Were there a lot of black soldiers in WW1?
Were there a lot of black soldiers in WW1?
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Was there ever a time racebait threads were supposed to stay on Sup Forums?
Black Americans were the only Americans to really see a lot of combat.
They're riding the Star Wars VII black army guy trope
Most wars are fought by the people from low socio economic backgrounds so, yes lots.
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Yes. But more importantly, why does anyone care about the race of a generic FPS protagonist?
I'm more concerned about the name than the nigger we'll only see in the god-awul campaign they shoehorn in
No, they also didn't see much combat.
A black american man is not the best way to present World War 1.
i do not care about a Battlefron reskin
A lot? No, but there were some.
On the french side, also the Hellfighters. >Those guys were pretty badass.
Expect glorious russian empire.
It is nigger.
There were regiments. A lot of them found better service with French soldiers than with white American troops.
>WW1 game
>WUBWUBS in the trailer
Really DICE? Really?
do you fucks not remember when they changed the assault model in BF3 to black over the beta?
Yea. The Tuskegee airmen and the Navajo coders were pretty famous
wrong war dude
that statue looks too good to be real, I wonder how bad the actual product will look.
OP probably doesn't give two shits about the race and is just using the "controversy" as a means to talk about the bundle in his pic.
It's a nice statue, but everything else is pretty shit. I'd like for them to move away from the shitty blue and orange color pallet and actually keep the promotional stuff in theme with WWI.
whats with the spiky club? as far as im concerned ooga boogas use spears
why is every promotion picture of that black guy always with the stupid cape looking jacket? Does he think he is a superhero or something?
I remembered they happened during 1960 so it was during ww1
Yes,they were send to the french trenchline to help holding the lines
African? Most came from the colonials armies
There was like 300,000 blacks who fought for the US. Most were not in direct combat but that could be said of most people who enlisted.
>The nickname "Hell Fighters" was given to them by the Germans due to their toughness and that they never lost a man through capture, lost a trench or a foot of ground to the enemy.[4]
It's WW1. Ooga technology wasn't advanced enough to produce spears until WWII.
ehh not really, a small minority
I guess they just added the black guy for SJW-points
Compared to Europeans and Asians (both south and east), no, but there were some units. France brought a few of their colonial troops to the metropole to fight on the western front, but most colonial troops fought in the colonies. Von Lettow Vorbeck and his Askari column probably comes most prominently to mind. Picking a black AMERICAN to be playable though? Complete sham. It's racebaiting and virtue signalling and once again takes a ridiculously America-centric view on not just race-relations and the War (which they joined fucking late), but historiography and history in general.
blacks were disproportionately enlisted in WWI. they may have been 5% of the population at the time but were 10% of troops.
they're called the harlem hellfighters
Yes plenty, the rest of the world didn't work on the same social climate of America at the time. French armies didn't deny blacks enlistment etc.
Started WW1.
39% of man populace mobilized for war.
Died 1.7mil, injured 5mil.
Collapsed and become USSR because this war happened.
It is meme black fighter on the cover.
Why DICE, why?
>Everyone goes on about the black guy being on the cover while nobody cares about the fact it's an on launch DLC pack
Is this all an elaborate ruse to distract people from on launch dlc packs?
There were Americans as everyone has pointed out, as well as Asakri (European Colonial soldiers). The most famous of those being German Schutztruppen under General von Lettow-Vorbeck.
Reminder to report Sup Forums leaks.
The more Sup Forumstards banned from Sup Forums the better
How long until the MC Ride edits?
Not a lot, but some. Most served with the French.
user... I seriously hope you are baiting.
A few hundred thousand of them from Liberia and Senegal. A few thousand from America.
colonial soldiers who fought outside of europe were mostly non-whites
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4
Kinda but the American ones didn't see too much of combat.
Colonial troops are legit though (even on the European theater).
OP was in it for the (you)'s. Too many time, he's watched as other people got the (you)'s from thinly veiled vidya news drama, and he decided it was finally his time he had his share.
Reminder to report all faggots to the faggot police.
Yes, but most were african black not american black.
Anons are just acting like assholes who can't into google that's all.
Daily reminder that any poster who talks about Sup Forums or says shit like "keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums" "report this" etc. is a Reddit cuck faggot.
To answer your question op, no there weren't. The ones that were mostly never saw any combat and the faggot Reddit shills here will spam one fucking regiment that did right at the end of war to defend their nigger cuckoldry.
>Sup Forums get triggered
>they don't even play games they just shitpost
>every time
same meme spammed on everywebsite
just so the govt can control and manipulate you
Homemade trench clubs. Used a lot by the Germans.
