New Vegas DLC

>OWB > DM = HH > LR
I know we talk about New Vegas a lot, but I just finished another playthrough of all the DLCs and I'm looking for some discussion/opinions/insults.

I know Lonesome Road is generally regarded as one of the worst DLCs on Sup Forums, but I didn't remember it being as bad as it was. All of the other DLCs hinted at LR and there was a lot of build up, but to me it felt very anti climactic. Having the Courier destroy the Divide before the start of the game also feels very cheap and limits role playing. ED-E is still the best companion though.

Did the courier really destroy the divide though? You don't have to admit to it if you honestly don't think you did.

Courier was doing his job and Ulysses is retarded to blame him.

DM is the worst DLC IMO. OWB And LR had cool ideas. but OWB was kinda wall of text to start. HH was kinda meh.

Ulysses says the Courier was there at the Divide and played a major role in building the community. I just don't really like having that much backstory forced on the player character during the last DLC.

I also assumed it was canon that the Courier unintentionally destroyed the Divide by bringing some sort of pre-war military transmitter that detonated all the nukes.

The whole DLC raises some questions

>How the hell does Ulysses know what some mailman happened to be carrying?

>Shouldn't Ulysses be more focused on getting out of that irradiated hellhole instead of trying to find said mailman?

>Shouldn't the NCR be concerned about a new species of creepy as underground frog tunneler things that could probably destroy the wasteland?

Why didn't you like DM? A lot of people complain about the difficulty but I thought it was pretty good. Old World Blues is hard too, but that's only because all of the enemies are bullet sponges. Dead Money's difficulty is more interesting.

I don't think the NCR is aware of the tunnelers yet.

>hating the legion

DM really limited where you could go with the neckbombs....I am the type of player where I will just kinda throw myself at a thing/enemy until I can get by....So it just really screwed with me.

That makes sense. Dead Money definitely wasn't designed for all types of characters or play styles.

DM is a different game. It's adapt to survive.

This is the most polite thread I have been in on Sup Forums. By now I would have been told to An Hero if I hated DM.


Into the trash it goes.
It was cringe worthy from start to finish.

>Le weird sci-fi with brains in jars and talking light switches and muh philosophical references to infinity. Whoa

>LR is generally regarded as one of the worst DLCs on Sup Forums

Another reason why Sup Forums is shit.

I grew to love DM over time.

What do you guys think about the possible canon ending to LR? Some developers (Avellone, I think) don't want Fallout to become too post-post-apocalyptic, so both sides getting nuked would be the canon ending if Avellone got his way. I personally like the feel of New Vegas and think that nuking both sides would essentially restart the series on the west coast.

So why is LR not shit?

I would have liked to have explored the NCR and deal with shit like the corruption of the republic from the inside rather than nuke it before I got a chance to view it

Yeah it would have been nice to see some NCR territory that isn't just a frontier town in the Mojave. It would have been better too if all of that planned Legion content didn't get cut as well.

My favourite DLC is actually HH. I just really liked the atmosphere. It was comfy.

>devs recommend doing the DLC in release order
>recommended level for HH is 10
>recommended level for OWB is 15
>recommended level for DM is 20

Your missing the point. Ulysses isn't really that upset at the Courier. If anything he admires the Courier because by all accounts Ulysses should be dead. What he saw in the Courier is how one man can change history. The Divide was Old America. It was supposed to bring humanity back from the brink. The Courier destroyed it and it awoken something in Ulysses. One man can change history and Ulysses knows that the survival of man cannot depend on the NCR or The Legion. So he will nuke them

That's a reasonable explanation. I take back what I said.

LR>OWB>HH>DM or elite riot armor>mk2 sneaky suit>light in shining darkness>gold