Anyone else wish it would have been Nintendo that died instead?

Anyone else wish it would have been Nintendo that died instead?

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I miss the days arcade companies had their own consoles.

Now we have an OS company, a toy company, and an A/V electronics company ruining videogames.

if it wasnt for nintendos success in the handheld market, they probably would have been where sega is now.

All they have to to do is stop being faggots and work together

>work together
You mean put out a console together, share expenses, branding, and royalties?

Pretty much minus the console bit, notice how Sega of America never has shit to work with meanwhile Sega of Japan sitting nice and pretty

I don't see what the incentive would be for Sega to work any closer than they already do with Nintendo unless they were getting a cut on platform royalties. They already put all of their Sonic shit on Nintendo systems.

No because Sega are fucking idiots

No I mean Sega of Japan working with Sega of America

SEGA deserved it, all their failures were 100% their fault

Really can't see how people feel sorry for them

such a valid point.
only thing is that video gameswere originally childrens toys so nintendo had a damn good excuse and more experience than any of them to get into the market.
I suppose same with sony but for hardware, and microsoft creating the software.

remember nintendo caused sony making the playstation and getting into the market

I don't mind Nintendo but I miss Sega being first party.

I'd rather Sony have died but yeah Sega>Nintendo

I don't get how anyone could feel Sega were better than Nintendo - were you not around to see just how incredibly bad they fucked themselves over with confused timing for new consoles, add-ons, and lacking games?

You mean this gen?

If you're referring to the NX then that's coming out only a few months shy of Nintendo's usual console cycle, not even close to how much Sega fucked up.

I get what you mean.
You could say the same on Ninty's part, looking at the handheld department.
Lacking games is also pretty much across each platform.

He's probably referring to the Wii U, which strangely launched in 2012 with weird tweener hardware, supported like 9 different controllers, and had awful software support.

Not even close to the same problem - Sega released the Sega CD (which was a piece of shit with no videogames), then the Sega 32x just two years later (which was one of the most useless addons ever conceived), then just a year after tried to move to the Sega Saturn, but the damage was done and Sega wouldn't have been able to cope with the losses unless the Dreamcast would be a huge success. The Dreamcast flopped hard, consumers just didn't care about Sega anymore.

No, I wish both Sega and Nintendo would kept competing against each other instead of multinational electronic giant jews like Sony and MS.

>supported like 9 different controllers
How is that a bad thing?

The Wii U's prime failure is the atrocious marketing. Only 3 games were properly marketed for it, and even then they still seemed to not even bother Marketing at all in Europe beyond a short TV ad for Splatoon and Mario Kart respectively (similarly, the 3DS has had shit marketing in European countries) - this is a stark contrast from the huge marketing campaigns of the Wii, which were highly successful. On top of this, they called if the fucking Wii U, even on Sup Forums during its 2011 reveal people thought it was just a controller add-on for the Wii from how they didn't show the actual system and only pushed the controller.

>The Dreamcast flopped hard
The Dreamcast did well
But they lost too much money on Saturn/CD/32x on top of all the expensive advertising for Dreamcast and high budgets for games like Shenmue when they were bleeding money

You're an underage faggot who doesn't even know how big Sega's contribution to gaming was...especially Arcade Gaming

Only a few companies like Capcom and Konami could match them on their output

Nintendo doesn't compete at all in comparison

Marketing couldn't save a turd like the Wii U.
>Sorry, goyim, we will go back to making games for gamers.
>Here's a $350 Xbox360 with a better GPU in 2012, goyim.
>Don't forget your tablet controller, goyim. You'll need it for all the hardcore games we're going to make.

>The Dreamcast did well
Well this is some fucking news to me, do you have anything to back that up?

>You're an underage faggot who doesn't even know how big Sega's contribution to gaming was...especially Arcade Gaming
It would help to elaborate rather than just call others stupid, as otherwise nobody will know what you're even referring to here.

Sony went to Sega after the whole Nintendo thing. SoA agreed to do a partnership so Sony Imagesoft started making games for the Sega CD Sewer Sharks, Micky Mania port, etc. SoJ ended the partnership.

