Post your physical games collections.
Any platform is welcome in this thread
except digital-only PC friends obviously
Post your physical games collections.
Any platform is welcome in this thread
except digital-only PC friends obviously
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Alright, fine. I won't shitpost about how all my stuff is digital.
Have a bump.
Thanks senpai. The first step to making Sup Forums a halfway tolerable place is to not flame/shitpost.
God Bless.
This is bait right?
Gee Bill! How Come Your Mom Lets You Have Three Mother Games?
How is it bait? This is my collection of Mother merchandise.
And one is standard edition, one came with the deluxe box, and one is an English cart that I lend my friends.
I love my Wii!
I'm missing a few key games, but i'm still working on it.
I own all the consoles and a Powerful PC with Vive.
You must be a big Ratchet & Clank fan to display them all separately.
I detect good taste desu
Thanks man, R&C is seriously a great series. Although I haven't bought the latest remake yet.
I can't wait to post my retro room sometime this week. Just finishing it up this weekend, but here's my other collection.
good collection, but at some point if you get a great collection you need to actually have a good setup to show them off. shitty particleboard shelves look awful
It's good, though I think one of the weaker of the mainline ones ultimately.
Idk it just caught me off guard that someone is that dedicated to Mother. No worries though man. You do you.
Nice collection
and part of my Tales collection.
You're doing the PS4 right, as far as I can tell
>Dark Souls 3
Rest is questionable or garbage, like TLOU, CoD or Batman. If that's PS4 "done right" then that's pretty darn sad.
>having pre-owned gamestop boxes in your collection
Yuck! Get some self-respect.
Man this one puts my one to shame
No, I'm not home
Where do you see Call of Duty in that pic?
Alright, I have some time to post.
Yeah, they stick out like a sore thumb, all of them are easy gets except for Dokapon too. One day i'll replace them.
Do you have a picture of yours?
I also have like 50 more knick knack tales items, and then my Legendia collection which is a massive beast itself.
Here's my GC shit.
Ya I think I have a decent taste
Nice collection. it's a shame more of your retro games aren't complete.
solid gamecube collection.
>it's a shame more of your retro games aren't complete.
I still have boxes for some of my SNES, GBA, and GB games and have boxes for an NES game or two, I just don't display them. For me, the game matters the most, and I'm not going to pass a good deal on a game just because it's not CIB.
>Multiple copies of various Halos
>Collector's edition of Destiny
Nah, you have pretty bad taste.
why is your collection upside down?
No I totally agree. I actually started collecting SFC and japanese titles that are english friendly because of the low price. I just bought like 5 N64 games for like $20 which was a steal.
>i sold the prime trilogy with the steelbook case
well I mod original Xbox's and sell them so I buy Xbox lots on Ebay and that is how I end up with tons of Halo copies.
>Owning 7-8 copies of the same game
How autistic can one man be?
Legitimately autistic.
>Solid collection
Thanks user, I had rather mediocre taste in shovelware as a kid.
If I'm getting a good deal then multiple games are being bought. Also, I've stated multiple times in other threads that for some reason when it comes to Tales game at least, when you buy something new you usually end up with a lot of games, merch, etc; that I already own. So it just adds up overtime.
I came to ask the same thing.
Last time I saw you post this, I asked where the hell you found a Halo edition Xbox hueg. I still haven't gotten one. Collection still looks nice, if you're the same guy.
good shit
I got it from a local comic/game store for like $70 bucks. The store is Acme Comics located in Peoria, IL. I mod Xbox consoles and add all the retro games and console games.
I keep checking my local stores but no cigar. I'll probably end up ordering one off the internet.
I find reading labels from the bottom up is easier than from the top down.
It's probably some form of autism idk.
The only time I really care if it's CIB is if it's a disc-based game, for obvious reasons.
Genesis games I'd prefer to get CIB, but cart only is fine. Anything else is just whatever. A deal's a deal.
Well, I guess I should include DS and 3DS games to that list too. Basically anything modern I look to get CIB. Retro stuff, not so much.
no ratchet?
No, which one should I get?
1-3, tools of destruction, crack in time, into the nexus. Skip the rest.
Thanks man. What else is good? I just picked up Singularity today and I'm diggin it
I've bought Daytona USA and Catherine off PSN since this pic was taken
>all of those Tales of Symphonias
why though
What's the jap game? And what's up with Catherine?
>What's the jap game?
Gundam EXVS Full Boost
>And what's up with Catherine?
It was on sale a while ago
Pure bullshit, i use the books as markers
what's your girlfriend's name?
Just beat Singularity two days ago.
Great game
very outdated but my only organized collection
Add one copy of KoF94, and put the metal slug 3 and KoF 2000 carts in shock boxes along with 94 with a copy of disgaea 5
I need to get my MVS board back from the repair shop
That's so cool. I admire your passion.
What's up with that sad music collection?
It is actually my wife, and I have my own LAN/PC business. Here is a pic from my last LAN.
Fuck you, faggot
Like i said The picture is outdated over a year to be exact I already have a rack on the other side Filled with records that i had to buy a crate to hold my other ones
my camera broke a few months ago so this is still kinda outdated but my setup looks much cleaner than what it is in this picture pardon my shit taste
What's the point when you're listening through those shit speakers
Holy shit, WTF, Fucking assholes using my pics for their gains on Reddit.
Save it
>Fucking assholes using my pics for their gains on Reddit.
The file you uploaded has an Imgur filename.
Nice try though.
It sounds alright to me not the best but better than nothing.
I'l upgrade everything eventually
I already replaced the turntable in the picture with one with a counterweighted arm, now all i need to do is get my board back from repair save up for a pinball machine and then i'l look for new speakers
Is there anyway to judge the audio quality of speakers online before hand or some method to know at first glance if i should consider a set of speakers or not? Other than it costing $200
You need to get a good amp or receiver first
If it's for the turntable I already got that sorted out
Its for the turntable, CD player, tape deck, TV, sound quality and the power to drive a good pair of speakers
Just wanna say I'm genuinely surprised with how relatively civil this thread is going. Keep it up, Sup Forums. We may still terraform this place for the better yet. And nice collections, broskis.
I've got $130 dollars in birthday bux I'm getting tomorrow, and I plan to buy a Metroid Prime Trilogy steelbook with a chunk of that dough. Just went to the game store and picked up Rayman, Rayman Origins, FF IX, and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix earlier today, actually. Wish me luck, fellas.
I do not have a big shelf to display all of this in one location, in fact I am actively trying to avoid that to make sure it all stays protected from natural light, dust etc. And while I poke fun at my own disinterest in what the PS4 and Bone currently offer, I am planning on getting Bloodborn, The Rare Collection and a few other current games pretty soon. Just not too soon, since I'm getting an XRGB mini instead.
>most of my NES collection didn't survive childhood
>currently have no idea where I stored my Genesis games, but there was only 6 of them anyway
Looking nice so far.
I've seen your stuff posted here a few times. I wish I was that confident in my abilities to protect everything out in the open like that. Nice overall, though I admit I have a hard time imaging that many original Xbox games, let alone good ones. I'd probably examine those the most if this was in person.
r00d d00d desu
Destruction Derby kicked ass
Dr. Muto's a nice hidden gem. Thumbs up for the SpongeBob games, for sure.
What's the best way to store loose GBA carts other than buying DS cases?
Shove them up your ass
In the original boxes.