein to reposition his shield, exposing vulnerabilities.

I want to sniff her feet

>implying I don't get MVP every game with her as long as there are competent healers


all of the character's personalities are shit
I'd play the game on mute if I didn't have to hear footsteps

I want her to dominate me with her feet as she talks down to me

Hey guys rate my mains
Offense: Pharah
Defense: Widowmaker
Tank: D.VA
Support: Lucio

Are these heroes good? I've been doing well with them but I could just be playing against retards

So what does Hanzo shout when he unleashes his beast?


god tier offense and support, shit tier tank and defense

Having fun?

I assume the japanese equivalent of what he says when a friendly Hanzo ults which is "Let the Dragon consume you"

Listen, the gorilla exists to be a nuisance. All of his abilities are built for it.

His gun does fuckall damage but shoots in an enormous cone, so people trying to ignore you for higher value targets will get whittled down or try to shoot back at you, at which point you monkey leap the fuck outta there. His barrier is an annoyance, people use it wrong all the time trying to put it where a Reinhardt should be. Place it in the line of fire of a Widowmaker / S76 and they either stand there shooting it, or are forced to move around it. It's also great for stopping Mei freezes, D-VA gunspam, Roadhog hooks, etc.

And guess what? Once your ult is up you become the biggest thorn in the enemy's side by becoming a near unkillable rape ape with some of the highest mobility in the game able to knock enemies around at will. Just don't fucking jump into four guys and a turreted Bastion and expect to get a play of the game.

tl;dr play Winston along with another tank and become the most annoying fucker possible

any suggestions for tank and defense then?

>trajectory / reaction based hero
>literally OP if you're good enough

Spotted the trash

>that feel when you get behind a defending team and perfectly land your ult on them

>Zarya beating Poo in Loo
Appearence aside, is Zarya actually that bad? Sup Forums shits on her for being SJW imagewise, but she doesn't really seem like it lorewise or anything.

龍が我が敵を食らう (Ryuu ga waga teki o kurau)
It essentially means dragon, consume my enemies.

from what im told they buffed his flashbang stun length because people weren't taking advantage of it. so no im not having fun

Fuck lasers. Seriously fuck all lasers. They are Genji's bane.

You need to play Genji like you would a real ninja; just get in to do the dirty work. Unless you are up against tanks that aren't Roadhog or Rein, your best bet is to run. Just jump all over the place and wear and tear down the enemy. Good Genji's live long because they are hard to kill. Also, become familiarized with the positions of the healthy packs.

So yeah, just remember that you don't want direct confrontations most of the time. Once you spot someone and are close to them, poke them with regular fire, get in close to use fan of blades, melee and then dash away. If that damage isn't enough to kill it means that you went in too early.

D Va wass much stronger back in the initial Beta, but I'm still loving her to death, usually get a ton of kills outside of her mech as well

Don't mind me. I'll just be sitting right here camping a choke point, with Mercy behind me.

impossible to defend


Why do artists insist on doing shorthand signatures instead of just writing out their username? How the fuck am I supposed to figure out who did this?

3 widowmaker shots ez pz

They changed the voice for that ultimate in the beta.

Don't mind me. I'll kill the both of you playing footsie around a corner at long range.

>enemies win after a long and hard fought battle
>lol easy game

I can't deal with this, now I remember why I stopped playing competitive multiplayer games.

My moonspeak isn't perfect but I could have sworn I heard 竜神の剣をくれ (Ryuujin no ken o kure) "Give me the sword of the Dragon."

Forgot my pic

Hope you don't mind me fucking your day up.

>playing Zenyatta
>some guy switches to Reinhardt
>he sits behind the pay load moving it forward while hold up a shield
>follow him closely because he seems like he knows what he's doing
>Bastion starts firing at him
>he puts his shield down, moves out of the way and lets me die
>when I respawn I go back to him thinking it was an accident
>this time it was shield and stop to run ahead and get sniped to death by Widowmaker
>now he's trying to sneak around the enemy lines
>blames me for his death and performance even though we still won

true but only with the chance of being one shotted by pretty much anyone at anytime

>kicking Mei's ass
>she stops and locks herself in the ice tomb
>fully charge my bow and wait

You're adorable.

She can pop back in the mech just after using the ult. And if you're using the ult right you're not going to get blown away in the 1.5 seconds it takes to get into the new mech.

You faggots need to git gud and stop trying to play a fast hit and run shot gunner like Reinhardt with guns.