It would've helped but I never said it would've necessarily saved it.

Nintendo add nothing but shit to this medium. It was true 20 years ago, it's still true today.

>this is what some anons truly believe
You can dislike modern practices all you like, but there's no way you can seriously think that a publisher with so many influencial games, and managed to pull the industry out of the Atari videogame crash "add nothing to the medium".

This is why I said 20 years ago, not 30
Yes at least they quite literally saved and defined videogames as we know it, even during the N64 period they were still fine, but now? Nothing but fucking trash.

I don't know man Splatoon's a pretty fucking good game

but muh Sanic. pls OP.
They done nothing right since PSO 1&2.
PCxWii-U is best couple atm


Splatoon is god tier senpai

Could make a console now. P5, SMT, Yakuza exclusive. Miku their mascot.

>How is that a bad thing?

It's not, what's bad though is when they have all these control options yet they still force the gamepad in some games. Hell you can't even use the system setting properly without the gamepad but they make sure to have every available control option for the e shop.

It's bananas

Nintendo pretty much became a fisher price toy company, so that's also not really better.

You say that like they don't give you a gamepad out of the box. Although if you're trying to suggest they shouldn't have required the gamepad to begin with then I get where you're coming from.

They've always been that way, it was Sony that pushed forward the idea of "mature gaming", and Xbox initially tried being a mix of both but quickly switched their demographic to adult gamers too.

>not microsoft, ea, ubisoft or sony

>They've always been that way
Not really. It was only when the N64 came out that they pandered heavily to children. NES and SNES games were often hardcore as fuck.

>sega: shit, nintendo is dominating us
>cd become a thing
>lets make a cd attachment
>sega cd released
>it is shit
>sega: nintendo is still dominating us
>lets make another attachment
>sega 32x released
>it is shit
>sega: ps1 hype is getting everyone
>lets push sega saturn with a shitty new polygon technology
>sega saturn released with no sonic
>literally fucks sega over with technology being useless for devs
>saturn becomes a commercial failure
>sega: alright, we will do it right,
>makes 2 ok sonic games
>exclusive games that are good
>sold well
>ps2 and xbox annouced
>sega still losing money
>unfortunately fucked by piracy of new gd-rom technology
>still fucked by shit done in the past
>sega: well time to bail
And that my friends is why nintendo is still alive and sega did not

>NES and SNES games were often hardcore as fuck.
What the fuck are you talking about

Ever since the Playstation took over the Sega's place for 3Kewl5Skool market, what was the purpose of Sega still making consoles? Sega are inept and should just stick to noise machines that flash up in Japan

Didn't the Saturn do really well in Japan? Did they really need the US market or something? Also who actually had a Dreamcast from 1998-2002? It was exspensive as shit

Nigga, NES had games like Gradius, R-Type, Contra, Ninja Gaiden, etc
I wouldn't really call games like this kiddie games.

It also censored shit like mortal kombat, and games like that were never the system sellers like your marios and zeldas.

Nintendo games were always for kiddies. The NES was marketed as a toy for fuck sake. It seemed cool and badass because we were all young pups when playing the SNES and NES. My first console was the N64 at age 5. I thought it was the most baddass thing ever, Hell a part of me still does but my 15 year old brother taught it was for kiddies. Nintendo is the Diseny of vydya. They get you when you're young. Some people grow out of it and some never do

Why did Sega get dominated in the States but excelled in Europe and Japan, there whole advertising (At least in the EU) was the exact same flashy uber cool COWABUNGA DUDE American style of advertising.

Of course they were always aimed at children in the first place (no shit since they are video games), but back then they also still had a lot of stuff also aimed at adults.

>My first console was the N64 at age 5.
Like I said, N64 was also the console were they started to pander to kiddies heavily. In contrary to you, I actually grew up with NES, SNES, Mega Drive, etc, and there they also still had a lot of stuff which was not really just for children, because games back then still had much more arcade influences.


