Let's see what videogame powers you have to get a seat in the lobby.
Let's see what videogame powers you have to get a seat in the lobby
You gotta start with the snapchat so people know what this thread is supposed to be
Thread was quite successfuly yesterday so I thought they'd know.
oh damn i thought the threads were gone since the first two days, I pulled my webm out of the recycle bin since i thought it was over.
>2.43 MB
9/10, best one I've seen in a while with these threads.
Australia pls
Are you on mobile
The flowers kind of look like they have a face in them
Fuck you
spent 3 minutes. couldve cleaned it more but eh, it 6 in the morning here. Also been playin the fuck outta pic related and lovin it, on sale and a great buy!
here cleaned it up a bit, couldnt let it go like that lol
Please someone do an edit with the ice key and a frozen glass panel effect, i would if i wasn't so shit.
I don't get it.
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
There were animated gif and webms of this.
For a manchildren like you it must be really funny indeed
>tfw you actively think about things like this in real life
>24.3 MB
why the fuck do people do this
I dunno, I just put it into paint.net and this happened. I could save it as a jpg and it'd probably be smaller.