Video Game Hall of Fame

So the National Museum of Play inducted Sonic The Hedgehog, The Legend of Zelda, The Sims, Oregon Trail, GTA III, and Space Invaders into the World Video Game Hall of Fame. They are joining last years inductees: DOOM, Pac-Man, Pong, Super Mario Bros, Tetris, and World of Warcraft.

What games do you think also deserve recognition as important and influential pieces of the video game medium?

deus ex

Dark Souls

There has never been a good Zelda game. It has been a waterdown adventure series for babies since its inception.

Pokemon r/b/y

Wolfenstein 3d, doom and PONG.

Surprised Donkey Kong and Pong aren't mentioned.


C&C or Dune II and maybe even StarCraft.

Cod 4
Fallout 3
kingdom hearts

Pokémon, Street Fighter, Super Mario 64, Resident Evil and Half-Life sound like good candidates.

Guess I don't know how to read. Donkey Kong still stands.

Pong and Doom made it in last year.


Then wolf 3d is the only thing remaining and it should be closed forever.

This is actually true.
That game was a huge influence on the industry. To an extent we don't even know yet, since the clones are just starting to surface.

Plus pretty much every game created after it has had a reference to it hidden somewhere.

Legend of Zelda and Sonic are weird choices. They're just good games, not that influential. Who tried to copy Zelda and Sonic 1:1?

Rainbow Six
Jagged Alliance 2
Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

GTAIII really shouldn't be in there. Either make it San Andreas or GTA2.


I agree with Sonic but the sense of freedom and exploration of Zelda inspired a lot of devs.

Street Fighter 2
Donkey Kong
Dragon Quest
Ultima or Wizardry

Pokemon R/B/Y
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Final Fantasy 7
Donkey Kong Country
Halo 2

Tomb Raider
Diablo 2
Dune 2

Ultima, Rogue, Ys
but I'd expect uninspired garbage like Final Fantasy to be recognized before them

Doom was really the one that became popular and pushed the FPS genre into the limelight.

Max Payne or Dark Souls

I would say Demon's Souls but exclusivity hindered it's influence compared to its successor

Shut Up Scamco.

Diablo 2 is a no brainer but I can't debate if it should go to 1 or 2. Diablo-likes take more from Diablo 2, but 2 wasn't really in final gear until Lord of Destruction.

Pokemon. Regardless of your opinion on the series as a whole, the concept was pretty revolutionary when it was first introduced

Don't forget Dragon Slayer and Xanadu.

Why does this exist?
Video games don't inspire people like movies or music does. They are toys made for fat degenerates.
Is there going to be a toy hall of fame? How about a cartoon hall of fame?
Christ I hate this planet.

pokemon red and blue

Sonic shouldn't have been included, Megaman has far more right to be included. Sonic has less good games than Crash Bandicoot for fuck sake.

Ultima Underground deserves it just as much as Doom does.

Far too early for that, certainly worthy if things keep heading in the same direction though.

There are video game journalists and scholars?

People who publish books arguing for and against the merit of certain video games?

So it's revolutionary to copy and simplify Megami Tensei?


Might and Magic
Monkey Island
Puyo Puyo

I'm with this but also leaning towards a Chunsoft Mystery Dungeon game because of how they adapted Rogue-likes to consoles. Their Pokemon series are obviously the best but Shiren the Wanderer is the turning point where the Mystery Dungeon games started getting really good.


minecraft will probably be inducted.

Ok you can stop now

Although you're being needlessly edgy, I'd agree that all three of these games deserve to be there quite a lot.

God Hand.

It's the pinnacle of the 3D arcade brawler genre. All these devs arguing about gaming as an art form but only pushing narratives are missing the point of video games and that's gameplay. Gameplay is what should categorize a video game as art and God Hand has that covered in spades.

Dragon Quest
Donkey Kong
Street Fighter 2
Super Metroid
System Shock 2

What are the requisites for entering this hall?
2D Zelda influenced many and created a ton of copycats but I would not say it was innovative unlike 3D who set the cornerstone of adventure action adventure games.

Kill yourself

pokemon red
cod waw
street fighter

Underated post

Then terraria, then undertale?

>iconic status, longevity, geographical reach and influence

How the hell is Street Fighter II not in this yet?

Bad rats

Idolmaster. Nothing else has stalled another series for so long, it should be taken note of.

Battlefield 1942
CoD 2
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Alone in the Dark
Clock Tower
Metal Slug

Any of the Rogue Squadron games made for N64/Gamecube. Factor 5 made those games look brilliant given the technology at the time.


how much money did ea give them to put that in there

Uncharted 4 tbqhwy desu

>OG Sims

Not enough normie memes


Hall of infamy maybe for coming along after Shenmue and shitting up the entire open world genre for the rest of time

not what i see in the picture

The Sims was released after EA acquired Maxis. Also EA were the ones that gave the go-ahead on Will Wright's project.

