ITT: Things from real life that look like they're from video games


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Whats that?

Pic in OP is the Sutyagin House

Authentic Sim City 4 screenshot


I'm pretty sure there's a layton game set in one of these

Is that Anor Londo

Milan cathedral.


my first thought

I would love to play a video game set completely in this location. Or better yet, imagine a multiplayer FPS like Battlefield where this is one of the maps.




Lea Monde, you magnificent, wicked city! Your castle walls are mightier than any fortress, more resplendent than any palace in the whole of Valendia.

Is this thread serious?


STALKER or Metro 2033.

Either Chechnya or Ukraine?

Pripyat I'm guessing

I bet there's a collectible on top of it.

Or Detroit, you really can't tell.

>inb4 ancient Egypt



>no street view
Fucking lazy cunts

Reminds me of the book Momo

Why aren't any open world cities like this? Are they afraid of boring centrally planned cities?

European architecture = Best architecture

I would kill to live in one of these places. They make me feel so comfy

Relevant pic is an hour drive from my home.

Only one-two weeks a year though before the flowers are gone.


Wait a minute...


Eyes of god, a pagan temple near where I live.
Its a cave with these natural holes that let in moonlight on an altar.

That card...



I was expecting the first post to be Kowloon. Good to see some new things for once.

>no altar shown

Its a flat rock, not an actual D&D cultist altar with skulls and runes.

>Dad actually got tricked


where is this

I just want an AC game set in the Low Countries during the 80 Years War..


Rest in piece you magnificent shithole

>kowloon was demolished
What's the closest I can get to a futuristic (not necessarily dystopian) city in real life Sup Forums?



Mont St. Michel Normandy France


Why does this look comfy to me



No this is

You might be an agoraphobic asian


That house looks something out of banner saga



Why would you demolish such an architectural marvel?


Wasn't the second half of Shenmue 2 set in Kowloon?


Yup. One of the few places of natural beauty left in heavily urbanised Belgium.

If I remember correctly this one only look like that because its incomplete.

where is this?

>genex tower

Hah, I didn't think someone would actually post that here.

Belgrade, Serbia. The top spins.

Shenmue 2 took place there.

sagrada familia is the ugliest building in the world


Dubai, artificially inflated and soon to collapse under the weight of its own emptiness

pilgrims would travel by foot from the shore through what to my memory was at least a mile of silt - basically friendly quicksand. Not everyone made it.



>The Tower o' Power

yes, and it was glorious

See that mountain?

I wish there were more pictures of its inside

Shit looked comfy, was probably dirty as fuck but it looked comfy

Is this the coziest place on Earth?

>architectural marvel
Shit was literally falling apart, if it had not been demolished, it was only a matter of time before it collapsed on itself and killed a shit load of people

Am i the only one who sees Havel in the thumbnail?
Might be some tetris effect shit.

Hell, I think it's even been in a few.


Doesn't Onimusha 3 take place here?
I have recorded in my brain the little fairy faggot saying >MT SAINT MICHEL?


>The Lion King.jpg

Well, that's part of the marvel.


fuck you for reminding me

brutalism is sinfully ugly. depressing, and looks ugly and decayed in just a few years. Cities with a lot of brutalism look like shitholes.


>He never played Special Forces


No way this is real.

Isn't that Floops mansion from that shitty spy kids movie?

>turned into a museum

I feel like these places are cooler when they leave them the fuck alone.