Marketing was completely children focused from the late 80s through 90s when the FCC started regulating children's television and commercials. Get your NES cereal and sit down in front of the TV for the Super Mario Brothers Super Show, followed by Captain N and Zelda.
The ads always featured some teenage boys, but they were dressed up like what a kid would think is cool.

Prior to the NES & game crash the marketing was towards the whole family having fun.

They already would've because you fucks threw them in the garbage with garbage N64 and GC sales

They profited off the Wii and DS massively regardless of what you think about them

Saturn was a good console just not in the west. Didn't bother localizing anything. Best thing Sony did was fire Stolar for enforcing that and their no 2D rule on PS1, Worse thing Sega make him head of Sega of America.

I'd still say there's plenty to this day targeted at "mature" audiences, like ZombiU, Bayonetta (and platinum games' stuff on Wii U in general), and the rare multiplat. It's lower than past systems sure but not by as big an amount you're inferring. Either way, they've always tried to appeal to the child and family demographic far more than any other, that's never changed.

No, I only wish there was a Sega/Nintendo merger. With some good leadership, Sega IP would not be wasted and Nintendo IP would have a little bit more bite and ambition.

The SNES and NES had stuff that wasn't pure saccharine and kiddie like almost with almost everything was around the N64 era but at the same time, the stuff was still ever age friendly. It didn't have a lot of violence or explicit content. Contra was about shooting up aliens and robots but a kid can still play it since it's not graphic and he guns shoot big orange balls

They had Joe Montana Football and Nintendo did not.

Segas been bouncing back. They were the top rated publisher of 2015 but of course no one will mention that. Miku and Yakuza are fun. They now have their name stamped on whatever Atlus makes, another smart purchase. Pachinko and PSO2 are making bank in japan. Theyve got all hands on deck and are staying quiet with the anniversary Sonic game and hired new marketing staff for all things sonic. Atlus USA localizes stuff for them now on the side.

Segas in a pretty comfy spot now.

>Genesis does what Nintendon't

>They were the top rated publisher of 2015
In term of what? Sales? Smarphone shit? Quality (kek)?

>It's lower than past systems sure but not by as big an amount you're inferring
The average NES game back then was arguably more difficult than Dark Souls. Of course they had much more stuff not just for children.

Just because a game is not full of blood and sex doesn't mean it's aimed at children. The difficulty of a game says much more about its demographic.

Sega has been better than nintendo pretty much all throughout the 2000s besides some awkward period during 2005-2007, but even those years were still decent on ps2 and psp.

I refuse to buy a WiiU because I'm not interested in hardware that only plays games from one publisher. But Nintendo polish is still special and unique in the whole industry. Sega had nothing that would set it appart from Microsoft or Sony nowadays.

>The difficulty of a game says much more about its demographic.
Oh I get it, you're just shitposting and don't really have a point. Kids played those difficult games, and difficulty in most Nintendo franchises still remains today (DKTF, Luigi U, and Mario Maker are some examples).

The only reason games were a lot more unforgiven back then was because they were originally designed to eat up coins in arcades, they wanted kids to buy games and not rent them. Also these days games are also more story driven. So the difficulty in games wasn't made for adult players, it was made for kids to beg their parents for coins

>Difficult = for adults
Are you for real? Games were like 30 minutes-1h long with high difficulty so kids (the people with lots of time on their hands) can play for longer periods of time. The Dark Souls comparison makes me think you're baiting though.

>The only reason games were a lot more unforgiven back then was because they were originally designed to eat up coins in arcades
Arcade games are not just difficult for the sake of being difficult, they are also difficult for the sake of being interesting.

Show me one single kid which ever cleared a game like Gradius III. You can't. Games like Gradius are ten times harder than fucking Dark Souls, which any retard with enough time on his hands easily can clear.

Sega games were more Arcadie. Can't see Nintendo making anything like Crazy Taxi or Super Monkey Ball. Sega even made the last good F-Zero.

difficult games are challenging and fun but let's be real. 90% of game designers did this to eat up coins, not because they wanted to make a fun game

Anyone else prefer it if you died Op?