>people just listing games they liked as a kid

Ok, what are the requisited for this list?

Uniqueness? Ico, sotc, okami, god hand, mgs...

Fame? Half life 1 and 2, diablo, Mario 64...

Influence? I wouldnt consider whoever created the current 2 weapon limit + regenerative health good, but certainly influent.

Maybe the first Medal of Honor
Pretty sure that started the trend of all those fuckin WW2 shooters

>Oregon Trail
I've never heard of this game before.

The list isn't about good games. Read the image. Also, keep your opinion edgy.

>the list isn't about good games

Yes it it, dumbass.

>also, keep your opinion edgy

Keep your babby opinions casual faglord.

Then GTFO.

No it's not, it's about historically relevant games.

"Recognized or their iconic status, longevity, geographical reach and influence."

If you take this purely as good games, go for it. If that was the case, they wouldn't have added WoW.

>Not that influential

You're kidding right? Zelda pioneered adventure games and Sonic broke the mold hard. Ever since he showed up most new platformers after him tried to emulate his style and gameplay. Countless games were inspired by him in some way, like Crash, Spyro, Aero the Acrobat, Gex, the list goes on. Even in modern times games like Freedom Planet are inspired by it.

I liked solitaire as a kid, but I don't see it on the list.
You know what, the list should have solitaire.

>Zelda pioneered adventure games
Wouldn't say poineered but made it big. Pretty sure there was a game before Zelda with the exact or close to the same gameplay.

You're right, Custar's Revenge should have gotten in.


>Zelda pioneered adventure games


>Custar's Revenge
For example, yes. But they can't mash in all the games at once, it's gonna take them some time.

Oddly I first heard of this on Nightly Business Report on PBS.

But San Andreas is built upon 3. 3 was probably one of the first open-world 3d games that tried to simulate a busy city (and it didn't a damn good job of it, hell I remember being blown away the first time I played GTA3.

While I think SA is a superior game, as it's bigger, better, cleaned up, while still having the random arcadish fun of 3, GTA3 is really what defined that generation and perhaps genre.

Those are really good.

>arcade flyer bullshit for consolebabbies that pushed the superior X-Wing/TIE out of the market
Fuck you.

That's true, I think Street Fighter II was probably the most widespread and prevalent of the fighting arcade games.

Most of the games I've agreed with didn't come out until after I graduated highschool.

Well, how the fuck would they do it? Listing games they didn't play or enjoy?

If you hadn't started using Sup Forums last year you'd know what it is.

>playing games for fun

I thought about it again and I'll give you Sonic only for being a cute animal mascot as early as 1991, for some reason I thought there were earlier ones pre-1991 but those weren't really animal mascots (Bonk, Alex Kidd, Mega Man.)

Zelda is still undecided.

>If you hadn't started using Sup Forums last year you'd know what it is.
If you only knew how long I've been here. I even had a commodore 64 and never heard of it.

What's the over/under on Undertale being added or there being a large movement on Reddit/Tumblr for it being added?

Why would Undertale be inducted? And why would anyone think that would be a good idea?

after the
>greatest video game ever
voting on gamefaqs I don't doubt the stupidity or the reach of its fanbase
even if noone give a shit about gamefaqs anymore

And III is built upon 2. That's not an argument at all, you look at titles individually and what they changed for future games. There are plenty of open world games around that time, that you could award that spot. I'm not a huge fan of Morrowind, but in terms of simulation it beats GTA III easily enough that people still play it today. GTA III is a mess and gameplay does matter in a discussion what games warrant a spot in a hall of fame, and it was shit.

Apparently you do care about gamefaqs, and it doesn't seem that WVGHoF has titles with short lived popularity, disregarding how good or bad Undertale may be.

Exactly. There's no chance Undertale would get in before EarthBound, anyway.

>implying EarthBound would ever be inducted

nah I don't give a fuck about gamefaqs

>World of Warcraft got in before Zelda, The Sims and Space Invaders

Jesus christ.

Jesus Christ.

Undertale has become massively influential and will be forever be remembered alongside games such as Doom, OoT and Tetris, wheter you anti-underfags like it or not.


Resident Evil
Age of Empires
Deus Ex

>Undertale has become massively influential

>alongside games such as Doom, OoT and Tetris

Inb4 next year is Wii Sports or something equally stupid.

>forever be remembered
>most people have forgotten it already

Literally flavor of the month tier.

Street Fighter II
Donkey Kong
Super Mario 64
Ultima Underworld

If you're looking at games that were derivative/not really innovative, but were huge game changers in the industry, then they'd probably want to look at games like Halo, Mortal Kombat and Pokemon Red and Blue.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Pokémon Gold/Silver

Street Fighter II
Mortal Kombat
Resident Evil
Half Life
Deus Ex
Left 4 Dead
Team Fortress 2
Unreal Tournament
Tomb Raider
Gran Turismo
Final Fantasy VII
Metal Gear Solid

Oh yeah, and Wii Sports.