Dad teleports in

>dad teleports in
>"are ya winning son?"

Dad is too busy fantasizing to see you losing in Nep-U

>Mom walks in while one of those scenes happen
>Looks at screen
>Walks right back out

I do have to wonder which nep would be my dads favorite

>dad teleports in
>I call the cops because my father is clearly an alien being and I need some top scientist to come get this nigga before he destroys us all

If your dad is a man of taste, it would be Tekken.

>dad teleports in
>"you're better not be holograming on me again son"



What if my dad was a type of guy that cheated on his wife, had a bastard son and was scared to ever meet him before he died, would it still be Tekken?

>both bishops are the same colour

Obama's not playing his fucking game

>Dad teleports in
>Instantly WIN+D to go back on desktop
>Pic is your wallpaper

*it was a hologram*

Yeah I wish my dad can teleport

Can anyone explain this maymay to me?


I played Senran Kagura with my Mother-in-law in the room. Who gives a shit?

wiki how has a lot of very poor art

>tfw v2 for pc in summer
>lots of free time(well this one is a maybe) to play

WikiHow is fun.

are you gohan?

look up Tails vs Sephiroth facebook or something

>"honey i'm pregnant"
>"i don't agree"
>gut punch her

>dads walk in
>"So you like card games? Are you winning, son?"

I want to fuck that card



I want to do lewd things to Rom

>"n-no dad"
>dad unsheathes katana

>dad noclips in
>"pass the tissues son"

Would you fuck those cards too?


>little sister and her friend are practicing teleporting
>I go to have a shower
>they both teleport into the show with me while I'm fapping
>they both kneel down with their tongues hanging out
>I slowly touch their faces as I stroke my cock
> they both moan ~neeahhhh oni-chann!!! aguuuu~!!
>i feel myself about to explode
>my ass clenches like a vice in a tool shop
>the girls accidentally teleport me out of the shower
>I end up in my room
>I cum all over myself
>open eyes
>start to cry
>it was all my imagination
>take dads pistol from the wardrobe
>put gun against my head
>pull the trigger
>no bullets
>go to hang myself with the vacuum cleaner cord
>it breaks
>put it away in hope of mother not finding out

>dad teleports in
>get zapped by my anti-magic boundaries

I want to lick Rom all over her child-like body.

Have you trued teleporting out of a rooftop?
Its a painless and easy way of teleporting out of life


>turn 360 degrees and teleport away

didnt this piss off the dev a lot?

Why would it? It's not like we're his audience.



Dev's more pissed about losing progress

What was the last Japanese hentai game you bought from dlsite user? I doubt he cares about people who'll just pirate his game baka desu senpai.

I'll buy his game

Glad this annoyed someone else.

Then I guess he cares.

if they would make translations id buy them. I bought Rondo Duo and thankfully someone made a translation

Seismic translated his Liru game

I want to fuck those twin lolis desu.

Best girl

then im gonna buy it.