Another quality post from Sup Forums.
>Anyone who calls Sup Forums, Sup Forums must be from reddit
As the first world war turned into a brutal stalemate, various European countries turned to their colonial auxiliaries as a way of augmenting their dwindling manpower.
Right, except this is about the 369th, which was a US infantry regiment that served with the French.
How many colonies does France have?
In a third worlder and I recently realized most of the foreign blacks in my college spoke French
Fun fact: Getting killed on behalf if white people is the only privilege niggers have always had
Yeah, these reddits cuck faggots who cuck reddit never reddit faggot cuck reddit a cuck faggot by cuck cuck faggot the reddit reddit cuck my faggot cuck.
Will a lot of blacks vote for Trump?
Quite a lot in Africa and the Caribbean islands and a bit in South America where they imported Africans and taught them French.
didn't delve into details about the game or its story.
the question from op was
>Were there a lot of black soldiers in WW1?
and lo and behold, there were.
>black "people"
lo and behold, not in Yurop.
>implying I'm reading any of this
wew lad that's-a what I call a hot and spicy-a memeball
Most of West Africa, the Maghreb, the Central African Republic, Djibouti and their own Congo. Plus Madagascar, but they're a weird lot, ethnically speaking.
I don't think the game was ever going to be very historically accurate anyway
>a lot
Less than 3% of the AEF
>what should the title be
>how about Battlefield but in all caps
>nah that's dumb, way overused
>how about Battlefield 1
This has to be fake
Why are people so upset over a black man being on the cover? Like what is there to be mad at? How the fuck can anyone who isn't trolling be genuinely mad about this?
>people will pay $120 for $15 worth of crap
None of you actually pay for this, do you?
WW1 didn't just take place in europe, child.
read a book.
Now yer talkin'
literally /mlp/ tier
good job Sup Forums
>Sup Forums always get triggered by niggers
>they think they are better than them
Twitter is that way >>>
Millions of white people died in white war.
Look how brave those BLACK warriors.
It's insulting to my white ancestors to see a black man portrayed in a historical manner. Only goyim and reddit disagree so don't even try or I'll call you goyim and reddit until you stop posting facts I don't like.
u getting trigered insecure boy?
>Reddit browsing man image
Kill yourself
How is the fact that blacks also fought, in any sense demeaning to whites? Did you just imagine that because there's something wrong with your brain?
Are they like official Frenchmen or independent?
About a million French African Colonials (roughly 11% of the entire French army) fought in the war on all fronts, including a relatively heavy presence in the French sectors of the Western Front. wherever there were French armies, there was most likely at least a few African units scattered around as well.
Britain fielded about 100,000 African Colonials, German somewhere near 75,000 (although most of them were actually fighting in Africa) and Italy fielded a small number as well.
While not a massive number compared to the White European presence, they were still present in appreciable enough numbers, and fought just as hard as the European soldiers (in some cases even harder).
I find it odd that they chose an American Black unit over a French one, but hey its their game.they probably know that an African American will help the game sell better in the US than a French Colonial. At least the unit they chose isn't made up and had an actual distinguished service record.
The only reason I am mad about it is I 100% expect the game to preach about race relations during the period due to this character, which is totally unnecessary in a multiplayer shooter but it has never stopped them yet.
Am I the only one who came into this thread expecting a genuine answer? I would have liked to know too.
Not for "race baiting" not for any dumb Sup Forums shit, but for, you know, fucking knowledge.
Fucking christ, you people.
they aren't, most people are baiting
so the only that counts as world war 1 is one that hamburgerland participates in?
lets review the question again, my illiterate children
>Were there a lot of black soldiers in WW1?
there were.
If anyone is curious as to the actual history, the guy in the promos is probably a Harlem Hellfighter. 369th Infantry Regiment, the first black unit to see combat with the AEF. The Regiment also consisted of many Puerto Ricans.
You may continue with the WE WUZ memes.
Some people must be getting tired of "diversity" being shoved down their throats.
Because they didn't read a history book.
Seriously, this isn't even really up for debate historical data shows blacks were very much involve in WW1. If the main issue with the main character is he's american black then switch it to african black since that's the more significant demographic of the two in WW1.
Black lives don't matter.
That's why.
Simply asking a question, about whether it was commonplace for blacks to take part in the war does not make it Sup Forums shit. When companies force minorities into situations in history where there weren't any is inaccurate and it should be called out.
White you need to put very small minority group of the war on the cover and make figurine with him?
Looks like history rewrite.
Then why call it a World War 1 setting if it's not an accurate depiction of said conflict?