15 overwatch THREADS



Garden Warfare 2 is a billion times better than Overwatch.

>Garden Warfare 2 is a billion times better than Overwatch.
I disagree.

However, I have been playing GW2 because of the ten hour demo and it's pretty fun. I'll probably get it when the price gets down to around $30.

>No waifus
>No buy

>implying sunflower doesn't exist

It's been $40 multiple times you cheap cunt.


Nah... nah.

Nigga can you math

Yet, you'll support Activision? KEK

>b-but Blizzard isn't Activision!

You don't gotta worry about that.

Nigga can you get a job

playing overwatch instead of garden warfare 2 is like playing infinite warfare instead of battlefield 1

GW2 was better than Overwiatch but i still got bored of it quickly. Where GW2 took me a week, Overwatch took me an hour.

Thanks doc.

Why'd you get bored? There's a new Herbal Assault map coming this month.

Shooter fatigue mostly, i'm sure if it came out 10 years ago it would have held my interest more but it seems like 90% of games coming out these days is a shooter in some capacity. None of my friends play it either so that contibuted to it, although my friends do play Overwatch so that speaks volumes for how shit that is.

Well yeah it is a shooter but at least it's a third person shooter and with the Backyard Battleground it kind of makes it feel like less of a shooter since you can just invite people in and explore around the map and sewers.

Eastern Sup Forums when?
West Sup Forums can have all the blizzard, eceleb twitter garbage

The Garden Warfare games seem like some of the only games where the devs have pretty much full control over the game. Its just bursting with content to the point where it seemed as though they enjoyed making the game.

Reminder that this is the game that started the 'I want to fuck that' meme

What sucks is that SO MANY people complain about games launching with no content and day one DLC yet this game launched with tons of fucking content and all DLC is free yet it's underrated.

What also sucks is that people that haven't played the game see that it has microtransactions and think it's shit when microtransactions are utterly useless since you earn coins so fucking fast from playing.

>what is 2chan?

Well that's better than nothing.

And GW1 is a billion times better than GW2.

Nigga that meme started decades ago.

Hmm no. Garden Warfare 2 is a proper sequel. It takes the original and builds on top of it. Herbal Assault was a great addition. New characters are great.

>exchange kills
>more glitches
>less balance
>killstreaks arent rewarded anymore
>maps are way worse



What glitches?

True but that's a given since they added so many characters but they are still working on it.

Yes they are?

No they aren't.


The shills are aggressive today

Not him but how can you say pvz2 is better?
The whole style and balance of the first is completely gone, the old classes have been completely shafted for the new and the diminishing player numbers show that people in general have thought it has been worse than the first.

Yes, I too noticed the 15 Overwatch threads.

>spin to win/press ability to get kill, then youre vulnerable, then you die, exchange kill
>very long loading screen, after game glitches, hit register is inaccurate
>more doesnt equal better
>no theyre not, the coin multiplier from kill streaks is removed to promote faster gameplay
>yes they are

Ive played the first game for almost 2000 hours. Youre really in no position to tell me whats better since the elite GW1 players have all come to the same conclusion. GW2 is more style and presentation than balance and design. GW1 is a much better game than GW2. GW2 is already dying, I see the same familar names every time I get on. PS4

It's GW2, PVZ2 is a different game.

You can choose to play with just the old classes if you're afraid of change.

Lol, how would you know the player count?

Are you a newfag?

The old classes aren't as good as the new, the balance is iffy like I said. Plus they made some old classes worse like the builder zombie no longer having the flying skull

The whole game simply does not flow as well as the first

LOL are you saying I didn't playing the first one? I have 1000 hours alone on the Mechanic in the first game. Who are all the "elite" players? There's no elite player base.

Of course you'll see the same names, they try to keep levels accurate.

Like I said, you can play with just the old classes.

They gave the pirate the drone because it makes more sense that engineer should have a turret to protect the teleporter.

Strong Popcap shilling itt
It has been quite unanimously agreed on Sup Forumsthat GW2 was a steaming turd compared to the first

You have 1000 hours in GW1? Then you shouldve recognized right away how much the layouts of the new maps suck. Im in shock that you actually think HA is a good mode when plants are meant for defense and have abilities and classes that reflect that. Moon base and Zomburbia, 90% of rounds are filled with spawn campers at the first base because of how easy it is to camp them.

