Game is mildly hard

>game is mildly hard
>"its inspired by Dark Souls"


normies amirite XD


But Bloodborne was inspired by dark souls

>Game is boring and the enemies are bullet-sponges
>Inspired by Dark Souls

>game has rolling and swords
>"It's a soles-like, guys!"

>Game came out before Demon Souls
>People still call it a souls-like

>dark souls

when has this ever happened?

Not very common.
But I have had some retards in other venues call Monster Hunter souls-like.

When the PS2 game came out 5 years before DeS.

>Rogue-like Dark Souls
When it's win or lose.


Dark Souls was inspired by Demons Souls.

>game features permadeath

>game features permadeath
>"good gameplay"
>"roguelike" & "soulslike"

Demon's souls was inspired by king's field

>action game with some RPG mechanics
i want this meme to go and stay go

To be fair, at this point Souls-Like is some kind of semi genre. In which case it doesn't matter whether Souls invented that kind of game or not, it's just the name.
On the other hand MonHun isn't like Dark Souls at all. The only similarity is you fight big guys with a health bar on screen, aka you fight bosses.

>check games tagged as "metroidvania" on steam
>read the reviews
>"it's like a 2D dark souls"

I found the difficulty of Dark Souls and some of the gameplay felt similar to Monster Hunter when I first played Dark souls. At the very least DkS reminded me of Monster Hunter.

I once saw someone say a game was "souls-like" because it had checkpoints and you could use trial and error to progress.

Monster Hunter.

smt4 is the dark souls of persona

>you fight big guys

Monster Hunter isn't like Souls. Souls is good.


Decent games are a genera now?

haha epic :D:D ahahaha :D:D epic with a c

>Spelunky - The Dark Souls of roguelike platformers
Fucking triggered. Spelunky is a 2008 game, before DeS


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