Yea sure, that's also why modern arcade games which only get released on steam or whatever are still this diffcult.

Just like SNES ports back then were still difficult. Not as difficult as in the arcades perhaps, but still more difficult than modern games.

Here's a commercial featuring mature adults enjoying Gradius

Sega did some great stuff but by the time they unfucked themselves with the Dreamcast it was too late. Too many awful decisions caught up with them and they got what they deserved.

As for Nintendo they've always made better games anyway. Mario > Sonic.


The still make games harder until around the PS3/Wii/Xbox360 era to stop people from renting games. Since no one rents anymore and the market has gotten way more casual, they'll make them easier for the excuse of being story driven because fuck it, they already got you your 60$ and no one rents games anymore

It's a video game... of course it's aimed at children primarily... Your point?

>hating nintendo
>loving sonic because he spins fast
>being autistic

glorious history of failure

Nintendo fixes their mistakes, unlike Sega.

Virtual Boy? Fire the guy who made it.
3DS price too high? Massive price drop
Wii U? Slip Iwata poison.

Nintendo games became easy with the N64 already. And games didn't become casual just because of renting, but actually because video games became too popular.

Back then mostly only people who were really interested in games played them, but nowadays every retard plays them, which is why they mostly have abysmal gameplay.

>All that fortune in JAPAN
>Meanwhile Sega of America is dead as fuck instead of being incorporated to help japan expand there consumer base

Yeah, totally no problems here.

Everything you said is wrong.

gradius 3 is not THAT hard

Video Games were never a secret club.

Kept making sonic games even after the Dreamcast. Should have made a Phantasy Star that rivaled Final Fantasy when JRPGs were hot. Give Square some competitions.

Wii music was a massive mistake? Only allow Miyamoto to make games about cute dogs now

Prove it. It's just common sense. If something becomes more popular, it gets flooded with casuals. If something is really difficult, it becomes niche.

Show me your Gradius III clear then.

Who was talking of "secret club"? Stop spouting your memes. One just has to look at a list of best selling games of all times. There you can see that modern games became way more popular than games in the NES/NES era.

Gaming was incredibly popular even in the NES/SNES era you seem to regard so highly through nostalgia.

>Sega will never do a Skies of Arcadia remake
>Sega will never revive the Jet Set Radio or Virtual On IP
>Sega will never make another RPG Phantasy Star game
>Sega of America will continue to pander to Sonic autists

It was by far not as popular as modern games.
>90% of the list consists of games from 2000+

hey man dont blame us for that. i want other games too

>Now a day every retard plays them
They were always working the ages up with each generation
Mega Drive got the 10-15 year olds onto games with gnarly tubular advertising
PS1 did that with 15-18 the first system that didn't aims exclusively to kids
PS2 18-35 also a free DVD player
And then came the Xbox 360 and PS3 which had easy online and addictive CAWD and FIFA for the normies
And now the XBone and PS4 are basically home systems that play Youtube and Netflix, they are Smart tvs with all the CWAD and FIFA

The causalization started at the Wii since that was when Nintendo really actively went after people with no interest in games in futile hopes to convert them not because they were popular. In a sense, Nintendo is who let the normies in

I doubt anyone even heard about Nintendo until someone sent them a message on Facebook

That's All Sega of America CAN do since Sega of Japan holds all licenses to the IPs and only give them sonic and the old IPs to make ports out of.

Sony also still primarily aimed at children, that's why they had very popular games Crash Bandicoot or Spyro or whatever.

No, the casualization started with the N64. Since that's were Nintendo didn't care about arcade games anymore.

>Fire the guy who made it.
Then hire the Yakuza to kill him and make it look like an accident when he becomes the competition.

That and Ape Escape were really the only mainstream for all ages games. Hell, Spyro was created because Sony America realised they had nothing to to sell to kids

They may as well should just get rid of the American branch, whenever they get their hands on something they ruin it.

They never really cared about arcade games since the nes. the Wii however is when they stopped taking leaps of fate and did nothing but tip with the safest and easiest IPs to market