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Yet COD will outsell Battlefield 2 to 1.
Screencap this
it's because they put a nigger on the cover of their game
woah... so this... is the true power...
woah... so this... is the true power...
I can't fathom that people think WW1 is actually a good setting for a AAA shooter.
What do you do for weapon variety? Vehicles? Gadgets?
>implying a dislike bar will make any difference in CoD sales
1) CoD trailer has been out longer
2) CoD has always outsold BF
>not even trying
pennis and also dicke and balls
both are shit
>tfw the last bf4 expansion was all 2142 shit
>we get history revisionist ww1 instead
>people suck dices dick because it's something never done before without knowing how fucked the game is going to be to keep it actionpacked
>woah... so this... is the true power...
so the power... of fanboyism...
Both series have been declining in sales. EA just built themselves a better get out of jail card for when Battlefield 1 bombs. They can just blame racism whereas Activision would have to blame themselves if Infinite Warfare drastically under performed.
As for weapons, I shouldn't have to post an asnwer
fuck them both
Man, no one else in AAA right now has the balls to make a WWI game, or put a black protagonist on a cover. And DICE just did both.
All the cod kids moved over to battlefield and now think they are superior than anyone who plays cod. Both games are shit anyway.
woah... so this... is the true power...
Battlefuck fanboys are the worst
>muh destruction
>Gonna dislike COD because I'm trying to fit so hard but got sooo faaaar but in the eeend it doesn't even matteeer
>not disliking both
OP keeping up the tradition of being a complete fag I see.
>we have COD vs BF shitposting wars in Sup Forums now
Why is this place so full of fucking manchildren.
Shouldn't you all be in Youtube comment sections?
BF has been better than COD since 2011 and COD still sells more.
It's almost like EA is using bots to downvote a rival's game while upvoting their own.
Jesus fucking christ, we really have Battlefield vs Cowadooty wars now.
What's next, people are going to say
Fucking leave, cancer.
>More important than gameplay
Underage detected.
1942 and 2 are still the BFs and they had a tenth of the 'varity' any modern shooter has.
You know what I care about?
Not this.
Both franchises are pure, worthless trash.
The diversity quota on the front cover makes SJW very happy
Nah. It's the casual gamers coming out of the woodworks because they think Future warfare is stupid but think WW1 or WW2 settings are the greatest thing ever for an FPS game.
It's like they don't like variety and options for neat mechanics.
I wonder what the average Sup Forumsirgin a few years back would say if I told him that in 2016, people in Sup Forums would unironically give a fuck about COD and Battlefield.
Reminder that the most combat active unit in WW1 was a unit of black men
>neat mechanics
You mean worthless gimmicks.
The FPS genre has been run into the ground and there's no way to salvage it.
Literally the only innovation COD has had in almost a decade are jetpacks and wallrunning, and wallrunning is still shit compared to Titanfall's.
I dislike them too, but it doesn't mean I'll go watch new trailers and dislike them.
Dislike game != Dislike trailer video.
Battlefield has always been a thing.
CoD not so much, but it's still had a presence.
Why do you care if people dislike trailers at all?
I find it funny #RIPCOD was trending and that was all that was spammed in the twitch chat when the trailer showed. Battlefield fans are so insecure the only thing they can talk about is COD. I've been a Battlefield fan since BF2 and have only ever played 1 COD, so I know how the BF community is. They just constantly trash cod for some reason. Probably because they know it will never be as popular. I'm the opposite of the FPS community now in wanting games to go back in the past, and I'm not excited about a WW1 setting. I'm probably going to check out Infinite warfare as long as its just humans in space, not aliens.
Ten million vs. four million.
Call of Duty did it again!
>b-b-but look at these meanies ;___;
Who the hell gives a fuck.
Both franchises are trash and both communities are the same kind of trash, just manchildren fighting over toys.
I'm baffled at the fact that people in Sup Forums of all places give a fuck about this.
What's next, people are going to unironically complain that an Ass Creed trailer gets disliked?
>*picks cotton*
>*mugs CO*
>*fires broomhandle mauser sideways*
so what exactly am i looking at
Who gives a shit.
Manchildren from Youtube comments found out about Sup Forums and want Sup Forums to take part in their pathetic fights over which franchise is less rotten and how much of a good goy they are going to be when they pay $150 for the game and the season pass.
>just manchildren fighting over toys.
>baffled at the fact that people in Sup Forums of all places give a fuck about this.
looks like you answered your own question there famalam
>discussion of cowadooty and dudebro shooters are now acceptable
This isn't Sup Forums anymore, someone euthanize this place already
Oh no, Sup Forums may fight over consoles, but about Battlefield and Cowadooty?
Two of the most cancerous franchises in existence, that get DLC'd to death every year and run the entire FPS genre into the ground?
I really hope the ones who have been spamming threads about Infinite Warfare's dislikes are just Activision shills.