Teleporter placement is completely fucked, engineer outclasses rose, scientist is a combat medic while sunflower isnt. Super brains is the ultimate all purpose character. Deadbeard completely outclasses cactus since his sniper can turn into a shotgun too. Foot soldier and all star as strong as ever.

Youre a baddie if you think GW2 is better, but the shrinking player base reflects that just fine enough. Enjoy the game

Amongst whom? There's rarely any threads.

>There's rarely any threads.
Yeah, there's a reason for that

On the Mechanic alone, yes.

I'm not afraid of change like most people are. When a website changes it's layout, 90% of people cry about it and then get over it months later.

"Shrinking player base" with what evidence? You can't just make it up. Just because you see the same names doesn't mean it's shrinking, it mean those people are probably playing a lot since the level cap is insanely high.

How can there be a consensus with rarely any threads? People wrote off Garden Warfare 1 after the first two months but then it launched on PC/PS4 and slowly grew and then it went free on PS4 and stayed big for a long time.

Nigga they keep sending surveys to players directly asking if the 2nd game is worse than the first, they know the deal

Oh so they're looking for feedback and adjusting with the information they receive? Wow, what a shit game!

Change in general isnt a good thing unless its upgrading or fixing a problem. GW1 had no problems, with its map design, map flow, teleporter locations, and any balance issues there were quickly stamped out or dealt with since both sides were equally capable.

The flow of the original is gone and the sequel has a lot more action, resulting in lots of disable abilities or spin to win, zombies camping plants spawns, teleporter placement being terrible. The maps are to wide for their own good. GW1 had more linear with a few branching paths design. 2 has more open design resulting in more deaths.

Seeing the same names cycle isnt a good thing. I always saw new faces in GW1 until the game started getting old, a sign of active players coming in and out frequently. After the 10 hour trial, I predict an even smaller player base, with just a few hundred japs and brits every night.

The game is a mess bro, the new classes and maps take away

>15 Overwatch threads
>15 Darksouls threads
>"wah wah MODS there are too many overwatch threads for an open beta week wah wah"

it was the rabbit you retard.

>defending mods not doing their job

ok user mod

>Change in general isnt a good

You're clearly an autist.

Why didnt you quote the rest?

Then again, your brain must be mush if you seriously think GW2 is better than GW1. Have a final (you) on the house and enjoy your same 50 players. If its this bad on PS4, I wonder how bad it is on PC

Why would I read the rest? Your first sentence was enough to see that I should stop wasting my time replying to you.

You don't even know what you're talking about. You claimed to be some kind of elite player lol. You're probably 15.

I couldnt help but notice you sound like a typical sjw libcuck faggot, if that first line got you so ass blasted you couldnt bear to read the rest. Dont get triggered to hard booboo. Now a real final (you), enjoy your game dead and inferior game!

>for a mobile game

can u give me ur address and show me when you play this on your phone?

Clearly you're a fucking retard that doesn't know what you're talking about. Go look up Garden Warfare 2.

At least they talk about the game. DS threads are just people memeing about pump per rump and pvp cheesing

I voted for Trump.

Fuck Overwatch and fuck Dark Souls.


>people that haven't seen the original comic
It's about Sup Forums wanting to fuck an unicorn.

>Overwatch fags are this retarded

go play gw2, it's a better game

It's too late now. That's probably the reason why barney fag went full retard.

I want to love and date /mlp/-tan!

That is completely false

>better aesthetic
>more coins for games so less grinding
>better art style
>better music
>better maps
>more balanced characters/skins
>2D Crazy Dave/Zomboss

>more characters


Fuck you!!! Dont you like spending millions of coins getting reskinned bling items?! Dont you like getting spawn killed when attacking as plants?!

Fuck you GW2 is superior!

Anybody else hate the design of the new plants? I fucking hate the Orange.

>>more coins for games so less grinding

nigga are u a retard

Orange is ok with me, rose seems to mature though. Almost like a milf hanging out with a bunch of kids. I think kernel corn looks stupid though, way to edgy for this type of game

All things considered activision is the lesser evil by miles

I like them

Uh, how? EA has been great the last two years.