>that one guy who goes bastion in an attack payload map
stay mad and git gud
Ultimates need to be toned down.
b-but if they all need to be toned down, doesn't that make them balanced?
Not all, some are pretty OP, but most are easy to avoid
>Reapers ultimate has like 5 foot range
>Hanzos ultimate is easily sidestepped
>Reindhearts ultimate he has to be within several feet of you aiming straight at you and it still doesn't kill you
>Bastions tank mode lasts only a few seconds and can be easily strafed
Theres plenty more that are easy to avoid, only ones ive had real issues with are DVA and Junkrat
>He doesn't ride the payload in sentry form
>Team mate picks bastion
>I choose reinheart
>Bastion runs around shooting with his rifle instead of sentrying
>Gotta push to the point
>2 widowmakers and a hanzo
>They all hang back near spawn trying to snipe
you can literally shoot junkrat's tyre,
Just drop this game and play Tf2 instead.
Yes, you can, but ANY decent junkrat player isn't gonna send it straight down an open street at you
Lel speak for yourself
>3 or 4 enemies on point
>friendly Jet Set Radio near me
Bastion needs a fucking nerf, he's so fucking powerful compared to any class, offense or defense. You can mow through reinheart and his shield in less than 1 minigun magazine
It's loud as fuck and gets louder the closer it is to you so its really easy to know its coming and you can prepare to avoid it. I rarely get hit by it only if I'm really distracted with alot of shit going on does it sometimes catch me by surprise.
Tf2 is shit now, and it really isn't the same as overwatch besides the fact that theres more than 1 character and the same missions.
He can be countered by certain heroes, hes not as crazy tough as everyone makes out
>that 4 guys every game going for widowmaker
Great game Blizzard
Arranged teams with friends should fight bots. Might as well since random pubs are like bots anyway.
>Riding on top of the payload in sentry form while Reinhardt rides the cart with you and shields while a Lucio is dancing around with an emergency Sound Barrier + passive healing up the ass that stacks with the payload healing
its even fucking worse with darksouls 3
what is your point?
>playing on London level
>other team is 5 Bastions and one other char
>my team runs out the gate we're instantly shredded by hail of turrent fire
>fuck this
>switch to widowmaker
>go up to top of church all bastions are sitting ducks in turrent mode
>snipe them and break them out of their turrent stance and easily push to take point
Widowmaker is the antidote
the bastion antidotes are:
>Genji (until the Bastion learns you're gonna reflect and/or the Bastion is just dumb)
>Widowmaker (long range)
>Roadhog (close range, hook instantly snaps them out of turret form).
in my experience flanking them as Reaper/Tracer is not worth it since if they have any reflexes whatsoever they can do a 180 spin and kill you before you kill them.
>Genjis ultimate is just that he gets a melee attack
why is it so godamn weak? his reflection is so great that he's still playable but godamn his ultimate is the worst.
Don't forget JUSTICE
and D.Va can usually at least trade with him
>surprised he has an ult that is only conducive to flanking
Yeah forgot about Genji having the reflect probably the perfect counter to him, and well Roadhog's hook is the antidote to everything.
Honestly if the game didn't have such shitty map design where everything leads into choke points it wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue but the maps are perfect for Bastion's to set up camp and control choke points and with a healer or competent team also backing them up dislodging them can be a real pain.
>running into melee with a 200 hp guy made out of paper
>good at anything
Tracers ultimate is something that's "conducive to flanking", Genjis ultimate is almost always worse than just sticking with his shurikens.
You forgot Pharah. Unless she's bad enough to fly in your face, she's gonna wreck your shit.
-Bastion main
>bide your time
>harass from range and pick off stragglers
>wait for teamfight to start
>pop ult
>dash in (dash damage seems to be upgraded by ult)
>eliminate medic in one hit
>dash to next squishiest fucker
>kill everyone else you can
>use dash to escape before they realize what's going on
Looks like you're complaining that his ultimate isn't a boring "it kills people in an AOE / it's aimbot" garbage.
no i just said it was weak, they could just up the damage on the swings and it would be much better, hell you will most of the time need 3 hits to kill fucking Lucio with it since he'll regen 40 health
I don't know, it feels fine to me.
Genji is a character that actually takes a little bit of skill to play, unlike most, shame that I'm stuck playing Winston or Mercy most games cause, just like TF2, all the kids pick Sniper and Spy (Widowmaker and Edgeman in this case)
Placing a bastion on the payload is a good strat though, regardless of offense or defense.
As long as you have a Reinhardt and some form of healing guy, it's hard to counter.
You need a Mei ult with followup or something like that.
He's great outside of said ultimate, reflect is the best stuff there is, but in so many games i just sit with it at 100% and never use it because for almost all situations you're better off with the shurikens. It really doesn't help either that it has kinda long drawing and sheathing animations and the start and end so if you fail to kill someone as the duration is running out you're fucked as you can't just start throwing shurikens again.
I just realized genji and hanzo are fucking god tier when played well.
i just noticed that the way i wrote that post it looks like i'm talking shit about the reflect, but it's still just about the meh ultimate.
>that one guy who plays this trash
It's probably the hardest ultimate to use effectively in the game, but I'm still fine with it. I wouldn't mind a tad bit more damage or perhaps range.
>tfw can't aim for shit
>can only do well with Junkrat or Farah
fuck I hate learning anything new
>everybody on your team pickes solider: 76 and reaper
>teammates spamming in voice chat about how MLG and god tier they are
>they sound 10 years old
>we lose in 3 minutes
>that one useless fucker who goes tracer in defense
>Best voicelines
>Excellent area denial for offense and defense
>Ult is a free 'clear out this area'
>Remote mines for throwing around corners and the odd prediction MLG playzzz
>Bear Traps as well
He's a good character, look forward to more and more complaining about him
>not picking a good flanker on defense so they can fuck up the enemy's backline before they can make a good push
Depending on the map and the stage of the game a hyper offensive hero like Genji, Reaper or Tracer is good for disruption and taking out snipers.
Yeah, I think one of the main issues is there is a lot of choke points and not enough opportunities to flank. All they need is two bastions and it becomes extremely hard to flank.
>Played against nothing but the most retarded of Winston's
>Playing some random match
>From second 1, Winston does nothing but leap high up into the air and slam down behind our attacking push
>Immediately kills our two medics and dies
>Repeat for the whole game
Shit it was terrifying
Dva main, I eat you hicks for breakfast.
Are you really classified as a not so good player if you play as Junkrat.....well crap he's my favourite though....
For real. Why are people so retarded ?
We gotta take a point by standing in it, why aren't you even trying to go near the said point ?
who /winston/ here?
>tfw punching someone out of the map
Pharah is fun for that too, you just go up in the sky and bomb the ground until you got that ult.
But too squishy.
>People who haven't played TF2 for the past eight years and are completely new to this style of class-based shooter game and having opinions on what it and isn't overpowered
You lot who fall into this category need to just shut the fuck up.