>The GTX 1080 will be available for $599 on May 27, and you can also snag a special NVIDIA-designed "founders edition" for $699 (which looks like it includes a stylish new cooler). Almost as an afterthought, NVIDIA also revealed that the GTX 1070 is coming on June 10 for $379 (the founders edition will run you $449).
I wish it was, but it's going to be like $1100 after tax in Canada and there's no way I'm affording that with NEETbux
Jason Price
But I just bought a 960.
Jaxson Robinson
>Almost bought the 980ti because it had a sudden price drop
thank god i didnt have enough at the time
Jonathan Bell
If you're a person who buys x60 cards, then you're never going to buy top end cards anyway.
Kevin Rivera
Wait for Polaris to drop before you buy this GPU. If AMD's offerings are equivalent or better, Nvidia will drop price by at least 25-30 dollars.
Nathan Barnes
Just got built a comp with a 970, but if the 1080 delivers I will totally snag one.
Kevin Rodriguez
Not only that but a founders edition is a slight red flag.
Tyler Murphy
While I agree waiting for reviews and/or alternative options all signs so far have pointed to polaris being low and mid tier GPUs until vega releases in late 2016/early 2017. So the 1080 might be your only choice for the high end. The 1070 might face stiff competition though and Nvidia doesn't have anything below $380 yet.
Brayden Nelson
I don't think I need to upgrade for a while. I can play pretty much anything I want at max settings without frame drops. When 4K and VR gain traction I guess I'll make the jump.
Isaac Sanchez
>spending $600 on one computer part to play shitty console ports with hackers
Jason Hall
Isaiah Johnson
Can it play uncharted 4?
Dominic Flores
I'm in this boat. Got a 970. Have literally zero problems with it, performance-wise. I think I might end up replacing it with another 970 when this one goes belly-up, to be honest. I never game above 1080p anyway.
Eli Davis
I'm actually going to buy a 1070 if it can run Fallout 4 on ultra settings at 60fps, if not i'll buy a 1080
Hunter Lewis
Joshua Roberts
This is what i don't understand, all they play is fukcing multiplat console ports and mobas and shitpost on any game releassed on console because its not running at 180fps and 4k resolution.
These people literally throw thousands of dollars down the drain
Grayson Bell
I think this new card will finally be the one to put the last nail in the AMD coffin.
Nvidia master race always prevails.
David Rivera
Polaris 11 is Low/Mid Range. 10 is the flagship chip. Just wait for it, it's literally till the end of the month.
Joseph Mitchell
>25 to 30 dollars
Invest, you fucking morons.
William Turner
Austin Sanchez
I'm alright. My 980 is fine. Will look into the 1180 or 1280 though.
Landon Clark
Working on that actually. Nonetheless, money saved is money saved. Also, there's no harm in actually waiting to see if AMD's offering actually causes Nvidia to price drop. Don't be such a faggot.
Dominic Cruz
see you in 2021 my nig
Xavier Cruz
So does playing a shitty game with slightly better fps/gfx make it more shit because the shit is in a higher resolution?
Logan Reyes
i love how these threads are always filled with broke bros crying about
>just a console port >i dont want to play with hackers >i'll stick to my wii-u thank you very much
so great
Parker Fisher
Haven't even OC'd mine yet so yeah, see you then m80.
An investment is something that will make you money in the long run, buying a $600 lego that lets you play league at 201 fps is not an investment
Henry Edwards
>worrying about $30
third world scum
Joseph Rogers
Ayden Taylor
>Nvidia will drop price by at least 25-30 dollars.
being a poorfag
Isaac Cruz
>Buy a new card that will last you for years. >Buy a whole new console that will only last two years.
Console kids BTFO again.
Brayden Collins
Whats the point if it will be outdated in 3-6 months? Cant most toasters play mobas anyways?
Juan Turner
my bad he did ask for sauce, so i gave the nigga sauce.
Daniel Williams
Nolan Young
>It's an "all pc players do is play assfaggots" shitpost
Charles Edwards
>vetical axis doesn't have units
Bentley Cox
>nvida >will last you for years Top Kek
Michael Russell
poor bird
Lincoln Sanders
damn nvidia just owned AMD in that picture
Tyler Robinson
5 $ 3 2 !
James Long
Pretty sure assfaggots is far and away the most played pc game
Joshua Wilson
Carson Martin
those are integers not units
Caleb Brooks
Vertical axis can have whatever it wants. Sky's the limit
Easton Cruz
>paid $700 for a 980ti 6 months ago Just fuck my shit up senpai
Wyatt Parker
And everyone on consoles play COD?
Robert Phillips
get rekt faget hahahahahaha
Isaiah Williams
Robert Russell
Alright, Sup Forums. You've shoved it in my face long enough and I think I'm gonna build some sort of a gaming rig. Where do I start and how much is it gonna cost me as an Ausfag?
Carter Torres
>thousand of dollars down the drain
Like spending hundreds of dollars per game on a console for sub-par 30fps at 720p?
Grayson Nguyen
google.com is a good start in your journey
Jacob Rivera
I'm using a 660 and have no issues with anything besides unoptimized trash so why the hell would I need it?