COD will still sell wayyyy better. If you want to gauge interest in franchises, just look at twitch. Battlefield had this HUGE reveal today and RIPCOD was trending on twitter because of it, yet only 500 people are watching BF4. Now look at Black Ops 2 which came out a year before BF4, 600 viewers. Like twitch or not, it lets you know what the gaming population is interested in at the moment.
Just look at the utter disaster that is the Ghostbusters reboot.
They blame the dislikes on SEXISM, even though the trailer, which is supposed to be a representation of the movie, is complete dogshit.
The fact that people are coming here to do damage control is baffling.
Who gives a shit about Cowadooty and Battlefield?
They're both shit.
>500k dislikes
IW will be COD4 with a brand new set of pointless gimmicks.
BF1 will be yet another completely broken reskin of Battlefield 3.
>new game reveals
>people don't suddenly go watch the old game on twitch
>this means that COD is more popular
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that COD is a franchise milked to death and that this is the third futuristic shooter in a row.
>yfw DICE just got away with white genocide
>he plays fedorafield
Is Call of Duty the true game for Aryans?
Is generic shooter now the face of Sup Forums?
Fuck off back to facebook
>he posts on fedorachan
literally nothing wrong with what i posted
fuck off back to 9gag
>he's a hypocrite
Has any other game exposed more ironic racists than Battlefield 1?
I can't imagine anyone believes these white genocide posts are unironic unless Mater "The Tater" Bush is on the other side of the screen knee deep in McDonalds.
Why are you faggots constantly picking sides and arguing over literally nothing? I swear this shit is endless with you cunts
and Battlefield isn't? it's been a yearly release game for years
>he thinks he isn't
Yes there is. You influx of underage newfags need to stop posting in this format
>green text
>1 million question marks
Fuck off.
if you weren't literally retarded and didn't post incomprehensible bullshit then """"underage newfags"""" wouldn't have to
Meh i don't really like CoD but this one seems interesting
Only for 2 years now.
COD has had a release every year since 2005.
>Racists downvote Infinite Warfare's trailer, but gives the Battlefield 1 trailer a free pass
Wow, dude. You really need a hobby.
Like I said before, go back to facebook or lurk without posting
Leave, newcuck.
The only thing redeemable about modern Call of Duty is how out of control and up its own ass the campaigns are.
After Black Ops 3's "immortality through cloud computing granted to you by software designed to monitor the public that gained sentience" I am all set for space.
i've almost certainly been here longer than you so how about you fuck off newfag
What do you think the point of this thread is?
Both of you newfags should murk loar. ????? Has been around for longer than you two have been out of puberty.
>ultimate time for experimental weaponry and paper tech
>but where is muh variety
>My World War 1 game is here
So why did the masses finally get around to hating CoD? What's shitty about this game that wasn't shitty about the last 6 games?
It might be a good game as long as the theater of combat isn't narrowly limited.
It's really nice of the CoD people to offer Infinite Warfare for free when you buy CoD 4 remastered.
They're good people.
I think it's actually because it ISN'T the same shit over and over, and they're actually trying something new.
Great thread.
If you been on youtube for a while then you notice that those manchildren spew memes and try greentext on comments section as much as on here
I know Sup Forums is not secret club for years but come on please stop doing it
I think you do a great disservice to history by trying to inaccurately portray history as it was.
No. Our nations and most nations were _not_ diverse in their fighting forces. Not then. It was still a very frankly segregated time, and was even in ww2, much less so in ww1. Trying to depict a game as diverse when the setting you are basing it on historically was not is a revision of history and does not accurately portray history. The truth, and the whole truth, must be presented in history, and trying to present it as something it wasn't for the sake of trying to further a community in video games is dishonest and does a disservice to the greatness of the people who DID serve and were black. If you want what they did to mean anything, you have to portray their atmosphere as it was then. Not as you wish it was.
> I'm racist but I'm going to deflect that with saying that this is a disservice to actual black people who served and viral in that there were no black people in WWI
Nice try, Sup Forums
Why is the Battlefield 1 trailer so well recieved? It looks even more retarded than a CoD game. At least those didn't out shitty electronic music in games based before the 21st century.
There's a lot of cool stuff you could do with a World War I shooter. Too bad it's just gonna be generic action movie shit.
LOL. I hope all of these faggots giving likes enjoy their buggy unfinished rushed mess of a game lake the last one.
>ridiculous strawman argument
lmao it's a fuking video game
fucking virgins I swear lmao
they're all dead anyway lmao
Are you fucking stupid?
>Cod shitters will migrate even more on battlefield
Do you know how to count?
BF already has more likes than CoD even though "CoD trailer has been out longer". So your point just works against it sunshine, good job.
Since when do sales determine quality? Are you a Bieber fan? But I have news for you bud. The BF series has been inching it's way towards the CoD series in sales with every game and at this rate they'll surpass them soon enough. DICE's quality over IW's shit can't be ignored.