Bentley Williams
this is Sup Forums, so I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not
Christopher Reed
this much asspain in one peasant
Aaron Hughes
What's your budget m8? Unfortunately, it's gonna cost a bit extra due to austaxes.
Ayden Nguyen
And most people on PC also play on laptops or low-tier PCs. While most console players are dudebros who play CoD. What the majority does doesn't matter.
Nicholas Myers
Is the 1070 a big enough upgrade to replace my 970?
Cameron Reed
it's at least 2x as fast for sure
Luke Rogers
Don't bother
David Perez
All of you shit-eating mongoloids should check Sup Forums before you post.
Polaris is looking like it's absolutely going to blow this out of the water.
The GTX 1080 does not outperform the 980 Ti.
Joseph Adams
wondering the same
Asher Smith
Get some ideas from www.logicalincrements.com
Ask around on Sup Forums or google, and then look at parts using pcpartpicker.com to get the lowest prices and make sure your build is compatible
Austin Myers
>that image 10/10.
Grayson Adams
Confirmed assfaggots
Noah Morgan
>If AMD's offerings are equivalent or better
They could include a free blowjob machine, after the fucking endless nightmare that was my 7970, I'm, not touching their shit again.
Levi Ortiz
>Inb4 1070 is gimped as well
Austin Morris
From that one german benchmark? Nah, I'll wait until a myriad of different ones come out. Sup Forums are also notoriously AMD bias'd as well and still unironically rec the 8350.
Nicholas Gonzalez
>buying a video card that costs more than an entire console
Juan Robinson
Isaiah Harris
I can count the number of games that are more graphically demanding/impressive than MGS4 (Release date(s) WW June 12, 2008) on one hand who the fuck cares
Angel Reyes
>tfw I'm still using an AMD 5770 and there is nothing you can do to stop me
Hudson Sanders
Juan Lee
>spend 400 bucks on a GPU >my PS4 sees significantly more use nowadays thanks to all the Japanese games finally coming out of the woodwork >mfw
Leo Gomez
worded this like dogshit, meant new games after it.
Christopher Jenkins
Meanwhile Sonyggers are about to spend more than an enthusiast upgrade on the ps4k come Q4 making it 3 years upgrade as they used to shitpost about for pc friends.
Logan Murphy
But there will be 1060 cards later this year too
Josiah Gray
deflection is not a defense
Gavin Thompson
>All of you shit-eating mongoloids should check Sup Forums before you post.
For what? Comedy factor?
Sup Forums is the tech worlds Chuckle Barn.
Ayden Sanchez
>relative gaming performance >1 2 3 4 5
Adam Foster
Gonna wait for 1060 to release. Top end cards are out of my paycheck.
David Hughes
>Japanese Games Who cares. USA USA USA USA
Jace Edwards
The difference is this card will give you far better performance than any console this generation could even dream of.
Tyler Sanders
My 670 is 4 years old and has always ran things better than the PS4. It will likely run things better than the PS4K too.
Defense from what? I don't have to rationalize my pc build. It's done me good, gotten more than my moneys worth and far more than any console purchase, and I saved way more on Steam sales than you ever will on SONY/MS sales.
>he still pays full price for games
Gavin Hall
1070 seem to be the best choice honestly. That's a fucking good price for the (supposed) longevity.
Daniel Garcia
its how many games you can play on each
Parker Diaz
Probably... 10 cards will support unified memory model, so it is possible we will see some fine emulation or even cross compiling. Although I bet u4 optimized the shit out of amd graphics at low level, so maybe not
Elijah Thompson
Sup Forums mostly hates nvidia and intel because of what they do with software, the hardware they like. Also the 8350 is still pretty acceptable for a budget build but anything more is i5 territory.
Juan Evans
Imma wait for benchmarks
Isaac Allen
What's the difference compared to Titan X
Benjamin Hill
Sup Forums is literlaly an AMD hugbox. Just a bunch of faggots circlejerking to Keller and Zen nonstop. >A-AMD will hit H-haswell performance we swear! Intel on suicide watch!
Evan Morris
Yeah there's gotta be a catch desu
Henry Murphy
I'll just pick the GTX 1050 when it will be 150$ or less, my 750ti is still going stronk.
Carter Phillips
>Sup Forums mostly hates nvidia and intel because of what they do with software, Yeah, but it's not like Sup Forums are huge contributors to the FSF or leading FSF software, let alone hardware. I see the point, but it's still a fucked point.
And half of them still pretend to hate games.
Caleb Evans
>Sup Forums is the source of the neverending meme that Nvidia drivers make older cards worse I was wondering where that thing came from. Still have yet to ever see any proof of it, only meme spouting retards.
Evan Torres
7970 was a top notch card, though.
Bought one at launch and it was still running everything just fine up to a couple months ago when I upgraded to a 390x because I had some money lying around. I was still able to get 50-60 fps in Witcher 3 at 1080p with Gimpworks off and most things on medium/high just fine. 4 year old card running things much, much better than consoles at a higher visual fidelity as well, not sure what more I could want from it. I didn't have any issues with it during its lifetime either aside from some stuttering in a couple of games, typically Bethesda trash and shoddy ports but that was pretty much gone by the time I got rid of it.